
MHA : Hero Time

Died and strangled in the world of superpowers. How will Ray live his life when knowing that the world is destined to doom sooner or later? What can he do about it anyway? He doesn't have any power. Well, what he thought before the world gave him the means to save. Now, will he be the Hero who will save the world ? Or he will go PLUS ULTRA My Hero Academy doesn't belong to me, this story is just for fun and all that shit. Don't sue me please. Upload on :- Tuesday to Sunday. Bonus Chapter on Monday and Sunday. ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · Anime und Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter 73 : Date 2

The date started with a good plan as Yuta planned the route so there wasn't much traffic, and thanks to his contact he even got tickets to a new hero movie.

The first place where the pair went was the theatre though the movie itself wasn't that great. It's okay at best.

But honestly looking at his surroundings, Yuta can hardly believe that others were there to watch the movie in the first place. The entire hall was filled with couples. Yuta knew that this gonna be awkward so he decided to act cool and only focus on the movie. Toru acted the same. 

Though with this Sharingan he noticed that Toru hardly was looking at the movie, rather she found the couple kissing on the side more interesting. 

Maybe she felt like no one would notice her glaring at them, which to her credit is right for the most part. If only she knew that her date could actually see her. 

After the movie, they went to the game parlour. Pretty fun to be honest. However he found that Toru was glancing at people who were taking selfies and photos.

Now Yuta could understand why the girl might feel bad. So Yuta tried his best to cheer her up. And seeing that by now she was so used to her condition that she developed a positive outlook on life. 

After that comes a little walk in which Yuta wants to hold the girl's hand, only for the girl to take action first. 

Toru too was blushing and nervous but slowly while they were walking to their next destination, she pulled up her courage to hold Yuta's hand. 

" Hmm, so Toru. I never asked you but why you wanted to be a Hero." Yuta started the small talk. 

" Huh ? ... Hmm, well I always wanted to be a Hero. I don't have a reason for that. 

I remember when I was small, I used to try cry a lot cause when my quirk awakened, I could no longer even see myself. Let alone my parents or my friends. 

I almost went into depression. It went like that until I one day found how useful these powers are. 

It was when one of my friends was getting bullied. I saw it but couldn't do anything. It went on like that until one day I just couldn't take it anymore and recorded the kids who bullied her using my quirk.

Later when the recording was sent to their parents, they were seriously punished. That was when my friend told me that I could be a hero. 

That was the first time I saw my quirk actually being useful for once." Toru remembers her past. Seeing that Yuta was listening intently, she too went ahead and told her entire back story with that quirk of hers. 

"Hmm, I see." Yuta hmm, trying to find anything more to continue the talk, he also felt that the tense way she was holding his hand was now more relaxed. 

"What about you? Why you wanted to be a Hero ?" Toru was the one ask this, this time.

"Me ...Hmmm,

I actually never wanted to be a Hero." Yuta said as he could see the shopping mall at sight. 

"You didn't ?" Toru suddenly perks up, like hearing something interesting. 

"No, it's strange that now people ask me but I still to this date never planned to be a Hero. Or a proper hero for that matter. You see I don't have any problem doing this normal hero job. I infact would choose this over the mundane office work. I in fact fully intend to get my Hero license and become a Pro Hero.

But that doesn't mean that I join to be a Hero. I join UA to get stronger. I wanted to get stronger. That was the only goal, a problem which I was facing was that its illegal to use one quirk if we are not Pro Heroes." Yuta said with a serious note there. 

"You just needed to get stronger. But why ?" Toru got curious. Yuta's answer was not what she was expecting at all. Yuta is much like those top students in the class. All dream to be a Pro Hero. So its especially surprising to hear him saying he never planned to become a Hero in the first place. 

"Well I developed my quirk very late, though now that is not clear considering how Nezu later told me that I most likely had the quirk but it needed a trigger to activate my power which I got way later in my life. 

Would you believe it if I say that I learned about my quirk only 10 months before UA?" Yuta say and to this, her eyes widen. 

"My entire school life I was bullied, even beaten. From a very early age when I realized that I didn't have any quirk, I devoted my time in getting stronger. But for those who have no powers in our society, its hard to survive. 

I work really hard to get stronger even without a quirk. Gym, self-defence, firearm practice with a water pistol, you name it. 

I give everything a try. 

What I want to say is that this was my ideology to survive and it's saved me. Well, most of the time at least. 

But then I came across that sludge monster before 10 months of joining UA. That was when I once again was remembered how weak I am. That if I don't get stronger than I most likely won't be able to survive. 

Thanks to that day, not only I activate my long-slumbering power but I also realised that getting stronger is the only way to survive. 

No matter whether it is a Hero or a normal Civilian, everyone must have the power to protect oneself. 

That was why I joined UA." Yuta said as both of them arrived at the entrance of the Shopping Mall. 

"Wow, I never knew. 

So that's why you are so strong. Because you have been working hard since then." Toru looked fascinated. 

"Pretty much." Yuta just shrugged his shoulders.

That was not the history he was proud of much but it sure was the source of his motivation.

"Alright, lets get in and get what we gonna need for the vacation." Yuta change the topic. 

But just then he felt a nudge from the side as Toru pulled her to the side.

"What.. what happened ?" 

"Shush, look there." Toru said as she pointed her finger at the direction of the shopping mall. 

Yuta follow her finger only to widen his eyes while internally there was alarms going on his head.

'Why they are here,' Yuta almost wanted to shout and ans but he restrained himself. 

He saw the entirety of class 1 A there.

'Why god. I did my homework like a good boy didn't I. Why you have to insert a plot twist. 

Why you can't see me happy for even a day. What possible wrong I ever did to you ?' Yuta wanted to thrash around like a kid, demanading answers but right wasn't the time. He can do that after he is at the safety of his room, away from the range of society for anyone to judge him. 


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