
MHA : Fire Dominanace [Multiverse] {UNDER REWRITE}

Got rid of the multiverse arc currently under rewrite =============================== A guy with Daddy issues , Mommy issues , moral issues and Skill issues. Struggled to get a job after wasting life in college and then in internships that did nothing to improve his condition. He went to a walk outside frustrated with life and bam got sent to hell with no way of reincarnation! Just when he willingly was about to end his existence the absolute grnats him a chance! Follow along to see how this messed up human grows along while deluding himself with things that aren't really his =============================== The chat Gpt aah intro is over now main topics of this story . Mc will be a Hero and Villain in different time frames of the story. Small endgame harem and probabaly romance will be a backstage too. Mc's personality is a bit messed up and his behavior would be questionable at times. any further questions will be answered personally. the synopsis is already 1280 words long =============================== Tags OP MC , Twisted psychology, Anti Hero, Edgy , Multiple relationship, Multiverse, AU, Genderbend {not MC} , Haki, Immortal Mc, Elemental powers MHA , BNHA , Naruto ,One peice =============================== SPECIAL THANKS TO Life_sa_Beach_ for allowing me to use his character itsuki from his fanfic "Minato may have been your father but he Ain't your Daddy"

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Change & Realization

[[Pov Kiyoshi ]]

As I sit beneath the Sakura tree, basking in the surreal aftermath of my rebirth, my mind churns with possibilities.

I've been granted a second chance at life, bestowed with powers beyond my wildest dreams, and now it's time to seize this opportunity and mold my destiny.

But to do that, I need to have a plan of action .

First and foremost, I must familiarize myself with this new world—the world of heroes and quirks.

My knowledge of My Hero Academia is limited to what I've seen in manga and anime, but now I have to delve deeper.

Understanding the society, its power dynamics, and the heroes and villains who inhabit it will be crucial for my life's navigation.

Next, I must assess my own strengths and weaknesses. My ability to manipulate fire related quirks and conditional immortality are powerful assets, but they alone are not enough.

I must hone my skills, specific powersets and develop strategies to maximize their effectiveness in combat and manipulation.

But power alone is not enough , Influence is key in this world filled with sheeple to the extreme , and to do it effectively, I have two paths one is to effectively become a reliable part of everyone's life too precious to ignore or become a force so formidable that there are legends and myhts about me .

However becoming a second rate all for one is certainly not plausible without connesctions ,since my power directly depends upon what quirks i can aquire , other than the one i already have , means that first i need to know what quirks people have .

The accces to the quirk database is the only possible way since Japan despite in the era of prime All for one was nowhere near as chaotic as the early days of quirk emergence that paved the way for A.F.O.'s power dominance .

Law and order while weak wasn't completely ignorable and people's quirk information was locked behind a database only people with authority and connections could acces.

I had neither , in fact i might even be categorized dead by now since judging from this body's memories i wasn't exactly on a picnic in this forest .

This body was kidnapped seven months ago directly from its school and was subjected to some of the worst things any human can ever experience.

Obviously i can't ignore my glaring weakness to the woood of this sakura tree which became the conditional conduit for my immortality , while i can just burn it down but i don't know what it might cause.

In Vampire diaries when the Originals gained their immoratality and burned the white oak tree down another grew in its place , however unlike them i have only gained the immortality aspects not the Vampirism.

Maybe if i burned all of it down a new tree might grow in an unpredictable place and since its ash is basically preservable for eternity it can also increase the potential sneak attack probability.

Well the best way to control this weakness is to control how this wood is stored , detailed and under heavy vigilance.

Although it is highly unlikely that someone figures out such an obscure weakness who is to say that some bullshit ability to find weaknesses doesn't exist ? Its better to be cautious after all .

But none of that is possible right now without having even a real identity, i will first check on my family and see if they can be helpful if not then the world of heroes and villains has no shortage of shortcut opportunities.

[[ A few Hours later]]

Reaching the road to civilization was tough since i didn't really know where the nearest road was .

I just moved in a direction hoping to find a way back , however during the walk i noticed somethings about myself , My personality has changed.

I have become more serious , calculative and more loving ?. It made sense considering that one's memories is what makes one who he is and 18 years worth of memory is a considerable amount , enough to have effects on me .

Considering that the previous owner of this body's quirk was weak only able to conduct heat from the available heat in my body to other objects , my power has amplified the scope of it .

At first i thought that it was just similar to all for one but bootlegged to only apply to fire type quirks but it is completely different from it .

While all for one is like a server which uses its energy to run a program with fixed upper limits , mine functions like a combination of AFO and OFA because unlike AFO i don't need the entire program because i have control over fire in all possible ways i just need the code to make faucets for the power to flow out of .

Like a computer with heavy specs needing an Operating system to function and different applications to showcase its output .

Once i have the code to perform a specific action i have enough energy to amplify the actions of that specific actions to greater hights like Running Minecraft on a low end laptop and the same being run on a Monster PC will have huge difference in performance.

Previously i could only produce minimal heat using my body heat but now the energy in my Quirk and probabaly the immortality allowed me to burn wood with a single touch.

