
Met his match

Ronobir Chatterjee is an artist but he also teaches students. He has seen many students in his career but nothing like Mishti Khanna who inflicts his dark desires more than anyone else. He wants her but he can't have her. But would it stop him?

Nyra_Joshi · Teen
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Mishti was sitting at her usual lunch spot not being able to keep the smile off her face and the anxiety growing in her stomach at bay as she anticipated the night to come. She was going on an actual date with her...boyfriend?

Yeah, Ronobir was her boyfriend.

She grinned to herself just thinking about the night she admitted her feelings to him not to mention the hot make-out session that followed. All their feelings were out in the open now, well out to each other. They weren't sure how this relationship was going to work or how much longer they could keep it a secret but for now all that mattered was each other.

Ronobir wouldn't tell her where he was taking her though she can make a fair guess that it was nowhere in town. Luckily her mom was working late again so he would be able to pick her up. Mishti squirmed in her seat thinking of all the possibilities, not even acknowledging her friends sitting around her. For a while now she's caught herself drifting further and further away from her childhood friends, she didn't understand why. What used to appeal to her just didn't anymore.

She faked a few smiles while playing with her food until she noticed Ronobir walking down the hallway. Feeling mischievous, she quickly waved her friends goodbye and went after him for a possible quickie in the supply closet before class.

It's been a while.

Mishti followed him until he walked into the teacher's lounge. She paused, annoyingly sighing to herself.


From what she's heard about the teacher's lounge if they weren't badmouthing most were sleeping or watching television. She decided to test that rumour by taking a small step in, scanning the room cautiously until she realized it was safe. There were only about 6 teachers in the room and 3 were sleeping while one was reading a newspaper and the other 2 were playing chess. Mishti took the opportunity to sneak her way to the back room she saw him enter. Peeping her head in she saw he was the only one there and the mischievous expression was back on her face. Ronobir was too busy making his coffee; he didn't even notice her presence until she quietly closed the door, leaning her back against it with a glint in her eye.

"I thought you didn't like it here?"

He turned to her in shock. "Desperate times call for desperate measures." He smirked holding up his coffee mug.

He looked up at her with a grin and raised an eyebrow. "Also last I checked this was a teacher's lounge. No students allowed."

"Well I'm not one for following the rules, remember?" She teased the words he used on her when they first met.


"I don't recall you complaining." She bit her lip as he took a few steps towards her. Their eyes were stormy and dark as they gazed into each other with such want it made them both ache.

"You're pushing it with this one, sweety." He whispered, his breath cool against her face.

"Would you believe me if I said I missed you so much I couldn't help myself?" Mishti innocently asked.

Ronobir pretended to ponder her question. "I suppose but should I be offended that you don't mean it?"

Mishti rolled her eyes before grabbing him and kissing him. Her arms wrapped around his neck while he wrapped around her small waist. She teased the dark curls on the nape of his neck playfully, lightly biting his bottom lip and then sliding her tongue into his mouth.

"I did miss you." She admitted breathlessly in his mouth. Her kisses were so eager and desperate Ronobir could barely keep up. His hands scanned up and down her body brushing over her ass, giving it a light squeeze making Mishti deeply moan. The way he was touching her was making it more difficult to contain some control. She pressed more into him before reaching down between their bodies rubbing him through his slacks. Ronobir instinctively bucked in her hand making Mishti smile in victory as she continued her ministrations.

He groaned against her mouth, revelling in the sensation of her hand palming him then regrettably found the strength to grab her wrist. "Mishti." He warned in a low voice.

She slightly pouted. "Ronobir please." She begged to kiss him harder.

He reciprocated the kiss with just as much enthusiasm trying to remember why he was stopping her in the first place. He planted a few more kisses on her lips before slowly pulling back from the goddess in front of him. Mishti dropped her arms from around. She was very frustrated and horny letting out a dramatic huff, slightly amusing Ronobir.

"I'm glad you find my current state so funny." She sassed.

Ronobir grinned. "No, but I do find your eagerness for me quite flattering."

Mishti rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

He reached out to his frustrated girlfriend. She continued to avoid his gaze even with her being pressed up against his chest.

"Words can't even comprehend how badly I want you. I'm barely holding on as is." He growled.

Mishti scoffed. "You have a funny way of showing it."

He grinned licking his lips. "Mishti I've never wanted anyone more but...the next time we do it should be different, special."

