
MHA┃ Ice and Darkness.

Dying at a young age, a boy is given the opportunity to live out a new life free of disease in the world of My Hero Academia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be an AU, I will be changing some things around to my liking while some things may stay the same. New Villains might be added as well, don't know yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This story is for fun and It's not to be taken seriously... I mean AT ALL.

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9 Chs

Chapter 3.

Chapter 3.



After the call with Tomura, I didn't immediately leave for the meeting since I didn't really care about what would happen if I was any later since I was already late.

But considering that this world is a world ruled by people with dangerous quirks, I didn't want to try and test my luck just in case Tomura had people with stronger quirks than me.

My quirks are strong but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

'Alright, let's see what this man-child wants…' I thought to myself as I stood up off the couch.

The apartment wasn't that bad, it was just really old so the walls and ceiling were peeling and the room had a permanent smell of old mustard and smelly socks.

Anyway, making my way out of the apartment, I was bombarded with cold fresh air and a beautiful night and starry sky.

My lips curled into a bright smile as I took in a deep breath of air.

"Haaah… This might not be so bad after all." I mumbled under my breath. Looking around some more as I made my way to the destination Tomura sent me, I saw that the area I resided seemed to be the "bad" side of town. Meaning that the place just gave off a feeling of uneasiness and a feel of danger.

The buildings in general that surrounded my apartment were that of run down office buildings or warehouses. Great places for a villain hideout or doing illegal things in general.

Even so called "heroes" partake in some of the more villainous acts and use these hideouts.

This body's childhood wasn't so great when it came to heroes… Which is probably why he got tangled up with Tomura…

'Tomura… Leader of Villains and a total bitch… This doesn't sound like it will go so well.' I mused. The memories this body had over Tomura and his group wasn't much, except for the fact that Tomura was the leader of the League of Villains and he had this misty assistant that could warp people places.

'Very handy…' I thought with a shake of my head.

Turning a corner, I was met with the sight of a very suspicious place that was labeled as


Literally just "Bar." No fancy name just that, but the sense of uneasiness seemed to be coming off stronger from that building more than the whole area that I've walked…

Glancing down at my phone, and then back towards the building I realized that this was the so-called meeting place.

'So we meet here every time? Thought it would be a warehouse… Or an underground lair… How bland.' I thought to myself, disappointment would've been heard if I had said it out loud. Most of the time the League of Villains met up, we were usually just grabbed by Kurogiri and thrown into a random warehouse they owned.

Shaking my head to rid my thoughts. I made my way towards the door, but before I entered a voice rang from inside the building.

"Argh! Where is that brat! Just because the Master likes him doesn't mean it will stop me from killing him!"

"Young master please be patient… Master has already explained the boy's situation to us, we can not kill him until Master says so. He's an important piece to your plans and he can be of great help."

"Ah whatever Kurogiri! The next time this happens I'll ask the Master for permission… Surely he'll agree."

"Yes, Young master."

Listening to the one I'm guessing was Tomura babbling on about how he feels that I'm not taking him seriously. I got bored and almost decided to go home since just listening to how he speaks makes me not want to be here.


I have a job to do I guess…

"Haah… Here goes nothing."


"Yo… Sorry I'm late." I spoke. Glancing around the bar, I saw that there was a group of thugs sitting to themselves in the back of the room while Tomura and Kurogiri sat in front.

Kurogiri was behind the counter cleaning glasses that seemed to already be cleaned, while Tomura was sitting on the stool in front of said counter scratching his neck like some crack addict.

"...You're late! Ah whatever just sit down already! The meeting needs to start!" Tomura shouted. I just nodded my head and, keeping up my carefree attitude, made my way towards a chair.

"Wait just a moment. We are about to move locations again, so I would appreciate it if you didn't sit down… That goes for all of you." Kurogiri stated, stopping me in my place.

'We're moving again? Ohhhh, he's probably taking us to the warehouse now… I'm guessing he does this so that we don't know where their hideout is.' i Inwardly mused.

"Alright." I responded.

The other thugs just groaned and complained under their breaths but they still got up anyway and moved towards Kurogiri.

Tomura did so as well, though he kept his distance from the other lackeys.

'Based off what they said, I guess I'm not a lackey so to speak… Their boss values me for some reason so I should be with the main group of whatever they're doing. I was with the main group beforehand anyway so I should be fine.' I pondered.


