
MHA: Dark Angel

Gets reincarnated in the world of MHA. What will he do in this new world? Will he be a villain or will he become a hero?

Mountain_Dew_98 · Anime und Comics
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63 Chs


A week after meeting with Touya I sent some videos of Endeavor to the news station so that they could air them. I didn't post it on internet as it'll be done by other people.

Well thank's to All For One controlling some of the media in the shadows it became a big news. Public said that it's outrageous to put someone like Endeavor in the number two position. But the HPSC interfered maximum and said that hero life and personal life are two different dimension so not to interfere in it. To match up their statement endeavor's wife Rei told the media "Don't interfere in our family life."

With that most of the media calmed down as from that statement it's almost true that Endeavor is a domestic abuser. In the meantime I met with Touya a couple of time's, and last time I met with him he said that his mother and his siblings with him will be moving out of their house because of some problem with his father so that he won't be able to see me again for some time. He didn't say where he'll move to, but he did say that he'll return here within a couple of years if everything went smoothly with his father. He still haven't told me that he's the son of the second ranked hero.

The HPSC did try to find the culprit for sending the video to the media, but they were met with dead end every time they tried something.

And due to AFO controlled news channel's kept on repeating the video, Endeavor's rank fell below rank ten. He was kicked out of the top ten heroes ranking and his license was suspended for two years. HPSC stated that "Even if Endeavor is an abuser to his family, he is a efficient hero in apprehending villains. And he's also human, any human being can make a mistake and anyone can make it right." Well with that the that issue was abandoned by the media and another one was picked up.

After a four years in the orphanage I was picked on by other kids because I didn't have any quirk and I was abandoned by my parents. The matron did try to diffuse the bullying to some extend by saying that heroes don't hurt the weak and all, as the kid's in this world is brainwashed into thinking that all the heroes are good people they will leave me alone for a week and start over again, and this cycle continued until an old couple Kageyama Sho and Kageyama Hina came and adopted me as their son. They were not super rich or anything but rich, they are just a couple who runs a bakery in Shizuoka Prefecture for the fun of it, but it's famous around the area.

After hearing about my past from the matron they tried to find my parents, and they did. After finding them the old couple asked me if I wanted to see them, thinking about it a bit I agreed and met with them.

The first thing my birth mother said when she saw me was "Who's this kid?"

"Isn't he your son?"

"My son is dead. He died at the age of four, so don't try to hurt us by saying that." My birth father said that and showed the old man Sho a death certificate with my name on it.

Even though they didn't show it to me I knew that from the snooping around I did with the laptop I made using materials from the resource realm. A day after they left me in the orphanage they went to the authorities and bribed them to make a death certificate in my name. Even though I knew about this all I couldn't do anything against them as that'll put a big mark on the back of my head, if they found out that a kid of age five can hack into government servers.

After reading it Sho said "So you are saying that your son, a quirkless boy is dead after an accident that happened at the age of four huh?"


"So you won't have any problem with us adopting Haruto as our son right?"

"No. We don't have a problem."

"Mmm alright. I had to make sure about that." After saying that Sho turned to me an said "From now on you are Kageyama Haruto and you are our son." With a small smile on his face.

Before hearing my reply to them the Nakamura couple left the building and went back where they came from. Seeing the leave did make me a little sad knowing that if they had another kid and he/she is quirkless they will abandoned her too. So I asked Sho "Hey, I have a question. If they have another kid and he/she doesn't have a quirk, ca you do me a favor and adopt my brother or sister?"

"Of course we can and we will. You don't have to worry about that at all. You are our son and we'll do anything for you so don't worry."

Hearing this I teared up a bit, since I can't remember my past life to know if I had parents then and finding out that my parents in this world abandoned me had me on the state of depression for some time, and now I'm assured that another kid born to them won't be abandoned in an orphanage like me. He/she will have a big brother to look after him/her. But now it's all different, so I hugged them tightly and loudly said "I'm Kageyama Haruto and I'm your son."




-----------Chapter 3 End----------