She turned her head to face him searching into his eyes. Her heart dropped.

"This date will be the beginning of our new beginning and I want to make it...perfect for you. That includes the physical aspects of the date."

"Are you implying that there will be physical aspects on this date?" She teased.

He laughed. "I'm implying that now that we are in a relationship things should be different, we should want them to be. Unfortunately, I can't show you off like I wish and make every man in this bloody place jealous of the beauty on my arm..." Mishti pressed her lips together blushing at his words. "But I still want to be a boyfriend to you. I still want to make this work."

"Me too." She agreed, rising on her tippy toes and kissing him briefly on the mouth. If there was any doubt she had about Ronobir 's feelings for her, his promise just now erased any.

Mishti harshly sighed. "Fine, I guess you have a point but you owe me so much."

"I intend to." He leaned in for a quick kiss, resting his forehead against hers. The act was so sweet and intimate the butterflies in Mishti's stomach were threatening to burst. Ronobir always did the smallest but most effective things that reminded Mishti why she liked him in the first place. He never failed to bring a smile to her face or make her feel desired. Sometimes it was almost too overwhelming, the way he felt about her and vice versa but she wouldn't trade it for anything.

Mishti closed her eyes sighing when the bell rang to go to class, technically it was her free period but she still had to report to the office and due to Ronobir's sex strike, she had to work today.

"I guess that's my cue."

"The day will be over before you know it."

"Mhmm, then you're all mine tonight." She smirked, kissing him once more before sneaking out the door.

As Ronobir made his way back to his classroom he unexpectedly bumped into Kusum who was walking towards him. They haven't spoken since the date he walked out on. He wanted to apologize, she was a nice person and deserved at least that. Her face was anything but happy to see him when she finally looked up from her phone. Ronobir gulped as they both nervously grinned at each other.

-Well this is going to be awkward.

"Hey," Ronobir spoke first.

"Hey yourself." She responded plainly.

The awkward tension made the hallway feel much smaller than it was. Kusum kept avoiding his eyes while he was trying to think of what to say to her first.

"Do you have some time to spare?" He asked softly. She hesitatingly nodded, already assuming what he wanted to discuss with her. He unlocked the door to his classroom, closing it behind her.

"Listen Kusum-"

"Ronobir we don't have to do this."

"No, we do..." He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing. "You didn't deserve to be walked out on like that. It was rude and disrespectful, I'm sorry."

She crossed her arms defenselessly. "It's fine."

"No, it's not, if it was you wouldn't have been avoiding me all week." Her eyes slightly widened in embarrassment. "I guess this is why dating in the workplace is not recommended." He tried lighting up the mood.

Kusum briefly smirked. "Why did you agree to go out with me, Ronobir? Honestly."

He attempted to explain but she cut him off.

"I'm not...I'm not clueless, I can tell when a guy isn't interested in me," she stammered. "Your mind was somewhere else that whole night I noticed, I just tried to convince myself that it wasn't true. But then I felt it again when I kissed you."

"Felt what?"

"Nothing. I felt nothing from you and not because I didn't want to because I did...I did but you felt nothing for me." She tried to stay calm but Ronobir could hear the hurt in her voice. "There's someone else isn't there? Was she the one who called you that night ?"

Ronobir took a deep breath, trying to think of a way to explain himself without making her hate him more than she already did.

"Yes, there was someone else." His answer stunned her. "We were going through a rough patch and high on emotions I said yes to you. It was wrong, I know. I just shouldn't have agreed to go out with you if I knew I wasn't all in. You're a good person and didn't deserve that and I'm sorry."

Kusum stared at him with unreadable eyes.

"There's nothing I can say that will make this situation better I know, I wish things could've been different."

"Yeah, me too." She pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks for the explanation."

He shakily nodded, pressing his mouth into a straight line as he leaned on his desk.

"Well, that's that...I guess I'll see you around campus then?" She timidly smiled attempting to mask her sad expression.

"Yeah, see you around," Ronobir responded exhaling when she finally left the room. That was less awkward than he anticipated but still awkward nonetheless. Ronobir wasn't going to lie to her, he didn't see the point. He was sure to hear Ratan talk his ear off about this soon since they oddly love bringing him into a conversation. Now he had to think about how to explain this to Ratan...great. Another topic for another day. Nothing mattered today besides the date he's been waiting for all week.

