
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Videospiele
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40 Chs

The Onset of a God

While Thrag tried to awake from his stupor i looked into my system view where it had a new message as soon as i had beaten Thrag [Contract semi completed with the mercenary having completed his task now it falls onto the contractor to fulfil his end of the deal] knowing that my part was done i awaited for.Thrag to wake up fully in where in that time my main body had been preparing for the onset of a new biological population with space being a bitch to necron tech i was able to fit a planet the size of stars inside what is practically a stanley cup while having it. Function like a regular solar system with me being able to have 40 plus of these in say a storage cupboard.

Anyway off that rant i will be fully able to expand the flaxians when they are in the fold of the new "Supreme God" my main self has been working on a church that would be able to indoctrinate the Flaxians while also choosing. Careful clips of wars from my memories of this body to make them realise how much they are "missing out" they will be my warrior and earth caste while my actual servants will be myself since none is more reliable. Than oneself at least then you don't have to deal with incompetents unless its yourself. 

Anyway onto more of the religion aspect in my new religion there is only one god me, now i can hear you ask but what of freedom and democracy, what about it we miss nothing im making a "democratic theocracy " competence gets you good results while back stabbing and failure is shunned, inventiveness. Is praised by saying they are adding to my creation of the universe this will also pass down into all generations after all 1 day in the main universe and it was a 10 years for the flaxians so 10 days and all original Flaxians who would remember everything would be dead or going to biotransference all in all they serve a purpose. 

Anyway let's not jump the gun Thrag finally gets out his beauty sleep like Snow White and i tell him all about the Flaxians and he then gets his communicator and calls for what he calls a " subjugation squad" essentially calls an elderly home on viltrum and tells them to take over a world and boom world taken over. Yeah that's about it we breached their dimension easily the Flaxians i mean and when i say Omni Man did a number on these guys he did, whole society went back to what would be a steam age ,oh well better to build from the ground up and worshiped where i once stood than deal with their shoddy buildings and stupid culture. Better introduce war but with standards no idiots in command stuff like that after all i don't want to deal with an officer like the imperium by sending an assassin to get rid of him because he's so incompetent. 

Well after subduing any resistances as i spent time in my phareon body in where outside it was 7 days while for my phareon body it was 70 years and all flaxians had became what the ecclesiarchy is to the imperium my one is a lot better. And has a lot of mechanicus type stuff especially machine sprit's as a great geth once said "does this unit posses a soul " it indeed does anything made by my hands or blueprints with contain a sort of energy from my being. So in this case i've made a laser tank that basically transformers into a anti orbital defence and this soul of the machine is very methodical and picky on its Engiseer but this adds to the benefit of the vehicle itself with it gaining an boost of accuracy and penetration power for shields. 

Moving on now i have finished up this contract a while ago now just needed to figure out how to use everything i've gained from the Flaxians effectively they will be ready to almost start immediately when i get back to the 40k universe. Made a bunch of new vehicle's almost every infantry man has a version of battle suit armour like the tau as i liked how maneuverable they are for a battle scenario while also making warriors like Death Korps of Krieg just out of Flaxians and rebels descendants so they feel a need for repentance for their god. 

Anyway my main body now has bunch of charges saved up so when i get back ill have spending spree {70} charges baby this power so op it makes superman look like a frail old man and now time to go back. As i have no attachments to this place the invincible universe served its purpose after Thrag finished his goal he got out of dodge and i may or not have destroyed 34 worlds of planetary coalition for resources by using my ship and using the space stations to take over the territory and teleport it back the Flaxians. 

maybe once i get back i can make a.....