
Chapter 8

Seeing Luffy escaping the silver-haired man chased after him followed by the man with the cowboy hat, "wait Luffy it's me!" he shouted.

As Luffy was running he suddenly got attacked by a girl with short black hair, dark pink glasses, a dark pink t-shirt, and white pants, "I'll cut you down!" she said while swinging her katana.

Luffy easily dodged the attack before leaping onto the roof of a building, "tsk," muttered the girl. "Tashigi! call an emergency gathering of all marines, search every inch of this town for the other straw hats!" instructed the silver-haired man while flying towards the roof Luffy previously leaped on. The man's whole lower body was made out of smoke.

"Understood Captain Smoker," replied Tashigi before rushing in the opposite direction.

"White Snake!" shouted Smoker as his whole left arm turned into a large amount of smoke, the smoke attack chased the fleeing Luffy's figure. "I came here to beat the crap out of Crocodile!" said Luffy before disappearing surprising the already agitated Smoker, "what? Crocodile...HUH!"

-back to the rest of the crew-

"I wonder where Luffy-san is..." said Vivi worriedly, only Sanji, her, and Karoo were at the hiding spot while the rest of the group were elsewhere.

While Vivi and Sanji were talking the rest of the group came back and were about to say something when Zoro exclaimed, "got down, marines are running around the place for some reason." Hearing him the rest of the group immediately hid with Vivi and Sanji.

"They're probably chasing some dumbass pirate," stated Sanji nonchalantly. Suddenly when Sanji finished speaking a large group of marines ran only a few meters behind them while shouting, "HALT STRAW HAT!"

"Huh?!" exclaimed the group uncontrollably, when they peeked behind them they saw Luffy getting chased by a large group of marines, when Luffy saw them he stopped in his tracks and turned towards their directions, "whoa everyone is over there!" he said excitedly.

He started running toward the group, Zoro seeing this angrily yelled, "idiot! don't come here until you've lost them!" unfortunately for them, Smoker was already right behind Luffy "white blow!" exclaimed Smoker as his fist was propelled towards Luffy powered by smoke, Suddenly, "Heat Haze!" an arrow-like fire rushed towards smokers attack instantly stopped in it's tracks, the fire attack slowly took the form of a man with a cowboy hat, the man was shirtless and had a purple jolly roger tattooed on his back. The man also wore dark blue shorts, and carried a small dagger and a backpack.

"You might be smoke but I'm the fire," stated the man, fire still coming off each of his fingers. "Ace," said Luffy surprised.

"You never change Luffy," replied Ace while looking back at the surprised Luffy. "Ace..ACE!" shouted Luffy excitedly.

"I'll catch up with you later. You guys run for it," stated Ace seriously while staring at the large group of marines led by Smoker. "I'll keep these guys busy, GO!" he continued.

Luffy stared at Ace's figure for a moment before running off, "let's go!" he said to his friends who ran behind him.

As Ace and Smoker were about to fight they heard a small, child-like voice above them, "Mew mew..." They both instinctively looked up and saw Mew floating above them.

"What is that thing?" questioned Smoker annoyingly while staring at this weird pink creature. "T---That creature was with the straw hats, sir," stated a random seaman first class nervously.

hearing the words of the seaman Smoker glared at Mew before immdeintly attacking him, "white snake!" he his fist turned into smoke before rushing towards the floating Mew.

Suddenly a light pink force field surrounded Mew's whole body neglecting Smoker's attack entirely. Suprised Smoker attacked again but it was just like his previous attack neglected.

Ace seeing the distracted Smoker attacked, he sent fist shaped fire attack while shouting, "FIRE FIST!"

The attack rushed towards Smoker and his followers with immense speed. Smoker seeing the attack immediately tried to block it and protect his followers, "smoke spark!"

Mew seeing how Ace sneaked away when Smoker was to distracted blocking his fire fist, followed behind him seeing where we was rushing towards. 'Is heading towards the Going Merry?' Thought Mew to himself.

"Portgas D. Ace...what a troublesome fellow you are, and that creature. I really need to capture the straw hats," muttered Smoker while looking at the direction the straw hats ran.

-To Be Contiued..