The college finally ended for the day and Mishti sped her way home right after badminton practice. She bit her lip in anticipation for what possibly might be one of the best nights of her life. Ronobir refused to tell her what he had planned for them for the night, which only kept Mishti on her toes more. The only thing he said was to dress nice. What excited her more than the date itself was how excited he was for it.

Just from his week of planning and refusing to hint even the smallest detail to her meant he was looking forward to it as much as she was. He cared enough to go out of his way to make sure their first date together was something more than a basic movie at the local theatre. Granted, any time alone with him would suffice but the effort was appreciated.

When Mishti got home, and thankfully her mom didn't come home for a lunch break, she went into a full first date mood. It was already 5 and Ronobir was picking her up at 8, there was so much to be done before he arrived. After she ate a quick snack, she rushed upstairs to her bathroom where she practically lived for the next 3 hours. She showered and shaved...everything.

Desperate times.

She then applied scented lotion to every part of her body before quickly painting her finger and toenails a fiery red shade. Mishti was definitely on a time crunch and she still had to allow her nails to dry before she put on her dress and did her hair. She huffed at her hair process taking a while because she had to let her curling wand heat up before using it. She burned herself once or twice from rushing but luckily it wasn't too bad or noticeable and her curls came out great.

She changed her dress at least 4 times before deciding on a simple little black dress. It wasn't like Mishti has never been on a date before but she's never been on one with a guy she genuinely likes. Ronobir made her nervous but in a good way. He challenged her emotionally and physically as well. He made her want to be the best version of herself.

After multiple changes, Mishti finally settled on a look that made her feel sexy but classy. It was 8:10 and Ronobir still wasn't there Mishti being the control freak was annoyed but tried to distract herself from self-combusting. She reapplied her lip gloss before her phone started buzzing, smirking when his name popped up.

"I was starting to think you forgot about me." She answered.

"Not even if I tried."

She could hear his grin which of course made her share the expression.

"I am sorry, love. I was on time but was stopped by Ratan for obvious reasons."

"What are those reasons?"

"I'll tell you when you're in the car, which should be in the next minute or so."

Mishti raised an eyebrow rushing to her bedroom window to see his black SUV at the corner.

"I would greet you properly at your door but-"

"It's okay. I'll be down in a second." She beamed before quickly hanging up. She grabbed her clutch and then walked down the stairs and out the door. Mishti nervously walked across the street to his car. Her nerves were already getting the best of her and she hadn't even seen him yet until he stepped out of the car going to her side.

Mishti's jaw dropped at his appearance in an all-black suit. The smirk painted on his face made her heart beat abnormally and she was ready to jump his bones right here in the streets.

"You look positively ravishing."

She discreetly cleared her throat. "Yeah, well you don't look too bad yourself."

-Understatement of the year cause damn he looked good.

Ronobir's eyes raked down her body slowly as if he was trying to memorize every detail. He teasingly smirked, reaching behind her to open the car door for her to let her in. Ronobir got in the car after she closed the door of the driver's seat. Mishti blushed when she noticed him staring at her lovingly from the corner of her eye.


"You just look so breathtaking." He complimented.

Mishti playfully rolled her eyes blushing. "Wow, you're corny."

"I didn't hear you complaining." He added starting his engine and driving off.

"Again, I'm sorry for being late. I know how important punctuality is to you."

She grinned. "Thanks, it's okay, what happened?"

He sighed. "Well...I may have confronted Kusum earlier today at college."

Mishti's eyes widened amusingly. "May have?"

He grinned. "I wanted to explain myself, for leaving during our date. I guess she went off and told Ratan as expected."

"What a tattletale." She scoffed.


"No, seriously what is her deal?" She raised her voice. "You reject her and the first thing she does is cry to your brother about it?! It's embarrassing."

"Ratan wasn't bothered with that but more curious about this 'someone else'. He was hounding me all day about it."

Mishti furrowed her eyebrows. "You told her there's someone else?"

Ronobir just smirked looking at the road ahead.

"Ronobir ."

"There is someone else." He turned his face towards her. "I didn't lie, I just didn't say who it was."

"But won't he start getting suspicious?"

He shrugged. "Maybe so, but he knows he'll never find out unless I tell him myself."

Mishti exhaled. "Well, at least clingy Kusum will finally catch a hint. And keep her mouth to herself."

