
MHA: Denki's true potential

always felt like denki's quirk was wasted, elctrokenesis has so much potential. so I thought it would be cool to explore a more mature and focused, as well as obviously smarter, Denki learning how to use his quirk properly to become the badass he deserves to be. never written any fanfiction before so any constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated please

Jshn · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

The start of something great


Taking a deep breath Denki stepped onto the grounds of U.A. highschool. Thinking back, a lot had happened since he decided enough was enough, taking his studies seriously and learning to "control his quirk properly" as the old man would put it.

It had been an arduous journey but walking into the U.A. exam hall with confidence made it all worth it. Looking around at all the people also here to take the test, Denki tried to make out any familiar faces in the crowd.

'First up is the written exam' he thought distractedly to himself as his eyes roamed the courtyard. 'That should be a piece of cake,' confidence at his own intelligence showing, not to be arrogant but all that late night studying had finally paid off. 'Then comes the practical exam, now that's gonna be fun.' A smile found its way onto his face as he imagined what could be in store for the practical test.

'Maybe we'll fight the teachers or each other or something.' He couldn't help the excitement building up in him as the thought of fighting some of the faculty with cool quirks came to mind. 'Maybe I've become a bit of a fighting junkie since starting martial arts after all, huh'.

As a kid Denki never really liked fighting, preferring to be goofy and fun, but after all that had happened 'I don't want to feel so weak... so helpless again.' Steeling his emotions he headed into the hall.


'Well that was... easier than I thought it'd be' looking around Denki could see that barely any time had passed since the test started, 'whoops, okay maybe using my quirk to enhance my thinking was a bit overkill' he thought as a small chortle escaped his lips, much to the annoyance to any struggling students nearby.

He could see a myriad of different students in the hall, some looking frustradedly at the paper as if that will somehow spawn the answers to the questions onto it, others looking more calm and collected as they steadily work their way through the questions. None though had finished yet.

Getting up out of his seat, Denki picked up the papers and headed to the front. The examiner looked at him wierdly as he came nearer before going back to whatever he was doing. "Ahem, I've finished my paper sir." Denki said as he placed the exam on the table.

That causes him to look up again. "What? Finished? Boy the test only started not 20 minutes ago, this is meant to take two hours to finish." Stopping to catch his breath before another tirade. "Do you really expect me to believe you completed it already?"

He finishes with a condescending tone and a look that says 'go back and stop wasting my time'

"Sigh. Sir, if you would look at it you'd see its done. I answered every question and I can go through them again if you'd like, but that would be a waste of both our time." Denki replied with a bored look in his eyes and slight arrogance shining through his tone. 'Not today old fart, you won't ruin this for me.'

"Hah, fine! Don't come crying to me if you fail this test and can't get into U.A. then." The assessor answered back sharply. Rolling his eyes Denki just left, people like that are a waste of time to reason with.

Next up is the practical test, finally he could see how he stacked up against other people of his year. Everyone at Denki's old school wasted their time showboating their quirk instead of training it, so he never did get a good comparison.

"Well I guess, I'll just take a nap till then, catch some zzzs and be ready for the test" thinking out loud, Denki scanned his surroundings for a nice spot to lay down on. Looking around he saw a spot just underneath a tree, perfectly shaded to keep the sun from his eyes.

Sleep catches him easily as he lay there, dreams coming and going. Till suddenly it was dark all around, no light whatsoever. He heard voices, faintly, in the distance but couldn't make out what they were saying. He tried moving closer to the noise but was boxed in, he had no place to go. Suddenly two loud bangs rang out as Denki shot up from his place by the tree.


'Still getting those dreams huh.' Sweat rolling down his back as his heartbeat started to slow back down, worry replaced with anger and fustration. 'Goddamnit! I'm stronger than this, no more fearing what happened!" Reciting his mantra Denki got up to look at the time.

'Oh shit, the presentation for the practical has already started. Rushing over he made out the building before racing inside. 'Phew, looks like no one noticed.' As he thinks that denki saw one guy with glasses staring at him hard out of the corner of his eye, 'well almost no one, anyway."

Taking his seat he start listening in on what the test will entail. Basically its a point based system where in the more bots you destroy the more points you earn. The small bots are worth one the next smallest two points and then the biggest are worth three. Though there are the massive bots the loud guy upfront says they aren't worth anything.

'Interesting, judging by this system it puts an emphasis on catching and disabling bad guys rather than helping innocents.' Analysing the test something about it just didn't add up.

'This school is famous for producing some of the best heroes who put the people before fame and glory. Surely they wouldn't test us by doing exactly that?' Not knowing the angle just yet Denki decided to focus on getting points but also looking to see if other things can earn you points too.

'Maybe helping others in bad situations earns more points, but I can't know for sure so lets just make sure I destroy enough robots first.'

With that and present mic's awkward attempts to stir a group of angsty teenagers into an excited frenzy with his screaming, the explanation was over and the test was ready to start once they'd changed and made their way to the test locations, massive recreations of city blocks.