
MHA┃ Ice and Darkness.

Dying at a young age, a boy is given the opportunity to live out a new life free of disease in the world of My Hero Academia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be an AU, I will be changing some things around to my liking while some things may stay the same. New Villains might be added as well, don't know yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This story is for fun and It's not to be taken seriously... I mean AT ALL.

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9 Chs

Chapter 7.

Chapter 7.



The room was silent, the thugs looked in fear and a bit of amazement, at the newly made ice sculpture of the thug named Gil.

Kiseki's glare had more meaning to it now, and so did saying his name. He made sure that the thugs learned this. Which is why he was glad that someone wanted to be tough and challenge him, as he had basically gained a free volunteer to be his example...

One that wouldn't be walking away.

Over the next few minutes, Kiseki spent his time explaining the plan and what Tomura had in stock for them. Most were disappointed that such a brat would be leading them, while others didn't care since they would be getting paid a hefty amount just for guarding the door. As well as killing some children, which just riled them up some more.

'...Truly a lost cause...' Kiseki thought to himself off to the side as he watched Tomura continue to explain his plan, as well as state every expectation he wanted from them.

Toga was next to Kiseki as Tomura did his explanation, she wasn't sure of what was going on but all she knew was that she would be able to taste more blood as well as go on a fun date with Kiseki... Even if that so called date was just a heist to kill the number one hero.


____WITH U.A____

The class of 1-A could be seen lined up outside U.A in front of a bus. While the students were chatting, Aizawa, their teacher, turned towards a hero dressed up as what most would think is a astronaut.

"Where's All Might? Wasn't he supposed to be coming as well?" Aizawa questioned. His uninterested face never faltered though.

"Yeah, he's still coming but he'll be here later... He had something to do." Thirteen said while holding up a three at the end of her sentence.

(A/N. Thirteen a girl right?)

Aizawa didn't say anything and just nodded his head in understanding, he then turned to his right and stared at the extra member he wasn't expecting...

"How come you're here, Midnight?" He questioned, a bit of annoyance laced in his voice. The woman in question posed before smiling brightly as she whipped her... whip.


"Nezu asked me to come along as well since All Might was going to be late. Nothing wrong with extra company! I especially don't mind it if my company is you~" She teased. Aizawa rolled his eyes before turning to his students.

What he saw was just what he expected.

"...Jiro, please pick up Minoru and get him on the bus... When we get back tell him to clean up the bloody mess he left on the ground."

Jiro sighed as she nodded, she reluctantly picked up Minoru and got on the bus, some laughter from the students could be heard as well.

Thirteen and Midnight watched the interaction with a smile on their faces, while Aizawa looked like he wanted to die ten times over...



---- 30 Minutes Later ----

Pulling up to a giant domed building that looked as if it could fit a whole city inside, was none other then the class 1-A group.

"Woah! This place is huge!" Ochaco shouted, she was a girl with big round cheeks and big brown eyes, along with brown hair that was styled in a bob-cut.

"Yeah... Just how amazing is U.A?" Ojiro questioned with a bead of sweat and a wry smile plastered on his face. He was a boy with a long furry tail attached on his back end, he was dressed in a karate style robe.

(A/N. Don't know what they're called.)

"Haha! That reaction is quite normal I suppose... Alright, let me introduce to you... The U.S.J Facility! This place is used for training wannabe heroes like you guys in disaster relief. So things like land slides, wild fires, floods... You name it!" Thirteen informed enthusiastically. A big difference from the classes main teacher, Aizawa.

The students started asking questions and Thirteen took her time and answered every one of them, though Aizawa had stepped in at one point to hurry them up... Which leads to where they are now.

The entrance of the U.S.J building.

"Wow! It looks even bigger inside..." Eijiro Kirishima shouted in amazement, the other students nodded in agreement. Minus a couple though, and those were Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, and Fumikage.

"Stop gawking and take this seriously. If you go into a situation with that immature mindset, someone's bound to get hurt... Or worse. So pull yourselves together an-"

Aizawa was forced to stop mid sentence as the lights to the building started flickering, and not a second later his head snapped to the middle of the building, the plaza at the bottom of the stairs.


A purple mist like portal appeared in the middle of t he plaza, throwing the students as well as Midnight and Thirteen off guard.

"Woah... Is this combat training as well! Awesome!" Kirishima shouted, excited at the thought of being able to practice combat with his quirk once more.

"No! Get back now! Group up together and get back to the bus! Midnight, Help me out, Thirteen! Take the kids to the bus!" Aizawa ordered as he pulled down his goggles.

"Okay!" Thirteen replied after a little bit of hesitation.

Midnight's once playful attitude was no where to be seen, all that was left was a face full of seriousness, highlighting her mature and beautiful face even more.

"Alright, just make sure you don't get hit by the smoke." She told Aizawa, who in turn grunted in understanding.

The two pro heroes got into fighting stance as they kept their gaze on the still expanding purple portal. Once it got wide enough, waves of thugs came rushing out, they all had a greedy look in their eyes and a wicked smile as they eyed the students along with Midnight.

"Leave now!" Aizawa shouted towards the students and the rushing Thirteen, he then looked towards Midnight and nodded. As if understanding him, she nodded back and then they both jumped into the crowd of thugs...


____POV MOMO____

It was supposed to be another normal training today... But how did it come to this!? We were all really excited for this trip as this was a chance for us to expand our skills as heroes, but now... Now we have to face real villains?

Looking behind me as I ran towards the exit a long with my classmates, I saw that a giant purple portal opened and let out waves of thugs, after the thugs came a boy that looks the same age as us, he had messy grey hair that fell in front of his sky blue eyes. There was also a strand of purple hair that stood out for its unnatural coloring... He had a black Nike jacket, grey joggers and then white shoes.

Next to him on his right was a teenage girl with ash blonde hair, piercing yellow eyes filled with excitement and a big smile, as I looked longer I saw that she had a pink hue on her cheeks...

'She's excited?! Just what did we get into?' I questioned myself, my heart was beating so fast I felt like it would just break through my chest.

Looking around at my other classmates I saw that they weren't doing any better. Except for Bakugo... That guy seemed excited instead of worried...

Glancing around again my eyes landed on the boy named Shoto Todoroki, he still had his same indifferent expression but his eyes held that of confusion as well as some worry...

"-mo! Momo! Are you okay!?"

"Huh? Y-yeah im fine, we need to hurry up!" I replied, to my pink skinned friend. She gazed at me worriedly as we ran, I was surprised she didn't trip though.

"Make it quick! Once we get out these doors, the fastest out of all of you need to get back to U.A and report this immediately! I don't know how much longer Aizawa and Midnight can last!" Thirteen shouted, making the worry I had welling up inside me, get heavier.


"I apologize, but you won't be going anywhere."




Ion know how to feel bout this chapter... It felt wonky.


U.S.J attack has officially begun!