Ronobir lightly chuckled. "I thought her kissing me didn't bother you?"

"It doesn't." She straightened up in her seat. "The visual is just gross and makes her look more desperate than she already is."

The evident jealousy in her tone was amusing to him especially because she was trying so hard to appear unbothered.

Mishti shivered when he placed his hand on her thigh.

"The only lips I want on mine are yours." He confirmed caressing her skin lightly. She could feel the heat instantly rushing to her core making her squirm. The smirk on his face proved he knew exactly what he was doing.

-Such a tease.

She bit her lip pushing his hand away. "I think it'd be wise if you didn't do that unless you want me to blow you while you're driving."

As always she left him speechless with her boldness. The thought made his cock twitch but he restrained, bringing his hand back to his side. He meant what he said and he's going to be strong about this, no matter how difficult that may be.

"Exactly where are we going?" She asked.

"You were right. This town is small and people talk so I decided to go out of town. It's just about 30 minutes out."

She hummed. "Sounds adventurous"

He winked before making a right turn and driving out of Kolkata.

They finally arrived at their destination. The city was still fairly small but much different from back home. Ronobir pulled up into a driveway of a restaurant, waiting for a valet driver to approach the car. Just the outside of the building was fancy and beautiful, decorated with trickling white lights.

Mishti almost didn't realise one of the valets was opening the door for her. Ronobir handed the young man the car keys and then led Mishti towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"Are you sure this is okay? You don't think this is too risky?" She wondered.

"When did you become the paranoid one?" He teased.

She glared at him.

"Sweety, I wouldn't have brought you here if it wasn't okay. I understand your fear. I have it too but we're fine, I promise."

Mishti nodded in agreement. "You're right, sorry I'm just kinda nervous. I've never been on a real date before and this is overwhelming for being my first."

He smiled. "Table for 2 under Chatterjee." He told the hostess. Ronobir intertwined his fingers with Mishti's, holding her hand as they followed to their table. Mishti felt like her heart was going to fall out of her butt as the warmth of his hand engulfed hers. How did he know that just a single touch from him could have such an effect on her? He rubbed over her knuckles lightly with his thumb making her stomach flutter.

The hostess happily placed their menus in front of them as they took their seats in the booth.

"Your waiter should be back shortly but can I start you off with a drink?"

"Your best bottle of champagne will suffice, honey," Ronobir said with that signature smirk of his. Mishti rolled her eyes at the hostess, blushing and giving him googley eyes before she left.

"Giving alcohol to minors, Prof. Chatterjee?" She teased looking down at her menu.

"Well, this is a celebration after all."

She was still looking down until Ronobir grabbed one of her hands across the table.

"Hey..." His voice was so concerning she couldn't help but look up at him. "Are you okay?"

"Of course." She answered.


She sighed. They said they were going to be more honest with each other from now on no matter what.

"This is just...a lot." She breathlessly admitted. "Not just the restaurant which is beautiful by the way, just this whole thing, us. I don't know, maybe I'm just being dramatic..."

Ronobir calmed her emotions by caressing her hand with his thumb as he did previously. Mishti sighed in relief as she allowed herself to distress.

"Don't ever downplay how you feel, Mishti. Not with me. If this is too much too soon for you then that's alright, we can go somewhere else."

She shook her head. "No, you put so much thought into this. I'm fine."

He lowered his brows.

"Ronobir, I'm fine I was just having a moment...but thanks," Mishti reassured. She was genuinely happy to be here with him but she couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of being on a date at a fancy restaurant with her teacher and now boyfriend. She didn't want her nerves getting the better of her again and missing out on a memorable night with him.

He brought her hand to his mouth kissing her palm lovingly as she smiled.

"Your champagne." The hostess announced placing two filled champagne flutes in front of them and then putting the remaining bottle in the ice bucket.

They both thanked her before picking up their flutes.

"To second chances." She said holding up her glass to him. He agreed as they clanked them together taking a sip of the drink.

"I'm kinda into event management. Having my own event management company someday is a dream I want to achieve." Mishti explained taking another bite of the piece of chocolate cake they were sharing.

"That sounds like an exciting career goal."

"What about you? Don't tell me being a college teacher was your dream job."

Ronobir chuckled. "No, it was not. I'm an artist, I used to work under a major talent company in London."

Her eyes widened. "An artist? London City?! That's cool, can I see some of your work sometime?"

