
11: Point Thief


Yusuke arrived at "Site C", and immediately, he spotted some people he knew. He saw Kirishima calming himself down, an enormous six-armed person wearing a mask, and a person with a tail.

He was going to approach Kirishima, but he heard Present Mic from the speakers clearing his throat.

"Ahem- Ahem... SUTARTOOO!!!" he shouted, which both alarmed and confused most of the people.

Yusuke took this confusion to gain a lead, so he was immediately a few inches up in the air, rushing through the crowd.

Right off the bat, a Two-Pointer appeared in front of him. He slowed down, kept his distance, and sent a wind slash toward the robot.

The slash was able to penetrate the robot, just enough for it to be disabled, which surprised the blonde teen.

"So they're... fragile enough for [Wind Blade]? Good to know..." he noted.

He looked back and saw a mob of students running inside the city. He grinned and sped forward, turning left on a street.

There, he saw one Three-Pointer and two One-Pointers.

'If they're 'that' fragile. then...'

Still flying through the street, he raises his palm, and the three robots suddenly fly straight up. He could have just let gravity do its job, but he still pushed them down using the wind, just to make sure that they were completely destroyed.

Before the androids even hit the concrete road, he was already gone, darting away from the street and roaming around the city.


In a dark room full of screens, several dark figures could be seen observing the Exam.

"There seems to be a lot of promising students this year, Principal Nezu." said a tall, slender man, wearing a tan cloak, to a rat-bear-dog chimera.

"Indeed." the Principal chirped in agreement.

"There are also a lot of duds." a bulky man wearing a dark red skin-tight suit, told them.

Some of the figures couldn't help but agree with the man's comment as they saw a green-haired teen, who didn't even have points, panic.

"I just hope Aizawa doesn't expel a whole class of them." said a sultry voice, with others hiding their laugh with coughs.

The mentioned man just grunts.


A homeless-looking man scanned the screen in front of them and stopped on a smiling blonde teen, destroying two Three-Pointers with ease.

He grunted as he saw the points the examinee already gathered.

'24 Villain Points and 13 Rescue Points in... under three minutes.' he noted carefully.

"Ara~ That examinee is quite speedy in destroying the Faux Villains, isn't he?" a sultry voice said, pointing at the examinee the man looked at.

The Chimera tapped a few things on a tablet, and the blonde teen's file was put up for all to see.


"Interesting! It's quite a versatile quirk." the Principal cheeped.

But, just then, their attention was diverted to an explosive teen, who just finished destroying a robot. The homeless-looking man looked at his points and,

'20 Villain Points... 0 Rescue Points.' he said silently.

"Wow! I can't wait to see how they handle the "gimmick"!" The white-furred Principal exclaimed in excitement.


Back in the Replica City 'C'...

Someone could be seen jumping from building to building, looking for Faux Villains. He wore a mask, and his legs were strangely deformed to look like a bug's leg.

It seems as though he overestimated his ability since he couldn't reach the building he was jumping to and started falling down.

He saw a flying person before he was gently put down by a blow of the wind.


Present Mic's voice could be heard from the speakers, saying, "Three minutes leftto!!!"

Yusuke was standing on top of a tall building, peering down on the city below. He looked ahead and saw several people in the City Plaza, battling an army of Faux Villains.

He nodded to himself and jumped off of the building with a smile. He fell down, and only a couple of meters separated him from the floor. But, just then, the wind prevented him from making contact with it.

He could've just flown directly to the Plaza from the building, but he wanted to destroy as many robots as possible on his way there.

And that was exactly what he did, plus he saved some people too.

Arriving at the Plaza, he could see that his fellow examinees were struggling against the army of robots that were attacking them.

'I'm sorry for taking all of your points, everyone...' he apologized silently as he raised his hand.

Most of the droids flew straight up in the air, before immediately falling back down.

Some of the people slumped down in exhaustion, some were angry at Yusuke, for being a "point thief", they said. He ignored them though, and just sent them a smile.

"Two minutes left!!!" Present Mic announced.

As the announcement echoed throughout the city, the ground shook violently. Yusuke's smile turned uneasy seeing the gianormous android creeping behind one of the buildings. It was the Zero-Pointer. The "gimmick" that Present Mic told them about.

The examinees widened their eyes in horror as they screamed in their heads, "Why the hell is it that huge?!"

The gianormous robot punched through a building, and dust scattered throughout the city. Yusuke surrounded himself in a protective dome as debris fell, trapping a couple of examinees near the buildings.


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