
Met his match

Ronobir Chatterjee is an artist but he also teaches students. He has seen many students in his career but nothing like Mishti Khanna who inflicts his dark desires more than anyone else. He wants her but he can't have her. But would it stop him?

Nyra_Joshi · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs


Mishti was watching Ronobir with a small grin on her face. They were at his apartment, she was finishing her assignments on one end of the couch while he was intensely grading essays on the other. The crinkle on his forehead and the serious expression on his face amused her. She liked seeing him like this in his element of work, seeming like just as much of a perfectionist as she was. Lately, they've been doing this a lot, doing work, relaxing, or just talking together. Their relationship has progressed to the point where they've realized they can enjoy each other's company outside of sex. Not that sex was far off either of their minds especially since Mishti couldn't help chewing on her pen, fantasizing about going down on him while he was working.

It was definitely his glasses causing this effect.

"You're staring." He said, still looking down at his work.

"I'm admiring." She teased taking the pen out of her mouth.

Ronobir just smirked as he moved on to another essay. Mishti bit her lip, placing her notebook and textbook on the coffee table before crawling towards him on the couch. He was so invested in whatever paper he was currently on, he didn't even notice she moved from her spot until he felt her breath on his ear.

"Don't you have assignments to do, Miss Khanna?"

"Mhmm, but I finished all of it." She grinned before leaving a kiss on a sensitive spot on the back of his ear.

Ronobir felt a shiver go down his spine, trying to bite down a moan as she continued kissing and sucking his flesh. "Mishti...sweety I really need to get these papers done."

"You've been working hard for the past 2 hours. You deserve to take a break and relax." She suggested moving her body closer to his.

"Can't, I'm just on time grading these."

"We won't care if you're late returning our papers, we'll actually be grateful. Plus, I can make it worth your while." Her soft voice full of desire made Ronobir melt. She was too damn sexy for her own good but as much as he wanted to cave, he knew he shouldn't.

"As tempting as you are, and you very much are," He sighed, making Mishti cockily grin. "I have to get this done, sorry sweety."

Mishti huffed in annoyance but she wasn't the type to give up so easily.

She took the essay and folder off his lap and the red pen out of his hand setting it to the side, making room for herself effortlessly straddling him. After undoing his pants, she removed his reading glasses from his face, placing them on the coffee table before she began slowly rolling her hips into his.

"Mishti...I can't." He groaned in protest even though his hands resting on her hips were sending a different message.

She hummed, kissing and biting a spot on his neck while still rocking against him at a torturous pace. "Give me ten minutes." She whispered in his ear, her wet tongue sending him chills when it hit the shell of his ear. Ronobir was struggling with his priorities knowing he could use a break but also needed to finish grading no matter how amazing Mishti felt about him.

-And she definitely felt amazing.

"I'm so wet for you, I know you can feel it even through my clothes. You can feel how badly I want you and I can feel how badly you want me." She bit the flesh on his neck, lightly enticing a moan from him. She placed her hands by both sides of his head on the couch as she ground her hips harder down onto him making them both gasp in pleasure.

"Fuck." Ronobir grunted, making Mishti smirk to herself before her mouth took over him instantly. The kiss is as frantic as their bodies, both in desperation to reach some kind of release. Even with their lower bodies covered with clothes, they both could almost taste the sweet friction forming, it would be a letdown to stop now.

He trapped her bottom lip between his teeth lightly, licking over it to soothe the pain then shoving his tongue in her mouth delightfully. Mishti moaned at the intrusion and also at the tight grip he had on her hips, guiding her movements and grounding down rougher. Ronobir kissed down her jaw to the neck then stayed on the top of her breasts for a while, hypnotized by the cleavage popping out of her tank top.

"God, you are so sexy." He muttered against her skin, making her move her hips faster. The friction was unbelievably intense. Mishti felt she might pass out. She harshly bit her lip, wrapping her arms around his neck to keep him as close as possible. Ronobir decorated her chest with his kisses and tongue, making her throw her head back.