"Of course." He smiled, taking a bite of the delicious cake.

"Why don't you work at your talent company anymore?"

"Got shut down." He sighed. "Unfortunately not everyone appreciates the arts and money isn't being made. That's how I ended up here, I was out of a job and Ratan decided to help me out. I remember how much I was dreading having to teach teenagers all day, glad I changed my mind."

Mishti blushed, pulling a curl behind her ear. "You seem like you miss London though and painting. I can't imagine being forced not to do what I love anymore."

"I still audition whenever I have free time, never knowing when the next opportunity will appear."

She gulped before asking her next question. "Would you consider moving back to London if you got another chance?"

Ronobir looked at her questionably.

Mishti was anxious to hear his response, wondering if she wanted to know or not. Being an artist is his passion and he misses expressing that, why wouldn't he snatch up the first offer that may pop up? London and Kolkatta may as well be on different planets and she already knows small towns aren't for him so why wouldn't he move back the first chance he got? Deep down she wants that for him but at the same time, what would happen to them? Long-distance relationships don't work, they just don't no matter how hard the people try. She hated that she was psyching herself out over something that may not even be an issue but she couldn't help the thought.

Ronobir knew she was waiting for his answer and usually when people asked this very question his automatic answer was "yeah, of course" but that was until he found something worth staying for.

"Haven't thought about it." He lied.

She sighed in relief, awkwardly picking at the dessert with her fork. "For the record, I'm glad I decided to stay. This dinner was amazing and probably the most expensive one I've ever had."

Ronobir smirked. "I'm glad too."

"The night is still young, what else do you have planned for the night?" She whispered scooting closer to him in the booth.

"I was thinking about ordering another dessert. The key lime pie looks amazing!"

She playfully shoved his shoulder making him laugh.

"You know I think your lack of self-control around me is concerning. Your doctor wouldn't approve." He joked.

"Well, my doctor has never had sex with you." She pointed out making Ronobir cockily grin. "And neither have I for the past week. A girl can only help herself out for so long after having the real thing before she starts getting irritated."

"Last I checked, that was your fault." He corrected, amused at her annoyed glare. "But seriously, Mishti umm...would you be comfortable going back to my place?"

She was stunned more by how he asked the question than the actual question itself. He seemed so nervous like he was holding his breath until she responded. A shy smile tugged on her lips at his innocence, it was almost refreshing like maybe they weren't as different as she thought. He still got nervous like an unsure teenage boy when put in uncomfortable situations. His constant concern for making sure she was comfortable with everything they did was also heartwarming.

"I just don't want you to feel pressured for anything you're not ready for and this is different for us." He explained.

Mishti smiled, leaning into him for their lips to join as one. The kiss was sweet and romantic even as her tongue grazed over his bottom lip before entangling it with his slowly. Whenever Ronobir kissed her he completely forgot the rest of the world around him, nothing mattered except for her. His hand subconsciously snuck under the table settling on her thigh and giving a light squeeze. She smirked nibbling on his bottom lip then pulled away from him.

"I think we should go before we give these people a show." She murmured, kissing his cheek.

"I agree, especially since you're pushing the little ounce of self-control I have left.

"Then I've succeeded." She teased with a wink as Ronobir waved over at the waiter for the check.

Mishti smiled the whole ride back to Ronobir 's apartment. He held her hand the whole time while driving, kissing the back of it and saying what a great night it was and how happy he was.

She's never felt so appreciated or wanted by anyone, not even her friends. Mishti's always been the second choice but here she was, on a date with a man who didn't waste a moment not telling her how great she was. A man who put her above everyone else and genuinely cared about her. This wasn't at all what Mishti was expecting the first time she met Ronobir but she couldn't have wished for a better turnout.

When they arrived it was barely midnight so thankfully the lobby was empty. She didn't want to worry about being seen or having to hide, she just wanted to be alone with him as soon as possible. Ronobir led her upstairs until they were in front of his door. Mishti was making it difficult for him to concentrate on unlocking the door with teasing kisses on his neck and nibbling on his earlobe; he wanted to take her right there against the door. They both panicked when a door opened but it was just one of his elderly neighbours going out for a smoke break.

They quietly laughed to themselves as Ronobir finally managed to get the door open. Stumbling in, he turned the light on and Mishti immediately pushed his back against the door, crashing her lips onto his. He felt like he was on cloud nine just from her one kiss, it was exhilarating.

