
MHA: Code

Cover made by: Display. Thanks a lot man! Reborn in MHA, average family, Code quirk. This MC is a particularly ruthless, manipulative bastard. Quirk is Code, which allows him to use/change Binary & Genetic Code. There will be politics and economics involved. Probably no love, since he is a bastard. Plans to have an easy life full of debauchery. "We can expect great things from this one" I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] Remove the empty spaces

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime und Comics
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141 Chs


Season 2 starts. It gonna go fast from now on xD

Well the Sports festival arc is like 10 chapters. Just wrapping it up. And the 1 on 1 fights are around 1800 words each. I messed up my original plans coz I was having too much fun writing it with the flow. Read the rest at the bottom of the chap plz.

Word Count 1450


"I will ask again. Why did you kill Kurogiri?" The police officer was staring down at me. I just give him a lazy smirk.

I have been in this interrogation room for 5 minutes.

And I gotta say. I'm having fun.

" Don't know. Why did I kill him?"


"I'm asking the questions here Kid!" The police officer yells our

"Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure I just asked a question as well"

The veins on his forehead start popping.

"Oh your face is getting red. You should take care of yourself. Wouldnt wants you to have a stroke... Then again looking at that gray hair a heart attack looks more likely. Hahaha"


"Shut IT!"


On the other side of the interrogation room.

"Thats enough" Detektive Naomasa stands up

"B-But sir we still haven't gotten anything" The man handling the equipment stuttered

"And you won't get any. Can't you see he is playing with you? And his lawyer just arrived. Look at the camera." Naomasa pointed at the camera and the people in the room paled

"""Eri Kisaski!"""

"No way!"

"How is she his lawyer? Doesn't she only represent big-name companies!"

"I heard her hourly fee is like my monthly pay. How can this kid afford her?"

"Didn't he win a bunch of tournaments"

"You think tournament money can cover her fees? You're delusional"


Naomasa sighs and looks through the window. Kodo Shinichi was looking directly at his eyes.




Fuck. Why do I have to deal with him? Nezu told me he has a lot of dirt on some big wigs. A phone call and he can fire half the police force in his city.

Sometimes I really hate this job. First 'Kaito Kid', then 'Garou'. Now the League of Villians.


Maybe I should look into changing professions. The stress will kill me before even the Villians come close.


UA 2 days after the incident

"Hey, did you watch the news last night? The whole class was shown for like a second. I didn't stand out at all" Invisible girl slumped a bit

"That's true" Multi-arm says bluntly

Tallboy notices and tries to soften the blow " Well, it's hard to stand out when only your gloves and boots could be seen."

Then the whole class starts talking about it.

I was laying on my desk trying to get some sleep. I spent tons of energy to get Kurogiris's quirk up to speed. Literal TONS.

The more energy I put into it the faster the Simulation will finish. Last night. Well more like, morning, I finally got the quirk. I could only make a small mist the size of my fingernail. But I'll focus on training this one.

It's priority number one. I finally have a Warp Quirk.

I fell asleep at around 6 am. And now I'm here at school homeroom starts at 8:30. I only slept for around 2 hours. And my reserves are dry. The first time in forever.

I feel like shit.

"EVERYONE! Homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!"

Fuck you Iida!

I'm so letting Stain criple your arm, or leg.. or whatever

"We are already in our seats"

"You are the only one who isn't"


"So who is going to teach homeroom? I heard Aizawa had some injuries that would take a while to heal" Mina asks


The door opens

"Morning" Aziawa walks in bandaged like a mummy

"Aizawa-Sensei you are back!" the class yells out

"Are you sure you should be teaching?" Ochako asks in a worried tone

"My health is irrelevant. The old lady went too far. Some of the mob Villains had a quirk that damages the skin by drying it at high speeds. It had a delayed effect, Luckily I was already in a medical bed when it happened. Recovery girl went overboard with the bandages"


"No, I didn't! And if you so much as slip on the floor I'm tying you to the bed!" Recovery Girl's voice was heard over the speakers

The class looked awkwardly at Aizawa whose eyebrow was twitching.

"Anyway. Your fight isn't over yet"



"Villians again"

The class started making wild guesses

"The UA Sports Festival is about to begin"


"""""That's a super normal school event!!!"""""

