

What will happen in the life of a guy who is in the MHA world with the powers of a green lantern without needing the power ring? .......................... Harem of 2 or 3 members. Go easy on me. Trashy updates.

I_Like_that_thighs · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs




"YEEEAAAHHH!!!" the crowd of students exclaimed with new found enthusiasm. 

"PLUS ULTRA!!! Go break a leg everyone!"

"He sure knows how to raise one's spirit." Akira commented.

"Of course he does! He's the 'present mic' after all. You should listen to his podcast once, you'll be surprised how deep his words are." Denki who was sitting next to him said. Present Mic isn't just a teacher, he is the most listened to podcaster in all of Japan.

They were currently in the huge ass auditorium of UA. It's been a few months since Akira and Setsuna's date, this time nothing new happened. They wrote the written part of their exam a few days ago. Akira just got even more used to his new lifestyle and he loves it. He got a new passion for guns too, maybe it is his past life's American blood which is acting up.

"The crowd though… it's fucking huge!" Denki said as he looked around all of his fellow participants. They were more than just a few hundred.

"No joke.." Akira too looked around. But unlike Denki who was amazed, he was a lot underwhelmed.

'That's it?' He wondered looking at his 'rivals'. Almost all of them were underwhelming. 'I trained like a mad man and sacrificed chicken wings for this piece of shit!?'

"What's your testing location man?" Denki asked him. Still a little overwhelmed by UA, unlike Akira who was getting pissed.

"It's A." He sighed "Let's just get this over with." He pushed other students who were in his way and made his way towards the direction where the sign said his testing sight was.

"Thank fucking god! Mine is C." Denki was just happy that he wasn't in the same sight as Akira. "Hey, wait. Aren't you gonna take any tools with you?"

"Don't need any." Akira said loud enough for most of the contestants around him to hear it.

"Look at that arrogant guy…"

"Bet he's all bark and no bite"

"Wanna see him fail so badly.."

His comment made many others around to naturally be annoyed. To them he just looked like an arrogant kid who thinks the world revolves around him.

'What's with him?' Denki simply shrugged. "Maybe he's pissed that Setsuna's paying her way through."

'Then again knowing him, he wouldn't even be a hero if he had that kind of money'


'I may have overestimated the level of the participants' Akira looked at his fellow participants. He wouldn't say they were by any means weak, but most of them weren't by any means impressive.

"Whatever, this just makes things easier." He stretched his arms and neck to get ready for the test to start.

He was currently in a black tank top and a white pants. The others around him were a little overwhelmed by his physique. Which is natural considering Akira's physique is simply… magnificent. He was tall for his age, standing at six foot with broad shoulders and a calm face. That along with his muscular frame naturally overwhelmed the others quite a bit.

"He's shredded…" he heard someone whisper.

But Akira didn't care. He was in full concentration. He achieved his current state in his training, he calls it 'Full-Focus'. In this state his mind subconsciously avoids anything which is unrelated to his aim. Now the only thing which he perceives is the black screen on the drone above them. 

The moment the screen changed to a 'go' screen, he sprung into action and dashed forward. He wasn't the fastest among his competitors but he wasn't the slowest either. While all of them ran towards the robots to get their points. He ran towards a tall building near him.

He analysed his surroundings for a bit and soon, a larger gauntlet with spikes and sharp fingers appeared over his hands.

He climbed on top of the building within a minute as quickly as possible. He wasn't a bit scared of falling down either.

"Fuu…. a SVD should do the job." He crouched down and grabbed the air, immediately green energy manifested around his arms, taking the shape and appearance of a SVD sniper. It was fully emerald green in colour and translucent.

He looked through its scope, seeing how many others were struggling to destroy the robots.

"Newbies" He whispered and started shooting whatever robot he saw.

His 'Projection' is really a weird quirk. While some quirk defies physics to a limit where it is still believable, his downright destroys physics. While still having a limit, his quirk gives him a lot of freedom on how to use it. It can be used for attack, defence and even healing. While it is just a single quirk, it gives him the ability to use many other things which could be considered a quirk themselves.

The only downside is that none of the things he creates using 'projection' is permanent. But that isn't fully a disadvantage either.

'Getting about 200 points should be enough right? I don't want to hoard all the points.'


In the surveillance room where all the teachers of UA were looking at the entrance exam through various cameras. They were accessing the overall quality of this year's participants. 