He pulled back from her slowly making Mishti huff in annoyance.

"Not sure if I should be offended or not that you keep rejecting me." She raised an eyebrow taking off her shoes.

He grinned. "That's the last thing I would do, trust me. I just-"

"Want to take it slow, yeah I get it." She pouted.

He kissed her softly on the cheek. "Can I get you anything?"

"Just yourself." She responded as she began looking around the one-room apartment. She noted the camera and stacks of fan-made posters leaning against the wall. There were barely any family photos, except for one that appeared to have him, a lot of kids, and his mom and dad. The rest were of him and who she would suspect to be his siblings, he never talked about his family life with her.

"My siblings." He said from behind her. "From oldest to youngest, there's Bhaskar, Ratan, me, Sunita and Soundarya."

"Wow, that's amazing having so many siblings. I wish. Being an only child isn't fun, you're always lonely."

He shrugged. "Just because I lived with a lot of people didn't mean I wasn't lonely."

She slumped her shoulders turning around to face him.

"Sorry, sweety, it's just the relationship I have with my family is...complicated."

"My dad left my mom for another woman who was none other than her own best friend. He had a daughter with her - Pari, Pari Malhotra who is my best friend and also my step-sister. Trust me, I understand complicated things." She giggled trying to lighten up the mood. "You don't have to talk about this with me, I understand."

Ronobir grinned, pecking her on the lips. "You are certainly wise beyond your years Mishti Khanna."

She lightly smiled, kissing his bottom lip timidly a few times, testing the waters. Eventually separating his lips with her tongue, making the simple kiss more desperate. Ronobir was quick to reciprocate with just as much desperation as he curled an arm around her waist tightly pulling her body flush against his.

Mishti whimpered at the eagerness of their mouths and tongues meeting. Her fingers got lost in his curls tugging him more towards her. Their hands were up, down and all over each other's bodies, definitely making up for the lost time.

It's been a while for them both.

"Are you sure you can stay?" Ronobir asked in between kisses, slowly unzipping her dress.

"Yeah, my mom thinks I'm staying over at Pari's. We always use each other as alibis for situations like this." She kissed him harder, beginning to unbutton his shirt.

"Naughty girl." He groaned when she raked her nails down his chiselled chest.

"Mhmm, and you love it." She muttered, kissing him again with lustful aggression Ronobir felt he was getting the wind kicked out of him. She removed his shirt completely, throwing it on the floor. Mishti was rubbing up against his hard cock making him groan in her mouth as she explored his hot mouth thoroughly with her wet tongue.

Ronobir gripped her ass, lifting her, and making Mishti yelp and giggle against his lips. He helped wrap her legs around his waist tightly as he masked her adorable laugh with his mouth, her giggles transitioned to moans. She played with the curls as he walked them over to his bed. He turned to sit on the bed bringing her down with him. Mishti kissed down his neck, sucking and biting at his jaw and collarbone as they laid back on the soft mattress. Ronobir groaned as she continued rocking her hips against his, creating delicious and addicting friction between their bodies. He placed his hands on her hips guiding her movements and grounding her more onto him, making them both gasp.

He still couldn't believe this was happening. That the most vibrant and exhilarating person he's ever met wanted him the way he wanted her. That she was kissing him and needing him. Ronobir couldn't believe there was even a time when he contemplated not being with her, there was a chance he would've missed out on being with such an amazing girl. Mishti has made him the happiest he's been in a long time, igniting a new light within himself that he never even knew was there. Out of all the women he's been with this young girl and not to mention his student, was awakening such feelings inside him.

He brought her face back up to his, stealing a deep kiss as he switched their positions now hovering his body over hers. Mishti harshly moaned at the feel of Ronobir sucking on her neck and a very sensitive spot behind her ear. He brought down the straps of her dress and bra kissing the ivory skin of her shoulder. His body travelled down hers, kissing the top of her chest as he brought the black dress down with him.

Mishti bit her bottom lip watching Ronobir remove the dress from her body, leaving her in just a black bra and matching black thong. She whimpered and squirmed on the bed as he kissed up her leg teasing the inside of her knees with his tongue. Ronobir smirked at her bucking her hips making it clear to him what she wanted.

"Your body is a work of art. I'd love to capture you one day." He murmured against her skin moving more up between her thighs.