"I love it when you talk to me. Telling me how much you love my body or you want to do to it while I whither in your arms...fuck." She slowly crushed under her breath after he hit a particular spot. Ronobir 's eyes darkened, he's never heard her curse before but something about it was a major turn-on for him. She kissed him deeper, feeling herself so close to reaching a satisfying end but she needed him to be there with her.

Her hip movements sped up gradually still dominating the kiss with just as much passion. One of the main things Mishti loved most about being with Ronobir was how sexy and powerful he made her feel. Every kiss and every decision was led by her and he wholeheartedly allowed it.

Ronobir teased the hem of her tank top up slightly, loving the feel of her skin under his touch. She moaned at the coolness of his hands soothing her heated back.

He attempted to lift the clothing item off her completely until someone barged into the door.

"Ronny! Bloody hell put that away!"

Eyes widened in fear and shock Ronobir immediately lifted Mishti off of him practically throwing her next to him on the couch. She looked at him in confusion then drifted her eyes to the other woman standing by the front door. She had a gorgeous accent, plumped pink lips, long black curls, and a killer body...

-How the hell did she know Ronobir?

"I see knocking isn't your strong suit." He muttered doing up his pants.

"Neither is celibacy yours." The woman spat back with a grin.

Ronobir rolled his eyes. "I gave you that key for emergencies only. And what the bloody hell are you doing here?"

"Now is that any way to greet your little sister?"


"Yes, sister." Mishti's face turned crimson not realizing she asked that out loud. "So you can drop that look of paranoia off your face. He's not cheating on you, at least I don't think."

Mishti straightened out her clothes and hair as she sat up on the couch eyeing Ronobir. He gave her a 'sorry' look before grabbing his sister's arm and leading them to the kitchen.

"Soundarya, what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing? Playing house with this young girl? I thought you moved here for a job not to babysit."

"You barge into my home unannounced, might I add, and feel you have the right to insult my company?"

Soundarya sighed. "Fine, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know you were even seeing anyone."

He wiped his hand over his face frustratingly. "It's complicated."

"Everything's complicated with you, Ronny."

"Umm, I think I'm gonna go," Mishti announced with her bag and textbook in hand walking towards the door.

"Oh don't leave on my account." Soundarya teased. Ronobir glared at her before going after Mishti who was already halfway out of the building.

"Mishti!" He called after her before she could exit through the doors. She turned around to face him slowly before he led her out of the doorway to an abandoned corner in the lobby. "I am so sorry, sweety I had no idea she was even in town."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not."

She nervously bit her lip looking at the ground. "So what are you going to tell her, about me? She already caught us in a compromising position, not an easy cover-up."

Ronobir sighed. "Soundarya and I have a different relationship than I do with the rest of my siblings, if I tell her about it she'll definitely yell and shame me but she won't tell anyone. Would you be okay with me telling her?"

Mishti couldn't deny her paranoia. The fewer people that knew about their relationship the better but she should've known they couldn't hide forever. Ronobir knows his sister better than she did, if he says she's trustworthy then she'll believe it too.

"If it's okay with you." She answered.

He nodded, lifting her chin up. "Hey." Mishti wanted to dive and swim in his dark brown eyes as he looked at her thoughtfully. He always wanted her input, as if everyone including himself's opinions were invalid except for hers. Ronobir listened to her and made sure she was okay before making any decisions, he put her first in every situation...she began feeling something in the pit of her stomach. The feeling was similar to when she first admitted how she felt about him but stronger.

Mishti was too scared to label it so she just leaned in to quickly kiss him, the lingering taste of his lips made her stomach flip.

He pulled back, kissing her forehead. "I'll call you."

She nodded with a grin kissing him one last time before walking from the corner and out the door.

When Ronobir made his way back up to his apartment, Soundarya was already raiding his liquor cabinet.

"It's a little early to be drinking, don't you think?" He commented on closing his door.

