
MHA┃ Ice and Darkness.

Dying at a young age, a boy is given the opportunity to live out a new life free of disease in the world of My Hero Academia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be an AU, I will be changing some things around to my liking while some things may stay the same. New Villains might be added as well, don't know yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This story is for fun and It's not to be taken seriously... I mean AT ALL.

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9 Chs

Chapter 4.

(3rd Pov.)

Chapter 4.



Standing in a frozen warehouse was 3 people, two of which had dirty grey hair, and one was a purple mist-like being.

"...What did you do?! Why would you kill them all! You know how long it took me to recruit all those useless bugs!?" Tomura shouted in rage, turning towards Kiseki. Tomura glared at him.

Kiseki watched the man-child throw a tantrum and raddle on and on about how much hard work he put into recruiting the street thugs.

"Why don't you just recruit some more?... Im pretty sure if you just lie about what you're recruiting them for and bait them with a bunch of money, they would jump straight to the cause and try to join you immediately..." Kiseki suggested with his usual bored, uncaring tone.

"Zero has a point young master... Those were just regular street thugs, surely we can recruit some more." Kurogiri added. He then looked towards Kiseki, then glanced at the giant wave of ice covering half the room.

"Please do something about the ice as well... It's affecting the temperature." Kurogiri said, causing Kiseki to sigh in annoyance.

But none the less, he listened.

'Tch... I should really leave these guys... But the pays good and I don't have anywhere else to go.' Kiseki contemplated. Although he was taken in by All For One, he doesn't feel all that grateful towards him, not after what he did to him... Forcing him to become Tomura's protection was the worst thing he could've asked for.

He's not going to lie and say that he hates All For One, cause in all honesty he doesn't... He just really hates being around Tomura...

He feels as if he's losing brain cells just being around him.


The sound of ice melting resounded through out the warehouse, Kiseki had adjusted the temperature of the ice and heated it up. His Ice manipulation could be considered an awakened quirk, because of how he was born with the ability to manipulate Ice and "shadows" God just upgraded Kiseki's abilities to match the potential of actual full blown manipulation of Conceptual Ice and Darkness.

"Kay... Done. Now what do you guy's have in plan? I know that we're supposed to be trying to kill All Might, but I don't even have a general idea of how we're going to do that." Kiseki asked.

Kurogiri looked towards Tomura for an answer. He was ordered to not help Tomura in anyway when it comes to plan making, as All For One needs Tomura as a successor. But Kiseki is different... All For One considers him a suitable successor as well, which means that he wants them both to be able to lead and plan.

"Argh... We need more minions... We need a lot more then what we had originally, Zero! Go recruit more thugs and make sure they're strong enough to handle U.A students!" Tomura ordered.

Kiseki snorted at Tomura's words as he replied.

"Why don't you do it? I don't work for you remember? Plus every grown thug on the street can handle a U.A student... As long as they have killed at least." Kurogiri nor Tomura could refute Kiseki's words as what he said was correct. Most the U.A students have never been in contact with a regular street thug. Though the students with more powerful quirks will be a handful.

"You're right. But what about the students with the more heavy hitting quirks?... Like that child Bakugo, or that Todoroki brat?" Tomura questioned.

"That's where Zero will come in... As we all know, Zero has the power to dominate every hero at the school, except for All Might." Kurogiri added. Listening to his words, Kiseki's lips formed a smirk before it quickly disappeared.

'I actually don't know if my power now can be matched... I'm just playing the part right now, but in the future that might be different. I just need to have a set plan for what I want to do in the future...' Kiseki thought to himself.

"Just let me take care of the ones you deem as a handful..." Kiseki added.

"No. You will be on reserve... Serving as our "Nomu." Kurogiri stated, causing Tomura to go wide eyed.

Kiseki didn't have a reaction to his words, in all honesty the boy just wanted to go to sleep.

"What are you thinking Kurogiri!? The brats strong but he's not stronger then a Nomu!" Tomura shouted, completely against the idea.

"Master wishes for Zero to make a name for himself, alongside you. The Nomu he has been working on has had some complications as well, so he needs to have a replacement. He trusts in Zero's abilities to get the job done, so he expects you to be able to use him wisely." Kurogiri informed the duo.