"Hmm, you'll capture me like one of your French girls?" She joked but Ronobir didn't look very amused, making her giggle more easing him back up for a quick kiss. "But seriously, being a muse is kinda sexy. I would love for you to capture me...naked and spent after you have your way with me. Nothing covering my body except a thin sheet while your leftover cum sticking to my legs a reminder of what we did, how hard you made me come..." She whispered looking into his eyes and then licking around the seam of his mouth seductively.

Ronobir 's mouth went completely dry as he allowed the image to play on a loop in his head. She had her way with words, too good.

His lips were pressing hard against her, instantly gripping her hair in one hand while keeping himself up with the other. The kiss was desperate and frantic as their bodies rolled rhythmically together. Mishti's fingers combed through his hair lightly tugging as the kiss became more intense. He tugged on the fabric of her thong making her groan. She sucked on his bottom lip, unclasping her bra. He assisted her in removing the clothing item completely from her body. He was so in awe of her body he froze for a moment until her hand caressing his stubbled cheek brought him back to reality.

She tried separating their bodies with her hand to undo his pants but Ronobir stopped her.

"Not yet. Let me pleasure you, can I do that sweetheart?" He whispered in her ear. His tone laced with want and desire nibbling on her earlobe.

Mishti frantically nodded her head. "Please."

He smirked, kissing her one last time before venturing down her body again.

"Ronobir ." She harshly moaned his name when he sucked a sensitive nipple in his mouth while pinching the neglected one between his fingers. Mishti felt she could get off from just him pleasuring her breasts but he only stayed there briefly before going down lower. He planted sweet kisses down her abdomen kissing around her navel then licking the skin, sending an unexpected chill down her spine. Mishti sat up on her elbows to watch as he slowly but surely peeled her thong off her body. There was something erotic about the idea of observing him while he pleasured her with his tongue not to mention he looked undeniably sexy between her legs like this. She caught herself intensely blushing when he made eye contact with her.

"It's okay, sweety. I want you to watch." Ronobir confirmed making Mishti gulp. She mewled when he playfully bit the skin on the inside of her thigh. He licked his lips when he realised his face was now centred with her dripping pussy. His warm hand caressed her legs and her eyes never left her as his lips kissed everywhere but the place she wanted him to be.

"Ugh stop being a tease." She grunted.

"But you're cute when you're frustrated." He teased.

"You've been frustrating me all week! You owe me!" She exclaimed, making Ronobir chuckle.

"As the lady wishes." He mused peppering kisses along her upper thigh before moving back to the inside of her thighs, so close to where she needed him. Mishti's legs shook at the feel of lips leaving a light kiss on her centre. Eventually, his tongue dove into the sweet nectar dripping between her legs but it wasn't until his tongue performed a long lick against her that she buckled over.

He held her hips in place as he began pleasuring her with his mouth, teasing her throbbing clit with his tongue.

As badly as she wanted to continue watching him, she couldn't keep herself up any longer as he aggressively began lapping at her core. She threw her head back against the pillow, eyes shut and mouth parted taking in all he was giving her and more. Her slender fingers threaded through his hair while the other one clenched the bed sheet.

"Ronny Ronny ." Mishti breathlessly whimpered, encouraging him to continue. She couldn't believe how amazing this felt, that his tongue was capable of such pleasure. All the other boys she was within the past were too selfish to go down on her but Ronobir was more focused on making sure she was satisfied than on his own needs. She appreciated it, not just this situation but how selfless in general he was with her.

Her body trembled as he gave her a few more strokes and left open-mouth kisses, helping her approach her release quickly. He groaned at the delicious bliss of tasting her sweet juices, sending a vibration throughout her body making her grind herself against his face.

"Oh god. Don't stop, don't stop." She begged, tightening her hold on his head to keep him in place.

Ronobir teasingly sucked and licked on her bundle of nerves repeatedly as she felt her stomach tighten, close to going over the edge. She gave out completely as he applied a few more sinful strokes, stabbing her teeth into her bottom lip to stifle her pleasurable cries. Her orgasm glistened on his lips beautifully. After getting her breathing under control, Mishti encouraged him to climb back up to her, kissing him hard and harshly moaning at the taste of herself on his lips and tongue.

