
MHA fanfic #3 The aftermath (dropped)

This is a continuation of my other fanfic MHA fanfic except I've never watched the show or read the manga. You should probably read that one first if you want this to make sense. There's also Zuri's story that I would recommend reading. Everything stated in the first paragraph of the original fanfic's synopsis still applies. By the way, Mira in this story is just named after the other Mira and is not the same character.

Genderfluidcat37 · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 1

Elizabeth 'Eliza' Sparrow. Loving sister, friend, girlfriend, and hero. The gravestone read. I couldn't help but glance at the wooden box where aunt Eliza was being held. I absentmindedly started fiddling with my purple hair as my dads headed up to the microphone. Denki was crying while Neito tried to comfort him. Hitoshi looked as if he was hardly still holding himself together.

"Eliza was an amazing person" Hitoshi began and his voice rang over everyone here "She was a great hero who vowed to protect everyone but more importantly she was a great friend. Me and my husbands, Denki and Neito, were lucky enough to befriend her while we were all at hero school together. She was kind and always stood up to the others when they bullied me. One time a kid had started yelling at me to leave with my villainous power and she mind-controlled him into tattling on himself. She helped me so many times in my life and I will truly miss her."

He stepped back and allowed Neito to walk forward while taking Denki into his arms.

Tears streamed down Neito's face as he began to speak "Eliza never hesitated to help me. When we were trapped in the villain's headquarters together she unlocked my door knowing she would waste time and potentially get caught. She was even willing to carry me and my husband's child for us and now we have two amazing children who loved her as much as we did. She will forever be missed."

He stepped away and Denki slowly walked forward.

"Eliza was a great friend. She'll never truly be gone as long as we remember her. We'll always carry a piece of her in our hearts."

That was all he said and all three of my dads began walking off stage back towards me and my brother. I gave Denki a big hug as he walked past and he smiled gratefully at me before sitting down behind me. Many others spoke into the microphone about aunt Eliza's life. A tear dripped off my chin and sunk into the ground below me. I glanced around and noticed nearly everyone was crying. There were many people I recognized and many I didn't. A man and woman walked up to us with their child. The woman had pink skin, pink hair, and yellow horns. The man had spiky red hair. The child took more to their mother with pink hair and red horns. The man and woman hugged each of my fathers and the child walked over to me.

"Hi!" She said "My name's Isabella. You can call me Bella for short."

"Hi, Bella. I'm Mary." I responded

"I love your hair!"

"Thanks. I like yours too."

I was being honest but she didn't respond. It seemed something else had caught her attention. She ran off and turned around to see if I was following. When she saw I wasn't she gestured to me and I ran after her. We ran until we came across a play structure.

"Come on!" She yelled when I hesitated

"We should go back," I said

"But this will be more fun!"

"Yeah, but our parents will worry."

"It's a funeral. They'll be too busy crying to notice. Plus my parents don't really care what I do. They know I can take care of myself. My power's acid like my mom. Nobody can hurt me."

"Well, I guess we could stay for a little while. How about ten minutes."


She ran off and immediately started climbing to the top. I laughed and followed after her. I lost track of time as we ran and played and by the time we noticed it was dark out.

"We should head back," I said

Bella nodded and we started heading back towards the funeral sight. I found Hitoshi standing there on the phone. When he saw me he quickly hung up and ran to me.

"Where were you?" He half yelled

"We were just a little ways that way" I pointed towards the park "We were playing. We didn't mean to stay long."

"You scared us all. I bet she convinced you to. Mina and Eijiro said she can be very convincing but I didn't believe them."

"Yeah, but we're ok."

"Ok well, I'll tell Denki and Nei to come back. Mina and Eijiro too."

He sat there with me while everyone came back. Denki and Neito both hugged me tight. Mack seemed mad and completely ignored me the whole ride back. I tried to talk to him multiple times but he refused to speak. When we got back I was exhausted and fell asleep almost immediately.