"It's never too early to drink when you catch your brother practically having sex with a barely adolescent girl." She responded before standing up from the cabinet with a bottle of Brandy in her hand and placing it on the counter. "So are you going to tell me about her or do I have to force it out of you?"

"Soundarya." He warned.

"An 18-year-old, really Ronny? You couldn't find anyone your age, I mean I understand this town is small but c'mon!"

Ronobir sighed, needing a few shots of the alcoholic drink himself right now.

"How'd you two even meet? Is she one of your students?" She took his silence as a yes and her face turned sour. "Not only are you screwing an 18-year-old but she's also a student at our brother's college, lovely."

"Soundarya you can't-"

"Don't worry I won't tell anybody, it doesn't make it right though, and doesn't mean I condone this."

He sighed in relief walking to the cupboard and taking two glasses out. Out of all his siblings he was closest to Soundarya even though she was the youngest, they had a strong bond. Since childhood he was always there for her and vice versa, he trusted her enough to tell her about Mishti; that should say it all.

"Playing with her emotions isn't okay either, you're better than that Ronny."

"It's not like that." He said pouring the liquid into both glasses.

"Oh really? So you're not toying with this girl's heart?" She asked taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm not." He said sternly, feeling more than offended that someone would think he was playing with Mishti. He's never been more honest with anyone.

Soundarya raised an eyebrow curiously.

"I don't know how it happened...it started off as just a sexual relationship and somewhere along the road-"

"She caught feelings." She claimed.

"Actually I did."

She looked at him stunned.

"Mishti is not like any teenager, hell she's nothing like any woman I've ever been with. She's determined, bold, and driven, she knows what she wants and takes it. She's incredibly smart and beautiful...my gods she's beautiful." He drifted off taking a sip of his drink, catching himself getting lost in just the thought of her.

"Wow, you're really taken by her aren't you? I've never heard you talk about anyone like this, yet again you've never really done the girlfriend thing before."

"She's different," Ronobir claimed to be taking a seat in one of the kitchen chairs. "I genuinely care about her, this isn't just some scandalous fling."

Soundarya sighed, sitting down in the chair next to him. "I can clearly see that but exactly how long do you plan to keep this up?"

"Why are you so worried about my love life, sister?"

She scoffed. "I'm definitely not but I am worried about you and dating one of your students is a bit worrisome don't you think?"

He playfully rolled his eyes, continuing to drink.

She had a small grin tugging on her lips. "Alright, I can't hold it in any longer. I'm not just in town because I wanted to see you. I may have run into Tapan while in London a few days ago and he gave me this to give to you." She pulled a piece of paper out of her bag. "There's a new talent company opening next year and he may have put in a good word for you and showed the owners some of your work and...they want you to be a part of their team!"

Ronobir stared at her with wide eyes mixed with excitement and shock, he couldn't truly process what she just said.

"Ronny, did you hear me? They not only want you a part of their team, but they will also dedicate a whole hall to just your work for each new showing!"

He blinked a few times before responding. "I just...I can't believe it." His hysterical laugh was soft and low.

"I know! So now you can thank Ratan but quit this joke of a job and move back to London and do what you love." She beamed, not realizing Ronobir 's happy expression dropped. Working at a talent company again, moving back to London, and getting the opportunity to showcase his own work is everything he's wanted since moving here.

But Mishti.

It didn't seem to click in his mind initially that accepting this job meant he had to leave Mishti. Just the thought alone was unsettling. How was he supposed to tell her about this? After making it apparent how much he cares about her, how can he say he might have to leave her behind?

"Ronny." Soundarya interrupted his thoughts. "You're honestly questioning this?"

Ronobir deeply sighed. "Of course, I'm appreciative of this."

"This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." She added.

"But I can't just leave..."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why the hell not?"

He licked his lips avoiding his sister's gaze then it dawned on her. "Mishti? You're contemplating giving up all you've worked and waited for so you can play house with a kid?!"

"Watch it." He sternly warned.

