
MHA Everything Hero: Faker

In the world of superhumans where everyone Wants to be a hero? Midoriya Izuku was born with powers that would make him one of the strongest people in the world. This is his journey to becoming a hero.

TirkanZ · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 2 Entrance Exam

10 months later, UA entrance exam day

The train ride to UA Station was chaotic, with so many people heading in the same direction.

Izuku meditated while standing to calm his nervous mind. He was going to take the entrance exam for one of the best schools in Japan, where All Might had studied. So it would be normal for him to be nervous.

When getting off the train station, Izuku then saw the UA School on the hill. The enormous building stood tall and shimmered in the sunlight. It rises gracefully above the surrounding area. Students in different uniforms all walked toward the main door. Some waved at each other, talked, or walked inside alone or with friends.

Izuku watched with mixed thoughts. Unfortunately, in the entire Andera school, only he and Katsuki came to take the exam. Even though he encouraged and invited friends to take the exam, no one came.

The green-haired boy sighed. before walking with the students to enter the UA School.

While walking along the walkway, Izuku saw a person who could only be recognized from behind.

He was tall and had straw-colored hair that stood up like a hedgehog.

'Baka tsuki'

Izuku chose not to greet him because he knew that would happen. And he didn't want to be upset early in the morning. So he slowed down his walking speed and hoped that he would not take the exam in the same class.

while walking Without being careful, he stumbled onto something and nearly fell on his face on the ground. If it weren't for the help of a stranger that prevented him from falling under the force of gravity, before helping him stand up.

"Ah, sorry for using your quirk. It looks like you need help. Failing before an exam is a bad omen." The brown-haired girl who helped said this.

"Ah, thank you," Izuku said.

"Good luck on the exam." The girl waved at him and walked away.

"As well," Izuku said, waiting for a while after he finished speaking. before starting to walk.


Three hours had passed. Izuku then came out of the exam room. The exam is not as difficult as you think. At least for him. As for the other people, I don't know. But he admitted there were some points that were a bit beyond his understanding, but for the most part, he thought they were well done. Don't waste your energy on not sleeping and studying for exams.

'Better go eat'

Sitting for a three-hour exam takes up quite a bit of energy, and in the afternoon there is a more important practical exam to take. He therefore decided to join the flow of test-takers towards the cafeteria. But as soon as they arrived, there was a loud chatter throughout the cafeteria. All seats have been taken. And at the stalls, there was a long queue that stretched back several meters. Luckily, today his mother brought me a box of lunch. Therefore, he had no problem leaving the cafeteria. All he needed was a seat. And the cafeteria is now no longer a good option.

In the end, Izuku was given a seat under a tree. Get a different atmosphere. When looking out, you will see many people choosing the shade of trees to shelter from the sun, whether in groups or alone. It seems like he's not the only one doing this.

Izuku spent the remaining time idly checking the news. Until there was a voice on the line, informing those who needed to

Practical exam: Enter the auditorium to listen to the exam details.



The exam details are as straightforward as they are in the document handed out upon entering the auditorium. Izuku listened intently, as the host was a famous hero and had his own radio show, Presenting Mike. This caused his nerd hero glands to work, as he began to mumble at a quieter level than usual because of this. He is surrounded by a lot of people. It would be a disturbance if he moaned loudly.

"Shut up, Deku." Katsuki sat beside him, gritting his teeth. It seemed like the seats were arranged so that people from the same school could sit close to each other.

After the breakdown had ended, candidates were then sent out to change into the clothes they wanted to wear for the exam. Everyone has a different examination field according to the group they are divided into. Izuku and Katsuki were in different fields because they were from the same school. Probably to prevent cooperation. But for them, it's probably more of a conflict.

As for Izuku's outfit, it was a green tracksuit. Simple but works well because he doesn't need to wear clothes that support his own quirk.


-B field-

"Oh! What are you waiting for? In reality, they don't have a countdown!"

Izuku and the other candidates ran into the simulation city as soon as they heard the sound from presenter Mike. Each of them rushed to destroy the robots they saw using their own quirk and skills.

Meanwhile, Izuku was running towards his goal. One of the robots smashed into the building, blocking the way, and spoke in a monotone voice. [Target found and must be dealt with]

'1 point?' Izuku thought. He remembered it from the document given out at the meeting. 'Fast but fragile.'

Izuku didn't hesitate as he jumped back. Then call up the model of Bo's staff. Before moving to the side, he raised his arm and prepared to slam it into the robot's neck. But before he could act, a beam of light shot in front of him, destroying the robot. It came from a scruffy blonde boy. When he stared back, the owner of the beam flew away with a beam of light from his own stomach.

Izuku didn't plan on following up on the issue. Time doesn't wait. He quickly set a new target. which saw a group of robots come into view. They have three two-points and one and three-points each.