Their tongues battled for dominance in a frenzy of passionate kisses. Mishti could feel his hard shaft through his pants as he rubbed against her. She descended her hand down between their bodies undoing his pants and pulling them down along with his boxers. Her lips continued worshipping his mouth as she freed his cock beginning to stroke it up and down in her small hand.

Ronobir nipped at her bottom lip moaning at the feel of her hand wrapped around his length, caressing him.

"Mishti..." He grunted against her mouth.

"Please...Ronobir I need you...I need you." She pleaded, kissing him tenderly, guiding his awaiting cock to her aching centre. They both gasped as he slowly filled her.

Mishti's eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion when he grabbed her hand and then grabbed the other. When she realised what he was doing her heart began to thud at a fast pace. He entangled his fingers with her intimately, pinning her hands on both sides of her head. Their eyes bore into each other's and the intimacy of the action left them both breathless for a moment.

He wasn't kidding when he said this would be different for them. But it was a good difference, she never felt closer to him out of all the other times they were together.

He began to move inside her at an amazing but agonizing pace when Mishti gave him the 'okay'. They never stopped looking at each other even when Ronobir pulled out almost before filling her again with a hard thrust.

Mishti's legs encircled his waist, holding him tightly against her as he continued thrusting into her. He bent down, needing to feel her lips on his. The small whimpers and moans in her throat were muffled by Ronobir 's determined mouth. Their tongues clashed together while their lower bodies moved gradually with each other at a steady pace.

Their fingers stayed interlocked together as his pace gradually quickened a tad, them both harshly moaning into each other's mouths. Eventually, he detangled his fingers and mouth from hers, kissing her cheek and jaw down to her collarbone cupping the side of her neck sucking and biting at a particular spot. Mishti's eyes rolled in the back of her head at the overwhelming pleasure building between her legs. She muffled her passionate cries into his neck.

He could feel how close she was and her clenching around him wasn't delaying him in the slightest. Determined for her to finish first he was urged to stroke each spot within her just right and to go as deep as he could.

"Ah! Ronny ...god I'm so close." She cried bringing his face down to her and kissing him tenderly as they both began approaching their undoings. Her body shook violently as her orgasm exploded through her like the most pleasurable out-of-body experience.

Ronobir 's hip movements turned frantic as he began riding out his release. He hissed her name through clenched teeth in her neck as he gave in to the bliss created by them both, exploding inside of her.

Mishti curled her arms around him holding him close as they both attempted to get their staggered breathing under control. She held him close to her, wanting to enjoy being this close to him for as long as she could. Her fingers played with his hair as she stamped a small kiss on his sweaty temple. Ronobir lifted his face from her neck, staring down at her with so much care and intimacy, Mishti felt her heart stop. He lazily smiled down at her, kissing her lips softly. The simple kiss reminded her of them just experiencing sweet lovemaking for the first time together.

It was indescribable.

He rolled off of her bringing her naked body to his side. Mishti purred when he began softly caressing up and down her sweaty back. The moment was too perfect it almost didn't feel real but when he tilted her chin up leaving a lingering kiss on her soft lips she knew it was all too real.

"Now that...was amazing," Ronobir commented, breaking the silence.

"You're amazing," Mishti added with a sated smile kissing his chest.

He lightly laughed. "I thought you didn't want us blowing up each other's egos?"

"I don't mean just for what just happened which was...incredible." She admitted with a satisfying grin. "This whole night was amazing and more than I ever expected. You're an amazing man, Ronobir Chatterjee."

Ronobir stared at her fixedly, brushing the now sweated-out curls from her face and behind her ear so he could see her angelic face. He brushed the back of his hand against the soft skin of her cheek making her melt at the touch.

"And you are so beautiful, in more ways than one. Every moment spent with you makes me happy...you make me happy, Mishti." He confirmed shakily.

Her wide smile reappeared across her face. "You make me happy too." She whispered.

Mishti could feel the unwelcomed vulnerability creeping up on her but this time she allowed it. When it came to Ronobir she didn't want to hold back her emotions anymore, at least not with him. He didn't judge her for her feelings or her insecurities; he accepted who she was. She trusted him more than any of the people she has known her whole life. Ronobir went from a sexual conquest to a boyfriend who she could see a possible future with. The thought scared her, especially for not knowing if he was thinking that far ahead about them, she hasn't even graduated yet. Mishti tried blocking it out her head at least for the night and instead revelled under his light touches and kisses.