"Open your bloody eyes, Ronny! You two can never truly be together, you know that, right? Hiding out in your flat all day and having secret rendezvous is not a real relationship. You'll never be able to have that with her, you had to have known this had an expiration date attached to it."

Deep down Ronobir knew his sister had a point, a very valid one but he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to face the fact that he had to choose between his dream career and his dream girl.

She sighed leaning back in her chair. "I know you care about her but is she really worth giving up everything you've worked for? Mishti's still young with a lot to look forward to in life. Her life hasn't even begun yet. She doesn't necessarily know what she wants right now but I'm sure running off to London just to be with her teacher now boyfriend isn't one of them."

He looked at her thoughtfully.

"If you both care about each other as much as you claim you do, would you really want to hold each other back?" Soundarya sympathetically asked.

Ronobir leaned back silent. He was so caught up in just being with Mishti he didn't take into account the possibility of them being torn apart. Their relationship was far from simple and obstacles were inevitable but being states apart...would she want long distance? Even if she did, how much longer before life happened again and ruined it? Ronobir had a lot to think about before confronting Mishti about this and he had no idea where to start.

3 days later...

"Your sister thinks I'm a slut." Mishti claimed to have earned a foul expression from Ronobir.

"Don't say that and no she doesn't." He confirmed taking Parmesan cheese out of his refrigerator.

She scoffed. "She caught us midway through sex then finds out we're having a teacher/student affair. She hates me."

"Soundarya doesn't hate you, not even the slightest. She handled it better than I thought she would actually." He commented.

Mishti sighed to herself on the couch, flipping through one of Ronobir 's endless stacks of business and car magazines. They were incredibly boring to read but she tried occupying herself while he was in the kitchen. He decided to make his best-baked lasagna for her for dinner. He's never cooked for her before. It was probably his most romantic gesture thus far in their relationship. She glanced up at him from where she was sitting, not being able to fight the smile on her face as she watched him cook. That same weird feeling in her stomach was back, she felt it all the time now whenever she was with him, it was odd.

Odd but good.

"How's the food coming along?" She asked, putting the magazine down and standing up.

He just grinned.

Mishti walked over to the kitchen area standing on the opposite side of the island. "Looks amazing and I'm starving." She pouted.

"It will be done soon enough but I can't work properly with distractions in front of me." He hinted.

"Am I distracting you? Because I take full responsibility for that." She smirked, making Ronobir blush.

"Sweetheart, you are by far the best and worst distraction I've ever had." He complimented.

"Damn you for knowing how much I love compliments." She sassed making Ronobir smile in victory at her tone as she playfully rolled her eyes walking back over to the couch. She flopped on the cushion, deciding to look through the stack of magazines again until a piece of paper underneath caught her eye. It was in bold black letters and had Ronobir 's name on it which instantly grasped her attention. She pulled it out from under to get a better look.

A small gasp escaped her lips as she began reading it.

She tried wrapping her head around what she just read, anxiously biting her lip, shifting her eyes over to the gorgeous man cooking in the kitchen. A faint and brief smile was all Mishti could give before looking away, reading over the letter again before slowly going back towards the kitchen.

"Couldn't stay away for even a minute hm?" Ronobir jokes. She didn't respond which alarmed him causing him to finally look up at her. The joyful mood was replaced with awkwardness when he saw the letter she was holding.

He sighed. "Mishti..."

"London, huh? Did you get a job offer in London? When were you going to tell me?" She shakily asked.

Ronobir sighed again. "I know how this sounds but I really was looking for the right time to talk to you about this."

He closed the oven before walking around to her. Grabbing her hand, he led them to the table area taking a seat in the chairs next to each other.

"Soundarya informed me about a new talent company opening. A friend of mine submitted some of my work and they want me to work for them. And they offered me the benefit of being able to direct my own work into wonderful pieces for the audience." He explained.

Mishti beamed with delight at the news bringing him in for a tight hug. "Seriously? Ronobir, that's amazing! Why didn't you just tell me?"

