Reborn as Neito Monoma was quite the shock, but living his second life as a jealous copycat wasn't Neito's idea of a good time. Watch how the new Neito takes it upon himself and pushes the power of copy to it's maximum potential.
Neito felt his eyes go dark. The very next second, he was standing before Toga.
"Neito, you came. You teleported to me using a new order?"
Toga hugged Neito with a wide smile. Neito nodded and hugged her back, then he noticed where they were.
They were standing on a building's roof. From here, he could see a green-haired boy who was walking on the road with his head down.
'Izuku Midoria. The protagonist of this world.'
Neito narrowed his eyes. He was using 'high spec' to speed up his thinking and was calculating Izuku's behavior.
From what Toga had told him and what he saw by himself, All Might should have acknowledged Izuku's dream just now.
Izuku was constantly mumbling about a quirk.
"All Might wants to pass OFA to Izuku. The story has already begun."
'With this, the world's countdown has started too. Within 1 year, the current hero society will collapse.'
Neito felt the grim reality set in. For years, he had trained his qurik, built connections everywhere, and made loads of money in the name of UA, all for this moment.
'When the hero society is destroyed, I will get my chance to shine.'
'Soon, people will need a new symbol of hope; I will be that symbol. My influence will be everywhere.'
Neito had a smile on his face. Heros? Villains? It didn't matter in the end; both of these groups will help him become successful.
AFO and OFA users can fight all they want. But when everything is over, the winner will be Neito.
"Neito, what are you thinking? Pay attention to me."
"That guy Izuku, is about to get away; are we going to kill him or not?"
Toga suddenly shook Neito, who blinked a bit and then smiled softly. He looked at Izuku and rubbed his chin.
"He will live; his existence is useful. He is a good candidate to keep AFO busy."
"And Toga, don't think about killing all the time. You will study at UA soon."
"Start acting like a hero."
Neito scolded Toga. Years ago, he had chosen her and Twice as his future sidekicks.
Nowadays, Twice feels like a hero. This wasn't surprising; he was always a good guy at heart. Toga on the other hand, was not a very good hero.
She liked blood and violence far too much.
"Whaat? You are kidding me, Neito. Can't you just let me pass the hero course?"
"After Nezu you have the second highest rights in UA. You can make us pass."
Toga begged Neito. She didn't want to attend classes where she was surrounded by people. When around people, she had to pretend that she was normal.
She was not normal.
But Neito didn't give her a chance; it was important that they attend UA normally.
"Toga. What kind of image will I show the world if I skip UA, and declare myself a hero directly?"
"Word will get around that I don't take UA seriously. It will damage my brand value."
"I am UA's future ambassador; I am the last person who should skip UA."
"And you will be my future sidekick; your record needs to be clean as well."
Neito patiently explained the reason behind his actions. He might be the future owner of UA, but that comes with a few downsides.
He had to consider UA's image before doing anything.
Toga now understood why they had to do it, but she angrily puffed up her cheeks anyway.
Neito shook his head, then forcefully pulled her cheeks.
"Just attend classes normally; I will not let you fail."
Neito winked. Manipulating results wasn't difficult for him. They were attending UA for their image; actually studying was far less important to them.
In reality, their futures were already decided.
"If you say so, Neito, I will do it for you."
Toga agreed grumblingly. If she was going to do this, she wanted some time alone. She wanted to practice acting like a hero.
Neito can let her pass forcefully, but she didn't like this feeling. She didn't want to depend on Neito for something so simple.
"Neito, give me a holiday."
"I will meet you at the entrance exam. I want to train before the exams."
Toga decided to take a holiday and start training her acting skills. Her strength was already strong; what she lacked was a good personality.
"You want a holiday? Do you want to prepare? Alright, you can take my bank card and go."
"The password is 'Copy is the greatest quirk'; here you go."
Neito gave Toga his bank card. She didn't have a home, if she wanted a holiday she would be homeless.
Having money was essential, or she could be sleeping on the streets.
"Thank you Nieto!"
"Can you do me a favor? Use new order and teleport me to the park where we first met?"
Toga smiled and asked Nieto for assistance, but Nieto twitched his lips.
"New order is not magic, it doesn't work like that."
"I can give three orders at most using new order. I am already using the first order on my copy of OFA."
"The second order is used to link our minds; only the third order is available to me."
Neito raised his hand.
"If I teleport you to the park, I will need two fresh orders."
"One order to locate the park coordinates, the second order to teleport you there."
"So if we do this, our mind-link's order will be cancelled. Our minds will no longer be connected."
Neito warned Toga, but Toga just smiled.
"It's okay. If I am going to be a hero, I need to act more independently."
"I can't always depend on you for everything. You can beak our mind link; I don't mind."
Neito was a taken aback; he didn't expect Toga to become serious all of a sudden.
She really wanted to improve herself. Maybe his suggestion that she wouldn't pass UA didn't sit right with her.
"Okay. Just call me if you need anything."
"New order: locate safe coordinates in park number 8."
"New order: teleport Toga to the located coordinates."
The second Neito completed his order, Toga teleported away.
Neito let out a breath. Back-to-back long-distance teleportation was taxing on him.
"I haven't visited this city since forever. I will walk around for a bit."
"Will eat something; get some energy back."
Neito smiled and walked to the rooftop's edge. Looking at the city around him, he took a deep breath, then jumped.
As he was falling down, Neito felt the wind hit his face. He enjoyed the feeling of free fall a lot.
But falling off a rooftop was going to scare a lot of people, so
"New order; I am invisible."
That ought to do it, thought Neito as he prepared to land using OFA.