"Wait. Wait. Slow down!" Kaminari stopped some of the others from celebrating

"is it alright to have a sports festival so soon after the Villian attack" Jiro shared her concerns

"What if they attack us again?" Tail-boy asked

"'Yawn'.You would think so. But every year tons of heroes come to see the event to scout out potential recruits. Attacking the Sports Festival is just suicidal." Fuck I'm too tired to even talk

"Correct Oh and why are you so tired Kodo? Your laziness is nothing new but you have never been this tired" Aizawa said curiously

"Do you think I got this strong by being lazy? I train hard in my free time. I'm only lazy here because there is nothing for me to do. And for your information, I was testing out some new moves" the class started muttering

Bakugo clicked his tongue, Deku started to mutter some bullshit while the others made wild guesses.

"Good. Keep up the good work. The sports festival is one of the Biggest Events in Japan. If you make a good impression it will help you out to get scouted. Joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. One chance a year. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event"

Nice speech. Goodnight.



Finally! I need some food.

Invisible girl was getting pumped up. Saying she needs to get scouted.


Yeah. Not gonna happen. She will need to learn to turn off her quirk.

She wasn't the only one getting excited. The whole class was. Well except me. Momo and Todoroki

"Deku-kun, Iida-kun. Let's do our best at the sports festival!" Uraraka said with a serious expression. Damn that aura can rival some of the old martial artists I fought.

"Everyone I'm going to do my BEST!!" She pumped her fist in the air

Right.. I forgot she needs to help her family

Hmm, maybe I should help her out. A favor for a future time, help get her quirk licensed, so she could help out her family. Not a bad idea.

I followed them down the hallway.

"I am HERE!"

"All Might!" Deku Squad yelled out

"Midoriya-shonen. Kodo-shonen. What to have lunch?" He picked up a small lunchbox he was carrying making Uraraka cover her laugh

"Sorry, not interested. I'm starving and I am determined to make Lunch Rush give up. I'm going to eat a 100 servings! " All Might choked because of my words.

Well he is paying for it. Bet he regrets accepting that part of our deal


All Might and Midoriya watch Kodo walk away

"Ahhh, maybe he is still angry at me" All Might scratched his head

"Angry why?" Deku asked, surprised by this information

"Well we used to spar a lot, honestly that kid is scary. Every time I spar against him I feel like I'm fighting against a wild beast. But ever since I lost most of my strength around a year ago, he stopped asking me for spars. Something about not wanting to fight a man one foot into the grave."

"You used to spar? And he was keeping up with you" Midoriya said in awe

"Honestly it was getting difficult for me to keep up with him. I mean if I used all my strength and fought him like I fight Villains then sure I could defeat him.

... Probably...

But in terms of technique and skill, he outmatches me by a lot. And he does that annoying thing when he uses my own strength against me."

Midoriya looked speechless

"Midoriya-shonen, I would like to say something unreasonable like win this tournament. But honestly, I don't think anyone can beat Kodo-shonen. I want you to do your best and learn to control One For All. That's all I can ask."

Midoriya lowered his head "So I can't beat him"

" As you are no. But that doesn't mean you can't! Learn to control your Quirk. Learn martial arts. Especially the Rokushiki. And next year. Take the number 1 spot from Him!" All Might says in his buff form

"HAI!!" Midoriya yells filled with excitement

'I will do my best. Maybe I can beat him this year' Midoriya pumped himself up

'If Midoriya beats him. I will rub it in Kodo-shonen's face. He broke my nose far too many times! I will have my revenge! Muhahaha'

# Author Note

Does anybody have any idea how German Tax Laws apply to Pat reon. I have been getting info from different sources and they all give different information. As some say half of the money will be taken as tax. Pat should have handled that, it says they send the required money to the tax agency. I don't know.

Some say I don't get taxed if I don't make over 3K Euro a year. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy with how much I'm getting now. It helps out with the bills. But I don't want it to end up as Federal Tax Evasion. I don't think they have internet in jail for me to write there xD

Anyway yeah. If you have some info, or know a German writer who has a Pat. Tell me or just say it on my discord. Thx in advance,

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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