"You know why, Mishti." He said somberly into her hair before pulling away.

Of course, she knew.

She wished she never found the letter. That they should be sitting down eating dinner together before eating dessert off each other instead of sitting down with sorrowful eyes and bleak auras. There was always a thought in the back of Mishti's head where she just knew more and more obstacles were coming their way. She just decided ignorance was bliss until it wasn't.

"It's a great opportunity." She said softly.

"It is."

"When does it open?"

"The talent company opens in February but with all the prep work it could take a while to get ready on top of my personal prep." He confirmed.

She nodded, pressing her lips together tightly not wanting to ask her next question.

"When are you leaving?" No matter how hard she tried to keep her emotions at bay, her voice was still shaky and on edge. Ronobir, definitely taking note of her behavior, caressed the back of her hand with his thumb. The sweet gesture made her smile, just his warm touch alone soothed her frantic mind.

"I haven't accepted the offer yet. Of course, I wanted to discuss this with you before I made any kind of decision. But if I were to leave, it would have to be next month."

Mishti's eyes widened. She thought maybe they would have a couple of months but they barely have a couple of weeks. His not being here clenched her heart excruciatingly and the urge to ask him to stay was strong. She appreciated that he actually saw them as partners, equals. As in real relationships, decisions are to be consulted with each other. But as nice as that was and as much as this was going to hurt in the long run...the decision was a no-brainer.

"Take it."

Ronobir looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Take the job."


"This is an amazing opportunity and one you have been waiting for." She interrupted, taking his hand in hers. "I love when you talk to me about your art and your days working in a talent company or even watching you show me your work. It's beautiful how passionate you are about this and not many people get the chance to do what they love for a living. And I know how much you miss London and have always looked forward to moving back."

"Until you, Mishti. Meeting you and being with you has changed a lot for me."

Mishti could feel her chest tightening and eyes welling up as he continued talking. She bit her lip attempting to stifle any sound, not trusting anything to come out of her mouth right now.

"You've sparked feelings in me that I didn't even know we were there. You're intimidatingly bold and blunt but those happen to be just two of your many great qualities." He complimented her faint smile. "You're beautiful, strong, and full of light...I've never met anyone like you before and I never thought I would. How did I get so lucky?" He concluded tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"When I lost my job and moved here to work as a college teacher I thought it was the worst thing that could have happened to me. Until this stubborn petite girl waltzed in late to my class the very first day. She challenged me immensely and I had to keep her for 15 minutes after which she then nagged me about using a red pen for highlighting." Mishti couldn't help but giggle at the memory of them meeting for the first time. "Then she intrigued me, with her wit and mind then that next day told me to take a chance and kissed me. Everything about it felt right, that's when I knew maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all. Sometimes things happen for a reason."

He cut Mishti's heart like a knife with each word. She allowed one small teardrop to fall down her cheek before she quickly wiped it away.

-Why did he have to make this so hard?

She sniffled. "Trust me, all I wanted was a good lay and you were really hot." They both laughed. "I didn't expect any of this, to develop feelings and have an actual relationship with you. Being with you has been amazing and I won't forget it."

He lowered his brows wondering why she was speaking in the past tense.

She gulped. "But you should go to London, Ronobir ."

"You want me to leave?"

"Of course not! But I'm not selfish enough to beg you to stay, I would never do that to you!" She exclaimed. "I don't want you looking back on this day and regretting it. Regretting what could've been and what you could've had. And if you decide to stay you'll end up resenting me in the end anyways and all of this would've been for nothing. If you stay, it better not be for me because I won't accept it."

Ronobir deeply sighed, running his hand over his face anxiously.

-She just had to be the mature one in this situation.

He knew both Mishti and Soundarya had fair arguments regarding this subject. Leaving Mishti was definitely not what we wanted but leaving Kolkatta was, unfortunately, it was a one-package deal. London was his home but now Mishti felt like home too. How was he supposed to tell the beautiful girl staring at him that he doesn't know when or if he'll see her again?