But i know i can do better with training since the quirk can also act like a stockpile quirk , storing heat and transferring it to objects , its basically control over my own thermodynamics and in future i may also be able to ansorb heat into my body from others , hell why others when i can just draw it out from the planet from one touch ?

My thoughts come to an end as i see a small truck coming my way.

I wave for it to stop , with no hope of it stopping like the past 6 trucks, but this time it did stop .

"What are you doing out here kid ?" asked the midddle aged driver.

"I was exploring the forest but got lost can you help me get back to tokyo ?" I replied hoping for him to agree.

"How the hell did you manage to do that ? , well whatever get inside the truck " he seemed a bit apprehensive but gave in to my request.

"So where do you wanna go " asked the man

"Well if possible can you leave me near Shibuya i can go from there " i asked

"Sure, i can do that " he replied dismissively

The ride was mostly silent from there on as the radio played songs and the futuristic truck went on its way unabated.

After an hour passed with small talk , we were nearing Shibuya when suddenly the truck was hit by a large force.

I could see in slow motion a person landing on the engine of the car , the indentations forming ever so slowly before i could move my eyes up to see who that was time resumed and in an instant the truck was flipped .

My ears were ringing and i could feel the broken spine and legs in my own body , however just within a second the limbs stiched themselves back to their original state all the pain gone before i could even let out a single grunt.

I pushed the door outside and quickly crawled out of the truck , what greeted me was a scene straight out of an anime.

A Man with white hair yellow cape and boots, black mask and a belt with G on it , flying around and fighting what could only be described as a Minotaur .

I recognised the man as Gran Torino All Might's teacher . The guy looked nothing like the old man he was shown in the anime , he was muscular tall and actually Kinda imposing rather than just a good old grandpa.

The near instant i decided to take off and run away from the fight as fast as i could , I had no intention of getting between the fight and exposing my abilities.

Obviously it did not pose any threat to my life considering my immortality but the reverse was also true .

I have next to no fighting capabilites and i would rather keep things under my control for as long as i can.

I know eventually i will have to take risks, but that time is not now , Torino will be enough to keep the villain under control as for the driver who helped me .

Why should i care ? I have no responsibility or reason to help him nor do i have to face any repercussions for not choosing to help him.

At this moment i am simply a bystander saving his life in the eyes of the world , there is simply no need to help him.

Yet for some reason my feet did not move no it wasn't "for some reason " i knew exactly why this happened.

I didn't want to do that , i didn't want to take the cowards way out , i didn't want to do what the old me would have done .

Runing away from problems and justifying it with random nonsense and to be honest the old me would have done that for any circumstance.

However this life was different , this me won't be the same after all i had the means to take the risk.

[[Few minutes later ]]

[[Pov Narration ]]

A teenager could be seen running with an injured middle aged man on his back with multiple injuries towards the hospital.

It was a different sight from the usual , in a society filled with heroes people tend to take the role of a bystander more often then they realise.

The young man was no hero yet he was risking his life for someone else.

At least thats how it appeared , in the end this act was also an act of complete selfishness done for self .

But the people didn't need to know that nor did the one being saved.

[[Pov Kiyoshi ]]

It felt kinda good knowing that i was improving my mindset to be better.

I clearly didn't know what i was doing but at least i repaid the favour , it was a hassle for sure but i made due with my own cowardice.

Well since i was done here i just needed to face my parents .

I started walking from the hospital gate , absent-mindedly , i was trying to think up a reason but my feelings on the matter only resulted in a bunch of jumbled thoughts.

Before i realized i was already in front of my house , the location being an almost instinct to the body , i tried to ring the bell but couldn't find the courage to do it .

Afterall i had no story to make up or no lie to tell .

"Takahashi !" a scream rang out behind me , it was the familiar voice of my mother .

I wordlessly turned back my head and the words seemed to be stuck in my throat , emotions swirling.

But it all calmed down with a desprate embrace from my mother , she already a sobbing mess with tears running down her cheeks .

"My baby , whatever happened to you there is no need to be afraid now Mama's here ", her voice croaked out barely above a whisper and jumbled by the continuous sobs , yet these words sounded like the most comforting sound i had ever heard.

I didn't know what expression i was making for her to say this but i know for sure it wasn't pretty for a mother's heart to look at .

But it didn't matter now , Feelings from my mind surged the longing of a mother i never knew i had and the body's emotions made my entire demeanor collapse.

I clung to her like my life depended on it , taking in the feeling of her embrace tears freely streamimg down my face yet a smile filled with contentment adorning it.

I felt something i had never felt before , a Mother's love , something i was never supposed to get .

Yet the mercy of fate had led me to this single moment , it made all the past meaningless even if just for this instance .

I had many things to say , many things to apologise for but the only words that i manages to say were

" I'm back "


2062 words

I know for some people this all drama might seem over bearing but bear with me for another half chapter okay.

You will get it all must you remain patient .

I wanted to post a longer chapter but decided to axe the 4000 something words to two parts for my own writing and structurising convenience .