"Should the entrance exam be this over the top every time?" Someone asked. 

Hearing his questions most of the other teachers sighed while the principal smirked and leaned forward. Nezu loves to explain why he's doing this. The other teachers who heard his explanation more than once were just fed up with that. Every year some new staff or teacher asks similar questions like that which leads to a long explanation.

"With such a wide battlefield and limited time, we can bring out the best in them." He looked at the screen which showed a kid quickly taking out most of the one-pointers by shock circuiting them.

"There are many types of heroes. The kind who can access the situation in an instant, the intelligence gathers." He changed the screen to a tall boy with multiple arms and eyes at each of the arms' end.

"Those who'll never be late to the party." He changed the screen to a guy with a literal engine on his calves. He was using his leg's quick burst of speed to pummel down the robots.

"Those who cope with any given situation, the decision makers." He shifted the screen back to Denki who was cornered by many robots. He looked confused on what to do. Then as if he had some epiphany, he picked up a steel rod which was nearby and started to pummel down the robots which were malfunctioning due to the electricity from Denki.

"And finally, naturally gifted people." The screen changed to two guys both in tank tops. One was blasting any robots near him and the other was shooting any robot at sight.

"Ohh~ you may have a fan this year, Snipe." Midnight said looking at Akira who almost destroyed 1/3rd of the robots in his division.

"Is that his quirk? It's a lot similar to 'her's'. " Toshinori said, seeing how much Akira resembled 'her'.

"I don't think so.." Nezu commented while tapping on his watch's screen, immediately the screen before them changed.

Nezu read out its content, "His name is Akira Kento, lives alone since his parents got divorce and from the looks of it they don't seem to care much about him. His quirk is 'Projection'. He can temporarily manifest any construction to reality."

"Sheesh~ If that's really his quirk then he's barely scratching its potential." Present Mic commented.

"Well… the description can't really be trusted but seeing how fast his bullets are and how they seemingly vanish after hitting the robots there's no denying that his quirk is powerful." All Might too commented, he was really nervous on the inside that his disciple hasn't even scored a single point.

'Don't lose hope Midoriya!'

"His accuracy is no joke either." Snipe commented, looking at the replays of each of Akira's kills. "He sniped targets even farther than 400 metres. It's no simple feat considering his age, it's either that he trained from a very young age or his bullets and gun defies simple logic."

"I believe it's the latter…" Aizawa, who was silent the whole time commented, he was reading Akira's info from a tablet. "His parents aren't anybody special and the only extra curricular activity he seemed to participate in his middle school is swimming."

"But we need to assess his character to allot a suitable teacher for him, with how many points he got there's no doubt he's qualified for the hero course." Nezu said while rubbing his hands deviously, he brought his hand near a switch labelled 'Yakuri'. "All they need is a little 'motivation' to see how they'll truly act during emergencies"

Nezu grinned happily while pressing down the button, releasing all the Zero-pointers in every field.

'He's enjoying this a little too much…' seeing Nezu's smile all the teachers thought the same.


Meanwhile in Field A almost all of the students were fleeing after seeing the Zero-pointer, desperately searching for the remaining robots to increase their points during the last minute of the exam. Almost all of them avoided the zero-pointer knowing that they get no benefits by attacking that.

The key word being 'almost', the one anomaly is none other than Akira.

"So that's a zero-pointer huh?" He commented while looking at it, "U.A. sure has a lot of cash to burn. That thing alone must cost more than $10 million." He stood up and simultaneously his sniper disappeared. He has already scored nearly 200 points, he didn't want to hoard all the points to himself when it serves no benefit.

'Avoiding it is the logical course of action, but this is U.A. we're talking about. They're famous for their creative ways..' He looked at the large holographic screen above them which was displayed by a group of drones. It showed the remaining time they had.

'41 seconds… they activated it at the last minute, so if my prediction is correct this is kinda like a secret test… else there's no point in activating it at the last moment but the question is what kind of test is it? I'm certain that destroying the robot will give no point since they themself said it.' He tried to guess what the secret test could be. He looked around and noticed how all the drones were no longer pointed towards everyone, now they specifically pointed towards the students who were running away from the zero-pointer.

Akira immediately chuckled, "Of course it's about rescuing… this is a hero course after all." He suddenly jumped down the building, just as he was falling a cape appeared on his back which slowed down his fall, allowing him to land softly on the ground without any discomfort.