Their eyes fixated on each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Nothing could be said to make this better or easier, goodbyes were funny like that.

"I guess trying long distance is out of the question." He slightly joked with a smirk.

She gave him a weak grin shaking her head in silence.

He understandably nodded. It was about time he started being realistic about this situation and the reality was that...he had to let her go.

"I don't want to hurt you or be like those other people in your past who abandoned you."

"You're not hurting me by doing what you love or abandoning me. No one has ever had my best interest at heart more." She grinned, still holding his hands in hers. "I'm going to be just fine staying in this boring town for a few more months trying not to be envious of your glamorous London lifestyle."

Ronobir chuckled. "I assure you, sweety, paying double the amount I pay for this place for a shoebox-sized studio and getting splashed with coffee every morning by a rushing lady and her dog is not something I would consider glamorous."

She smirked. "Mhm, but the moment you see a tall sexy supermodel walking down the street you'll forget all about me." She joked, causing his playful expression to slowly drop.

He cuffed one side of her face smoothly rubbing her cheek with his thumb. Mishti by habit sighed into the warm feel, feeling the lump in her throat of knowing she may never have his touch again.

"I could never forget you, Mishti Khanna, not even if I tried..." His brown eyes bore into hers intimately as his sentence drifted off. The unreadable glare in his eye looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know how and as of lately, Mishti knew that look all too well since she had seen it herself.

-This wasn't happening. Not now.

Before he could speak again she pressed her lips against his tenderly with so much passion it was beginning to overwhelm them both. Her fingertips grazed over his stubbled cheek affectionately. Ronobir probed his tongue in her mouth when she moaned, slowly deepening the intimate kiss, them both never wanting this moment to end. Mishti was the first to detach, she couldn't allow herself to get lost in him right now.

She smiled before standing up from the couch.

"I completely forgot my mom said she's going to be home tonight. She's ordering takeout but it's the thought that counts, right?" She claimed.

Ronobir looked at her in disbelief. He wanted her here having dinner like they planned and spending every moment he could with her for the time being. But he could tell her emotions were hanging by a thread as is, the last thing he wanted to do was make her uncomfortable.

He pressed his lips together into a grin rising from the couch. "That's great, sweety I'm glad. Don't worry I'll save some lasagna for you, I'll make sure Soundarya doesn't touch it."

Mishti giggled that adorable laugh that turned him into mush whenever he heard it.

"Thanks, maybe bring it to me for lunch sometime." She winked.

He playfully rolled his eyes, smirking as he followed her to the door.

"We still have a few weeks, you know? I don't know about you but I want to take advantage of it." Ronobir commented with a smirk.

Mishti turned towards him. "Same." She simply replied.

Ronobir nodded, leaning his face down to her, trapping her lips with his. The kiss was so brief he barely felt her lips reciprocating his.

"I'll see you tomorrow in class." She flashed her signature Mishti Khanna smile before making her way down the stairs through the lobby and exiting the building.

Getting out of that apartment and away from Ronobir as soon as possible was all that was on Mishti's mind at the moment. She could feel the pressure in her chest that was soaking in her every emotion since finding that god-forsaken letter. The gallons of tears she kept bottled up were finally released when arrived at her car. Mishti couldn't stop the tears from falling or the sadness from taking over. Her hands tightly gripped the steering wheel as she sat in her car crying her eyes out. She tried not to show this in front of Ronobir, he would've definitely altered his decision if he saw how much his leaving affected her.

She couldn't do that to him.

His happiness meant a great deal to her and without a doubt, she knew she was a part of that but so was London, and so was his career. Asking him to stay knowing there's a big part of him that wants to leave would be selfish. She'd never forgive him if he did that to her.

Mishti realized what that feeling was. The odd sensation dominated her body whenever she was with Ronobir or even saw him. She didn't want to label it because she was scared, everything about Ronobir and how she felt about him terrified her.

She loved him...and that's why she had to let him go.