
MHA┃ Ice and Darkness.

Dying at a young age, a boy is given the opportunity to live out a new life free of disease in the world of My Hero Academia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be an AU, I will be changing some things around to my liking while some things may stay the same. New Villains might be added as well, don't know yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This story is for fun and It's not to be taken seriously... I mean AT ALL.

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9 Chs

Chapter 5.

Chapter 5.



Kiseki watched as Toga approached him with a feral grin plastered on her face. He wasn't in the mood to fight but the opportunity to test out his power tempted him.

"Come on mister~ Just a little is enough!" Toga shouted as she threw herself at him, knives swinging and kicks being thrown. Kiseki calmly dodged all her attacks while he himself analyzed her fighting style.

'...Its terrible... She has some aptitude for handling knives but her form and everything else is absolutely garbage. Her balance is almost none existent when she attacks, but maybe that wild, aggressive fighting style is what gives her an edge on her victims.' He concluded, though he was still interested in her.

"Stop dodging!" Toga shouted, frustration clear in her voice. The whole time while Kiseki analyzed Toga, the poor girl was still trying to get a hit on him.

"...No thanks." Kiseki replied, raising his right hand, Toga jumped back in preparation to run or defend herself. But what happened next completely caught her off guard.

The shadows that were present from the lamp posts in the middle of the night, all started to move around and... dance. The shadows darkness started to contract and raise off the ground.

All of this was possible due to Kiseki's quirk. His ability to manipulate darkness was a lot more versatile then his Ice manipulation.

Chains of darkness shot out of the shadows on the ground and moved with high speeds towards Toga. The girl in question went wide eyed as her instincts told her to run away this instance.

'I need to move!' She told herself. But she was paralyzed by fear, the thought of someone being able to control shadows to this extent scared her...

'Come on!' She mentally told herself, the chains were just inches away from impaling her limbs and rendering them useless, but just before they hit. Toga dodged.

"Ugh!" She let out a groan of pain from hitting the wall next to her.




The chains of darkness hit the concrete before them with astonishing strength, ripping up concrete and throwing dust around.

'...Damn it. I guess I should try and use this more. Though, I already have experience with manipulating shadows since that was my original quirk...' Kiseki reasoned. Glancing around, his eyes landed upon Toga once again, he saw as she was struggling to stand up while holding her shoulder.

'...Most likely hurt it on her way down... She is interesting though.'

"Hey... How do you feel about doing a job for me?" Kiseki suddenly asked her, causing her to freeze once more in confusion.

'What? Job? He wants me to work for him? Or is this his way of asking me to be his friend!' Toga's confused expression turned to that of bliss in just a couple of seconds, throwing Kiseki off guard.

"What're you smiling about?" He questioned.

"Oh nothing!~ Sure, I'll be your friend!" Toga responded with excitement. Completely forgetting about her hurt shoulder, she ran up to Kiseki and reached out her hand, she was still bouncing with happiness though.

From Kiseki's point of view, she looked like a happy puppy that saw it's owner after a long day...

'...What the hell is she talking about?'

"...Friend? Who said anything about being friends? You're going to work for me, not become my friend." Kiseki tried to explain but fell of deaf ears as Toga wasn't even listening anymore, she was to busy imaging all the things she and her new "friend" are going to be doing in the future.

Seeing as to how the puppy in front of him wasn't even paying attention, he sighed and walked passed her causing her to come out of her imagination.

"Ah! Where are you going? Are we going to do something fun?" Toga questioned.

"...No, I'm going home. By the way, my names Kiseki. You?" Kiseki asked as he walked away. He was almost at the exit of the alleyway, and just before he turned the corner, he felt something grab onto his arm.

Looking to his right, he saw Toga next to him, her arm in his as she skipped happily next to him.

"My names Toga! Let's be best of friends kay?" She said full of happiness. Kiseki didn't respond, he was to busy looking into her eyes which held that of... Longing?

Turning away, he faced forward and continued on his way home.

'...I feel like this is going to be interesting.'

"Hey..." Kiseki called out.

"Hmm? What is it Kiseki?" Toga replied, looking at her new friend with curious eyes.

"...You aren't staying with me... Go back home, I'll call you when I need you."

"Awww man~ It wouldn't be so bad spending every day with me right? Plus we just became friends! We can have a sleep over and do things friends do!" Toga replied, her excitement oozing out of every pore on her body.

Kiseki just listened as she shouted every little imaginative thing she had on her mind regarding their new found "friendship".


---__ 2 Weeks Later __---

In a abandoned warehouse stood a group of at least 100 street thugs. They were all chatting amongst each other while others were still skeptical about the whole meeting they were called to.

"Hey, do you see the boss? Zero?" A thug asked.

"Shhh! Are you crazy!? He'd kill you if he ever heard you say that!" Another one warned, causing the surrounding thugs that didn't know Kiseki to get curious.

"Who's this Zero?" A thug asked, drawing more attention from the surrounding thugs.

"Z-Zero is someone you don't want to come across as an enemy... I remember what he did like it happened yesterday..." Another thug answered, once again drawing attention as well as putting the other thugs on edge.

"W-what he do?"

"Yeah come on, tell us!"

The thugs were so completely engrossed with learning about the mysterious "Zero" that they failed to notice a purple mist like portal appear off to the side, and out came a boy with hands covering his body with one directly on his face. His hair was disheveled and dry, his skin was pale and as dry as a Popeyes biscuit.

Walking into the room, Tomura was thrown off guard for a second looking at the numbers of thugs that were standing in front of him, his shocked expression changed to that of mischief as he smiled maliciously, raising his hands in the air, he spoke.

"Haha! Wel-"

"Tell us already! Stop being a bitch!"

"Yeah! Tell us who Zero is!"

Tomura was shocked and annoyed at the fact he was cut off, but once he heard who they were talking about, he became even more annoyed along with anger.

'What is this! They should be here for me... What's this got to do with Zero!' Tomura thought to himself, he started scratching his neck aggressively, almost drawing blood but was stopped when Kurogiri interrupted him.

"Where is Zero? Is he not here yet?" He asked, looking at Tomura for an answer. But all he got was an increase in scratching and heavy annoyed breathing.

"It's all about that brat... What's so special about him anyway!" Tomura muttered, anger flashing through his red eyes.

Kurogiri looked at Tomura with conflicted eyes... Though he was made to assist Tomura, he couldn't help but think that Zero is a better choice for his masters successor...

'Im sorry young master... But not every thing is meant to be.'

"I don't know wh-"



A loud swirling noise was heard reverberating around the room. The shadows around everyone all gathered in one place, causing the thugs along with Kurogiri and Tomura to be put on guard.

Once the darkness in the room gathered, everyone's eyes were set on that spot, every single one ready to pounce on the intruder.

But to all of their surprises... -

"Wah! That was so cool! Your quirk seems so strong..." A girlish voice rang throughout the warehouse, her voice was full of excitement along with amazement. And once her voice dissipated, so did the darkness, revealing a duo of teenagers that look no older then 17 and 18.

One was a girl with ash-blond hair, she was wearing a school girl uniform but she had knives holstered on her thighs. Her partner was a teenage boy with messy grey hair with a strand of purple that fell in front of his face, covering his forehead.

The boy had clear white skin, a handsome but plain face, along with a height of 5'8. He was wearing a black zip up Nike jacket that had strings. His pants were that of grey joggers that matched his hair, for his shoes he wore all white high-top air forces that completed his style, giving him a look of a regular teenage boy.

He also had a surgeon mask on his face, covering his mouth, most likely to keep his identity a secret from the thugs.

"...Keep it down Toga. We're here."