"Please follow us. And you as well Zero." Kurogiri said, while saying the latter he looked at me.

'I forgot that was my codename.'


The other thugs in the room had already stepped through the big purple mist-like portal and disappeared to the other side.

The next to follow was Tomura and then it was my turn.

As I walked through the portal I glanced at Kurogiri, he noticed my stare and just nodded his head.


Walking through the portal felt as if I walked through a moist field in the morning, it kinda gave off the feeling of being drenched in water, but you were completely fine once you made it through.

'Eugh... I hate that…' I inwardly complained.

"What the?..."

"Where are we?!"

"Were we played!?"

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted them!"

Looking around, I saw that all the thugs that came with us were freaking out, some were even ready to start killing each other if it meant getting answers.

"Ah! Calm down! Geez, what a noisy bunch…" Tomura's voice invaded our ears, successfully drawing our attention. He was sitting on a giant object that seemed to be a car covered with a cloak.

"I brought you all here today, to explain my grand plan of killing All Might!" He exclaimed with great passion, the expression I could see from under his... hand was one of pure bliss, almost like he was being worshipped.

"W-what? You? Killing All Might?"

"Are you insane?!"

"How do you expect us to believe that you can kill All Might!?"

The thugs all started shouting and cursing out Tomura for his seemingly ridiculous plan. I myself didn't really care, and in fact, I didn't feel much from hearing his words.

Seeing as to how the thugs were reacting, I took a step back and sat down on the other side of the room. There was another car, so I just hopped on that and sat back to watch the show that was currently unfolding.

"What?... You don't believe me!? How dare you pieces of trash doubt me! Im your boss! You listen to my orders no matter what!" Tomura shouted, his voice filled with anger.

'Sheesh... This guys kind of braindead isn't he?' I thought. Just watching his interactions with these lowly thugs showed me just how much of a trash leader he is... How do you expect someone to do something thats basically considered suicide?

"What?! If that's what you think then all we have to do is kill you and one of us can become the leader of the league of villains!"

"Yeah! We don't need you!"

The thugs retorted, keeping the same energy Tomura had. The group of around 75 thugs all activated their different quirks and got ready to fight. Throwing Tomura off guard.

I glanced at Kurogiri and saw that he was staring at me with a glare.

'What'd I do?...' I thought with a confused expression. I pointed at myself and he nodded his head.

'Does he expect me to stop them or something?' I thought with half shut eyes. I'm not in the mood to handle some toddlers mess.

I decided to ignore Kurogiri's hint and I continued to watch the drama unfold.

"You bastards! Who do you think you are!?" Tomura shouted in rage, he as well was in a fighting stance, his hands placed forwards since his quirk relies on his hands the most.

The thugs smirked in unison as the most powerful among them stepped forward.

"Haha... You think you can take us all on by yourself? You really are stupid!" The thug taunted. His words worked like a charm as Tomura started grunting and breathing heavily in rage. His face contorted as he prepared to launch himself at the group of thugs.

'He's got heart... I guess.' I inwardly mused.


Looking to my right, I saw a misty purpled man appear next to me, drawing my attention.

"Master would appreciate it if you did your job and protected young master... You were brought in by Master when you were younger so I expect you to be able to do your job." The figure who appeared next to me was none other then Kurogiri.


I didn't respond immediately as I surfed through my memories, and ill be damned... The master really did bring me in when I was little.

'Damn it...'

"Haaah, fine. I'll do something about it." I said with a sigh. Kurogiri nodded and backed up behind me.

Standing up, I cracked my neck and hopped off the car.


Dust swelled up in front of where I landed, causing the thugs to look my way.

"What!? Are you agreeing to his nonsense!" A thug questioned.

"Nope. Just doing my job..." I replied with a bored tone.

Raising my right hand, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped to unimaginable degrees.




"Argh! W-what the hell!"


"I-its s-s-so cold!"

Ice shot out from my hand and instantly froze everything that was in the way. The 75 thugs that were lined up and ready to kill Tomura were now... Dead.

The ice that incased their bodies instantly stopped their hearts from the sudden drop in temperature.

"Haah... Oops, what're we gonna do about that?" I questioned with a carefree attitude.