
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Videospiele
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40 Chs

The First Time

[DC-From Darkseid to engage in warfare against Kryptonians on a battlefront payment will be discussed on arrival duration 2 months]

[MCU-From Scarlett witch to take her to hell to rescue her brother repaind with souls taken from hell]

[Rick and Morty-From Rick Sanchez-C137 Defeat Mr Nimbus will be rewarded with the math to the portal fluid for dimensional travel] 

[Invincible-From Thrag best him in personal combat get choose a race he will bring to your knees and or help his empire continue to expand]

With these options presented before Valeriel, he debates each one with its pros and cons the First one with Darkseid with this being either before the fall of krypton its possible to get kryptonian technology. As well as DNA samples to enhanced biological warriors i could create as having a Doomsday styled infantry would be powerful almost like the old ones and the Krorks cons Its Darkseid he will likely see himself superior. And or might try to disassemble me along with dealing with a large ego the size of Jupiter and a bunch of others on the other hand possible getting of a mother box. 

Moving on to the second one from the Scarlett witch the pros i get souls and a book that might Chaos itself would want with it rivaling the Enuncia speech which uses the warp itself in words and as a book of emotions. It's like bringing a baby elephant to a pack of hungry hyena's and possibility to bring all the chaos gods attention to little old me so i think till i get some black pylons or get the charges to do something similar i'm gonna stay away from chaos with a 15 meter pole. 

"Why him of all people, Rick calls me to fight actually nevermind Rick is scared of the sea as he should be goddam Mr Nimbus controls the police well it's not like they can arrest me i'm literally a shattered god within a body of a dragon that eats planets for breakfast in the past, ehh not taking chances he'll probably throw Konch shell at me and it would be filled primordial water or something so pass " Valeriel says while already dismissing his dreams of using the portal gun however in due time he will make something asking to the Eldar webway and Rick's portal gun. 

Looking at the end contract with Thrag for those who don't know he basically a big bad in the invincible universe and the regent of a empire and his race called "viltrumites" are conquers and it makes sense. And as they grow older and battle they gain more and more power kinda like a Saiyan and kryptonian in a way, not nearly as powerful when compared to the peak superman or Saiyan though "well if i choose this one id probably choose personal combat and use my new charges that are coming soon and use them to make me a good body while also getting weapon mastery and possibly Administration. As i think i would like to have the Flaxans as my mortal forces in warhammer 40k i can probably make them see me as a god easily thanks to my races heritage i'll also offer the old the ability to go though bio transference so i have willing participants as souls are easier to digitize with them being willing to do so" i think i should bring a tesseract labyrinth and take the whole dimension and anchor it to my main body sort of like those cultivators with an inner world. 

Infinite zealots that would die in my name and be happy to be within the universe where there is only war i'll probably make every single one a blank however, I don't want any chaos corruption and within the time difference of their home dimension i can probably make a race on the likes of the Tau within a timeframe of 6 years if i let them do it themselves but i'll probably expedite it and since they love war i'll try and see if i can make genetic inheritance. Like the Orks as they grow in battle and survive they just make things "work" like the orks, thinking about it now Ork like mechanics with a deep love for with a technological level of the tau is quite terrifying let alone the population explosion that will happen once they are among the stars. 

Charges used 

necron technology 3

autoumation 3

construction 2

multitasking 2 

Hey people morning chapter this one was diffcult to figure out not gonna lie, with trying to find univeres where mc would gain something so i thought id intoduce a new race to warhammer and maybe some POV stuff maybe once mc actually there so anyway toodles !

Harry_6224creators' thoughts