Kiseki sighed hearing the explanation.

He doesn't mind doing dirty work, but he hates being used as a tool. I mean who wouldn't?

Tomura on the other hand was running through his options.

'Should I listen? What if Zero fails? What then? Why does Sensei trust him so much? Is there something I don't know?' Tomura started scratching his neck in frustration as he tried to piece together all the reasons All For One would use Kiseki instead of a Nomu.

"Ah!" Tomura exclaimed, seemingly coming to a conclusion.

"It must be because you are replaceable... It wouldn't be tied back to him if you were to have died. Yes, that must be it." Tomura said out loud.

A tick mark appeared on Kiseki's forehead, and not a second later, the room temperature once more dropped below zero.

"You think some brain dead animal has a better chance at surviving then me? You can't even handle one attack from me, let alone that puppet!" Kiseki shouted, clearly annoyed with Tomura's jabs.

Kurogiri watched the interaction between the two, deciding whether or not he should report how Tomura's and Kiseki's relationship is progressing.

'This isn't good.'

"Yeah... What're you going to do about it brat? You kill me, you have to deal with Sensei!" Tomura shouted, Kiseki froze when he heard those words, internally weighing his options.

'Damn it... I could kill them both and be done with it, but then what? I'd be a murderer and I'd be on the run anyway...'

"Haaah. Whatever. This meeting seems to be over, I'm going home." Kiseki said with a sigh. The temperature in the room started to rise at a steady rate, though the damage had already been done to Tomura, who was shivering and hit teeth were clattering.

"T-That brat!"



After the meeting, the trio split up and went their different ways to recruit more thugs. Kiseki didn't have much trouble with this task as he just went around to different gangs and took over. Once he became their boss he told them that he would call them when he had a job for them.

Though they don't know that job will quite literally ruin their lives even more then they are now, but they don't need to know that.

If they did and tried to run away, Kiseki would just kill them. He is quite hopeful that some would try and back out though, he's been needing some test subjects for his conceptual darkness manipulation.

He's tested it out and he can quite literally generate and manipulate anything that has a shadow. Generating his own darkness is something different though, cause that darkness quite literally eats all light. He can shape it to his own liking and, just like his conceptual ice manipulation, it doesn't take any stamina or anything at all.

Anyway, Tomura on the other hand, being the simpleton he is, used the internet. He made use of the dark web and recruited from there. He took Kiseki's advice though and just lied about the type of jobs they were needed for and had a really big pay for them.

Obviously they wouldn't need to worry about said pay, since they wouldn't even be alive, or free, to get paid.

Kiseki was currently walking around the streets looking for more stray thugs or gangs to recruit for their little heist against U.A.

'I've already gotten more then enough for the job... I should just head home.' He thought with a sigh. Walking in an alleyway, he thought he would find some more thugs but it seems that news got out that he was out hunting.

Meaning that they probably went into hiding for a while.

Stopping in his tracks. He turned around with a deep breath, he started making his way out of the alleyway but was forced to dodge to his right to avoid an incoming knife.


"Awww man! You dodged that? And here I was looking forward to your blood..." A sweet-girlish voice rang throughout the alleyway. The girls voice would've been a lot more attractive had she not sounded like a bloodthirsty psycho...

Kiseki moved his eyes and laid them upon his attacker. His empty sky blue eyes surfed over the girls body.

Her ash-blonde hair that was held up in pig tails, along with her yellow playful eyes and white clear skin would've made her quite the catch, but the fact that she currently had a crazed bloodthirsty smile ruined it...

For the most part...

"...Why're you attacking me? I don't remember doing anything to you..." Kiseki questioned, his usual bored tone had a hint of annoyance mixed in. Showing just how much of an inconvenience she is.

"Aww~ Don't be so cold... Im just here trying to get a taste of your blood! Will you give me a taste?" The girl replied with a question, licking her knife as she asked.

Kiseki watched as the girl slowly started making her way towards him, knife extended in one hand while the other reached for another that was holstered on her thigh.

'Just what did I get myself into...'