
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Video Games
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34 Chs

The Dominated

POV Thrag 

He is Thrag the Grand regent of the Viltrumite empire a warrior a thousand years old with countless battles and wars under his belt and he awaits a new foe brought to him by a mysterious message that only. He could see it allowed him to give a mission for mercenary to do but this was no ordinary mercenary no it was from outside this dimension so now. He awaits in orbit around this newly conquered planet with himself and a small retinue of his most fierce warriors. 

As he waits he doesn't know what to expect an alien with an abhorrent look or a humonied looking alien time will tell though he was notified through his vision on the message that the mercenary has began to make his preparation. To come here Thrag readies his battle gauntlets as well as speaks to his retinue " we have a visitor coming to us he is an alien a powerful one he's a mercenary that i've hired you are to test yourselves against him and see if he's ready to face me in all my glory" Thrag said in confident voice as he finished speaking an ominous red light comes and rips apart space. 

With a wormhole forming out comes a ship that hasn't been seen its whole frame screams superiority its colors red and black to him syblosing red for rage and back as death all these he builds up an opinion of the race. Who own this ship as a warrior race or at least a race with constant warfare as he counties his observations a red light shines from the ship as its shields go up while deploying some form of swarm to surround the ship he also notices in the bridge of the ship a hulking figure. As he looks so does the things looks back a metallic Skelton coloured black and red his retinue immediately sense danger. 

And its soon became apparent why as a light fires towards a hidden ship he wasn't able to see is split in half with its hull disintegrating every second as he saw with his eyes how a alien was turned from whole to losing half his body within a blink of an eye. He widens his eye as he sees the Coalition of Planets insignia as he feels that he should be better as if those insects can get past him he should get stronger. 

Shaking his from self pity he then sees something that makes him look up as that towering figure he saw on the ship is in front of him staring down at him, his battle senses know this an opponent as he can feel even while a machine its deadly to a new level "Hmm i expected more for a supposed emperor though for a organic you could be a good worker like i assume how you treat the rest of your race " . Its says it a voice as it goes directly to viltrumite speech his retinue takes movement to attack this figure before they could move 2 smaller figure emerge from a glowing red portal as they surround the main figure protecting him. 

"ha a thing of metal talks to me pathetic how could you give flesh for steel you lost all the things needed for conquers blood is a thing of beauty whether your enemies or you own you give that up machine " Thrag says " no matter a weakling is never right as might makes right organic do you wish to battle here or shall we see what your retinue is capable to fight against 2 of my guards Nekthyst and Zarathun these 2 are to fight against your retinue with numbers in your favour organic, care for entertainment" as the skeleton says this i nod and the 2 named skeletons walk to a flat area where one of my retunie says "ha weak machines ill destroy both of these weaklings them and move onto the bigger weakling " as she said this the 2 demeanour of the machines in front them changed if they were a calm tide now they were a gathering Tsunami right now as she open her mouth to taunt again she wasn't there anymore he body was impaled by a whip like sword as both the machines moved to attack " hm to kill one so quickly perhaps i underestimated you machine " its eyes switch from the battle to me " My race is called the Necrons though this is just a vessel i inhabit as my true body recovers what was once mine and your warriors are experienced mine are new so this serves for the betterment of both sides while killing any weakness".

Hm worrying if these 2 are new then their whole race has immense skill, moving onto the battle where my remaining 19 of the retinue continue to fight with the gun one using to keep them on the . Ground using some sort telekinesis and the shield one moves forward and grabs Uthtrak punching him and his chest falls inwards just to be tossed aside and they gone onto do the same to the remaining ones while taking the males and using their metallic knees to crack them, i feel myself getting angry and excited. 

Angry that they are so weak and excited that i get to fight the one who control these warriors as the last one falls to the floor the once pristine uniform nothing more than a now bloody rag he asked the now called necron " well that was entertaining how about we fight and as stated by the rewards of the contract if you win ill subjugate any race and give them to you and if i win you go to the front line and help me break the defences of enemies " i say as the necrons hums and nods as we move to the now bloody battle field my retinue all moved by a form of teleportation just me and this monster to fight " As dictated by the old customs of dueling i shall tell you my name organic i am Valeriel tis my name my titles being The void Dragon and The Grand Imperator of the Necrons " i nod " Valeriel warrior we shall fight till one can no longer " As we both prepare i start off first rushing to him as he materializes a Scythe at his side as he he moved with grace as fly right over him, he grabs onto my leg and throws me into the ground. With fist raised and hits me in the face a warm sensation falls down my face as i see my vision turn red on one side as i stand up i catch his fists in where he rotates his whole body and presses his foot down on my chest where he continues to pummel me. As i look upon the cold robotic face i feel myself feel something in a long time completely and utterly beaten unilaterally dominated in the art of combat a great feeling. 


Valeriel POV

DAMN this guy can take a punch to the face, hay ho at least i don't have to act arrogant anymore need to keep up the necron pride at least i'm getting a free mortal race now tho hopefully they will be worth the effort i can probably make them worth it go thing i can get some {MP} and see if there's anything the shop maybe the readers can recommend something "hah who im kidding there's no such thing as author who write me haha " as Valeriel contemplates he noticed the rousing of the emperor after the battle well more like beat down he took hi into the ship and healed him cant have my collector dying on me might as well give him some enhanced abilities just gotta say what i want now " I want the..... 

Eternity's Scythe ship / mobile base 

necron technology 3

automation 3

construction 2

multitasking 2 

weapon mastery 3

battle experience 3 

body creation 4

faction enemy

 Coalition of Planets [war]