
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Video Games
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34 Chs

A Battle and a Fall

As Valeriel shook his head from his thoughts he choose the last option to have a personal battle with Thrag as he choose this option a screen reappeared [You have chosen a contract, this contract will now be enforced upon both parties by the will of Valeria this will not be undone till sides have fulfilled this pact] .With option now having been made he saw his charges become restocked with {10 charges} coming into his being once again as he thought about what to spend on he choose weapon mastery and input 3 while then going. Onto battle experience and adding 3 and the remaining 4 go towards body creation with this he goes onto make his body. 

/image here/ 

With his body being assembled while he focused on digesting all the knowledge he had acquired from the charges he used with himself choosing a weapon. That he feels is both menacing and useful he choose the scythe while this common tool for harvesting grass my be a commonly used trope, it doesn't affect it if you're cut down from the atomic level while having a nanite swarm on the weapon capable of adapting to different battles and poisoning you.

/image here/

With his equipment set up he begins to transfer his consciousness to the small Phareon body to get a feel for it, as he proceeds he feel comfy. At the same time the constant flow of his connections to his creations waiver as it wasn't meant for this body he is in this Phareon body for security and convince. Standing at 6 metres tall or about 19 foot its armed with interlocking armour plates along with imbedded wrist weapons and the housing for a resurrection orb in the center chest plate with his arm is a small gauss weapon similar to a show from Michaels time called "whistling Birds " .Except these small gauss weapons use a small teleporter in them to always make contact with the target as they are infected with nano phage that immediately being cellular disintegration and the damaging of a soul. 

As he finishes up his preparations he swings his arms around in a graceful movement if one were to see what was before them it would be horror as a necron with the ability to fight like a Harlequin is a terrifying thing. With acrobatics and an unpredictable fighting style that is as random as the fates ,as Valeriel nod's to himself and sets of to his ship where an escort of his new made warriors await him with them his warriors look like his once favourite character called "Obyron" a nercon lynch guard that still protects his master even as his master is still in the days of fighting against others as part of the "Necrontyr". These guards while under control by him to an extent he has made use of a small reserve of souls held within his main body and began feeding into new beings though theses being while still developing personalities have already shown their willingness to protect their lord. 

Their weapons they choose are meant to compensate for their liege so both have a custom made gauss weapon with one holding a long gauss rifle while having a glowing bayonet at the end while . The other on holds a large shield that project a force field to cover an area, with a sword that splits up into links that allows long range attacks that is like a whip both are a 5 metres tall with impressive bodies.

With his guards out the way he makes his way to the bridge on the "Eternity's Scythe" as he remembers the name of his ship he lets out a hearty laugh "hohoho i seem to have a theme for my self all about Scythes am i ?. " He shakes his head he walks with the only sound being the clanking of metal on metal as his guards ever the silent type walk with him as he sits on the command throne he begins the transference of energy to all reactors as the new shields tuen as a red glow emanates outside the bridge.

As the final checks are done he goes to the [contract] and sees a small tab where it says [teleport ship] as he braces for the jump as a red and golden glow emanated from the wormhole as his ship slinks into it. 

Unknown POV

"Finally they are coming its feel like it's been ages since i've been excited for something almost reminds of the time the viltrumite civil war happened what a great time " as the person looks down and is surrounded by corpses some male others female and some so badly beaten you could tell what they were, as the unknown sighs "Haa i wait for you mercenary show me how strong you are and if you're worthy to fight against me " as he stands up and shoots off into the skye we can see a planet once covered with pure white snow desecrated by a bloody shown down as the figure looks to the stars we know who he is as he is..... 


Eternity's Scythe ship / mobile base

{charges used}

necron technology 3

automation 3

construction 2

multitasking 2 

weapon mastery 3

battle experience 3 

body creation 4

Hey guys sorry i took long with this one was kinda getting into it and i also saw some pepole comment and i just want to say thank you for giving a person new to the writting scene a chnace always looking for some suggestions for what mc tech could do or his charges but anyway toodles !

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