'Then we'll have to speed things up a bit,' Izuku thought as he dissipated the six-foot-long metal bar in his hand. He couldn't waste any more time running towards them and letting his points be taken away. The new technique I've been practicing for months is finally time to use!


Energy is pumped throughout the body to power muscles and organs. His emerald eyes glowed brightly, competing with the green lightning sparks that erupted in various parts of his body.

Izuku let out a breath. In the next blink of an eye, he transformed into a green blur, rushing forward and quickly bashing the five robots until they were incapacitated. He then immediately moved to another robot within sight. The results were not much different. No robot could withstand his hands and feet.

Meanwhile, Izuku stopped moving after destroying the robot. One of the robots detected him and fired a missile. It made his glowing eyes narrow. before he could slide and dodge to the side. Then jump in and destroy the robot in one go. Gained another three points.

[Target detected…]

Izuku sighed as his crotch locked. He lunged and punched a robot with two points into a building and kicked another one nearby at another robot. In normal times, with this much force, the repercussions would definitely break his arms and legs. It looks like this new technique really works.

After taking a breather, Seconds later, Izuku charged forward in a blur of green light. before jumping and climbing up the building and rolling in the air. Then he swung his heel down at the three-point robot that was attacking the poor examiner.

"What's wrong?" Izuku asked the exam candidate if he had just helped with a friendly smile.

The boy looked back at Izuku. "Th-thank you!" He stammered, barely audible.

"No problem." The green-haired owner nodded before running off.

Izuku's point-collecting destruction continues, along with helping other troubled exam candidates. Because being a hero isn't just about stomping on the villain, and it's over. But you must help victims as well. It's funny that people who wanted to be heroes forgot this point and focused solely on destroying robots. Few people can think of it. He bet Katsuki wouldn't miss it at this point.

Five minutes later, Izuku canceled the reinforcement and dissipated the weapon to take a breather and review the score he received—70 points.


-Control room-

"Wow, look at that green-headed kid. It suddenly became much faster and more violent. Is it a power booster?

"Where did you get the weapons from? Or you can create objects too. Like that student recommending that person?"

"Hybrid quirk is very interesting."

"The others also performed equally well. Whether it's news, movement, decision-making, or raw power,

The teachers who were watching the live broadcast on the monitors chatted about the interesting candidates. Because there were so many people with physical potential this year, the Villain simulation was almost meaningless. Until finally, it was deemed appropriate that it was time to release something cool.

"There are a lot of bright people here. But the real thing will be from now on.


-B field-


Izuku felt the vibrations grow stronger as he turned to look around. I saw a giant robot moving in and destroying everything in its path.

Without having to tell him much, he immediately knew that it was a zero-score robot. Which is a signal that it is time to escape.

"Oh my god, UA has gone crazy!"

"We must escape quickly!"

"Holy Shit!"

The other candidates instinctively ran away. No one thought of fighting because they knew that even if they destroyed it, they wouldn't get any points. It will only be a waste of energy and time. Running away is the right thing to do at this time.

Izuku was about to run away as well. He didn't have to insist on this.



However, he also saw people whose legs were crushed by building debris and were unable to move. He could only try to get up with difficulty. It's also in the direction of the giant robot's journey. The desperation was shown on the face of the brown-haired girl, who looked familiar.

'Was that the person from this morning? You crazy bastard!'

Without hesitation, Izuku immediately ran back to help the unlucky girl. If he runs away now, he doesn't have the qualities to be a hero!


With that, energy erupted from deep within his heart and flowed throughout his body again so that he could go and rescue the young girl in time.

The increase in strength shortened the distance between Izuku and the girl, who needed help in seconds.

Izuku immediately removed the problematic piece of concrete. Then he reached out his hand.


The girl looked up at him in shock for several seconds. She finally grabbed her hand to let him pull her up.

Izuku placed the girl's arm around his neck and held it. His other arm wrapped around her waist. Then get ready to run.

"Just a moment," the girl said, putting her hand on her own body.

In the blink of an eye, Izuku felt that the weight he had been carrying had become much lighter. It was as if the girl's body was weightless.

"The power to lose weight? No, this isn't the time to analyze... Thank you," Izuku said, and the girl nodded awkwardly.

The two immediately headed out before being stepped on. When he saw that he was at a safe distance, he stopped running and put the girl down. The sound of the announcement of the end of the exam sounded. Izuku canceled his quirk and took a sharp breath. Today, he exerted a lot of energy.

"Sorry for wasting your time. If you don't mind coming to help me, You could have scored more points." The girl who had been saved walked over and apologized with remorse.

"It's okay. Helping people in trouble is a hero's duty. Besides, you helped me this morning," Izuku said without regretting the points he should have received.

"That's very kind. I'm Uraraka Ochako. Nice to meet you." The girl introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Midoriya Izuku."

While the two were introducing themselves The medical unit also came to care for the injured. They received candy from the nurse. As soon as he ate, he felt better. before heading to the bus to return to the changing room with the others.