
MHA : Hero Time

Died and strangled in the world of superpowers. How will Ray live his life when knowing that the world is destined to doom sooner or later? What can he do about it anyway? He doesn't have any power. Well, what he thought before the world gave him the means to save. Now, will he be the Hero who will save the world ? Or he will go PLUS ULTRA My Hero Academy doesn't belong to me, this story is just for fun and all that shit. Don't sue me please. Upload on :- Tuesday to Sunday. Bonus Chapter on Monday and Sunday. ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · Anime und Comics
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156 Chs

Chapter 83 : Under Attack 6

After defeating Muscular, Yuta quickly hid the villain's dead body in his system space. God only knows how much trouble he would be in if someone found him here like this.

Though he can't do anything about his blood itself but its fine, he can just lie that he punched him and injured him to the point that Muscular has to run. 

Hopefully, that detective won't come again asking him questions.

He couldn't afford to waste any more time, Bakugo was still in danger, and every second counted. He sprinted through the forest, even wasting more HT to just speed himself up, saving Hero Time would be pointless if he was late, his senses on high alert as he tracked the direction Mr Compress had fled.

Yuta's mind raced as he ran, his heart pounding not just from the exertion but from the urgency of the situation as well, knowing that this was the cause of the entire fight between All Might and All For One where All Might lost most of his powers, Yuta wanted to stop Bakugo from getting kidnap at any cost.

Finally, he saw a clearing up ahead. Bursting through the trees, Yuta spotted Mr. Compress, the masked guy who kidnapped Bakugo, a short distance away, still holding the marble containing Bakugo. His friends, Tokoyami, and Toru, were already engaging other villains, keeping them at bay.

"There he is!" Yuta shouted, pointing at Mr. Compress. The villain turned, eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Yuta barreling towards him.

Desperate to save Bakugo, Yuta summoned every ounce of his remaining HT he got left, pushing his already exhausted body to its limits by adding King Engine and Soru. He leapt forward, closing the gap between him and Mr. Compress with astonishing speed, almost vanishing from his place.

The villain who was smug just before saw that the ball in his hand was gone, Yuta got it.

"He got it," Others who saw this shouted in enthusiasm. 

[Hero Time Renew in 1 hour]

"Shit." Yuta is always checking on his Hero Time. He knew that he would run out of HT sooner than later, But at least he got Bakugo. 

"Haha, that was very impressive. Shigaraki told us about you and that other kid." The masked man said with a chuckle. 

Yuta didn't care, he currently was in danger, and not having powers meant he was useless. He was just about to run away but then the ball he was holding in his hand changed. Turning into not Bakugo but rather Izuku.

"What ?" Yuta's eyes widen.

He understood, and before his mind even resister, he once again dashed towards the masked man, no power this time but still ready to take Bakugo from his hands no matter the case. He knew that it was dangerous but his failing now will cause much trouble later. 

'How the hell did they get Midoriya in the first place, is that why the Muscular guy came after me, they were also targeting both me and Izuku.

Just as he reached out to grab the marble, a dark, swirling portal appeared between them.

"No!" Yuta yelled, recognizing the portal as Kurogiri's quirk. The villain's misty form materialized, his eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. Just before taking away Bakugo, they even turn Bakugo into his real form just to taunt him.

Yuta watched in horror as Kurogiri's portal enveloped Mr. Compress and Bakugo. He dove forward, trying to intercept them, but it was too late. The portal began to close, Bakugo's terrifying eyes (It's terrifying and not terrified, read that again) meeting Yuta's for a split second before he vanished.

"Kaa chan!" Izuku's voice echoed through the clearing, filled with frustration and despair. He landed on the ground where the portal had been, his fists clenched in helpless fury. He had been so close, that he even got to the portal before Yuta did but...

Yuta on the other hand, well his Hero Time had run out, leaving him powerless. The exhaustion from using One For All at 60% combined with the intense physical and emotional strain left him on the verge of collapse. This was the first time he lost all of his HT in a battle, even when training he didn't use all of it, just keeping enough to any unwanted situation. 

So this was the first time he was experiencing exhaustion when he didn't have Hero Time. 

Izuku pounded the ground in frustration, his body trembling with fatigue and Injuries, Muscular really did a number on him, and most likely he was captured by that masked man, just like Bakugo, during the fight.

Todoroki and the others rushed over, their faces grim but determined. "Yuta, are you okay?" Todoroki asked, helping him to his feet.

"I'm fine," Yuta replied, though his voice was strained. "But Bakugo... they took him."

Todoroki's expression hardened. "We have to regroup, let Aizawa know this," Todoroki said.

Tenya also nodded, in fact, he too was about to suggest the same.

Yuta nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "You're right. We need to inform Aizawa-sensei and the other pro heroes. ."

'What else we can do anyway? Damn it, if only I had a little more Hero Time left.' 


Major Quest: A friend in need.

Main Quest: Find and save Bakugo

Rewards: ???


Power Stone Goal For the Weak

500+ Stones for 1 bonus chapter

1000+ Stones for 2 bonus chapters

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