"Let's see if this can stop it." He walked past all the students who were running past him. No one of them cared to stop or even look at him. 

But suddenly his hand was grabbed forcefully and tried to pull him, only to fail.

"Hey what are you doing!?" It was a girl with long orange hair. Though she wasn't physically stronger than him, he could tell that she wasn't a newbie from her grip.

"Trying to stop this thing." He easily got rid of her hold, her grip may be good but she was physically much weaker than him, and walked towards the robot.

"Wha-?" The girl was confused and looked at him weirdly. She stopped running just to see if the boy was telling the truth.

The zero-pointer though didn't stop and continued to move at the same speed.

Akira stopped walking and closed his eyes since larger scale constructs require more concentration. His whole body got covered in a green light which was more on his chest and eyes. He raised his hands towards the robot and immediately, a large wall taller than the robot soon formed in between him and the robot. The wall was almost 4 metres thick.

"What the!?"


"The hell is that!?"

"What even is that quirk!?"

There was a mixed reaction from the crowd but Akira didn't care and focused on maintaining the wall, getting ready for the robot to crash at his wall.

"There's no way the wall can block that right?" A constant asked his neighbour

*BOOM* The answer to his question came quickly when the robot banged against the wall, only to be stopped completely.

"Never mind…"

Akira opened his eyes to see what was going on, it was really taxing on his mind to maintain the wall when a 10 ton robot was pushing it.

'It may explode if I crush it… I'll remove its legs then.' He quickly thought of a plan and immediately, 4 sharp pointed tendrils extended from either ends of the wall, piercing through the wheels of the robot to immobilise it. After that the robot was no threat and soon the bell rang, announcing the end of the exam.

"Fuuu…" Akira opened his eyes and immediately the constructs disappeared. He wiped the sweat which had formed on his forehead, 'That was a bit exhausting…'

He pushed his mind a lot this time.

'Well, nothing, a cup of coffee or a nap couldn't heal.'

That was the best thing about having a quirk that uses 'mental energy' instead of 'stamina'. 'Mental energy' takes a lot less time to refill than stamina.

Akira started walking towards the exit to leave the place, he was suddenly stopped by a voice.

"Hey! The boy in the tank top!"

He turned back to a girl walking towards him. It was the same girl who grabbed his hand a while ago.

"What?" He asked her.

"You were so cool bak there!" She said enthusiastically. "Your quirk is really powerful too."

"...thanks?" Akira was a bit overwhelmed by her enthusiasm, he was never used to this. "Um- I have to go."

"Oh, sorry if I disturbed you.." The girl seemed to be taken back, "If you don't mind, can I have your number?"

"Sorry, but I already have a girlfriend." He replied in a heartbeat.

"Oh! I didn't mean it like that!" The girl seems to have realised how her wordings could have been wrongly interpreted, "I just wanted to befriend you, afterall we may be in the same class you know?" She asked, now a little flustered about her action.

"I see.. Then I don't mind, do you think you'll be able to remember it till you reach the… whatever place we kept our phones in?" He asked her, they weren't allowed to bring their phone to the exam unless it was being used as a tool. For their phone's safety.

"Don't worry. I have a very good memory!" The girl said with a thumbs up.

"Fine…" He proceeded to tell his phone number.

"....9. Got it!" The girl fist pumped after reciting his number perfectly once again. "Then, see ya later…"

"Akira. Akira Kento."

"Then see ya later Kento-san! My name is Itsuka Kendo!" The girl left after saying that.

"She's the literal definition of an extrovert.." Akira muttered and continued his journey to the locker room.


That's for today. Hope you liked it and about your question about Akira's quirk's full extent. Please wait he'll explore it further in future chapters. And no, he won't have any connection with other emotions of the emotional spectrum from DC. That will just make him stupidly overpowered than he already is.

Even now he's too strong to the point I have to write slice of life stuff to make the story a bit interesting. Since he can just blitz out almost all fight in just a few seconds (I'm not talking about All Might, Stars and stipes or anybody who's too strong for the current him).

And for the one's wondering why's he naive. That's because he's not even fifteen yet, the memories of his past self is almost fully suppressed by his brain to prevent him from getting multiple personalities. So all of his past life is like a dream to him, he will remember certain things distinctly but will not be aware of many things.

So if you have any more questions please ask here...

Leave a review or too bros... it's pretty empty down there.