
Memories Beyond Mortality

My eyes shot open. I had escaped death by dying; before me were so many choices, so many potential afterlives. And yet, somehow, they would all lead me to death. Countless deaths. Ah, but between deaths, I lived! I was a king, a killer, and everything in-between; I built empires, forged bonds, and fell in love. I was reborn on countless worlds, learned magic, and became powerful. More powerful than I ever should have been. Then, things changed. I died and found myself in the aether yet again ...and killed an angel. This is my story.

Adrian_Jeremy · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Class Placements

Just as my anxiety was reaching its peak, a tall figure stepped forward from the shadows. His presence commanded attention.

He was clad in a dark robe, a hood obscuring his face. He raised his hand, and the oppressive sensation that had held us all captive began to dissipate.

The weight lifted, and I could feel the relief wash over me as I took in deep breaths. The other cadets too began to shake off the strange sensation, their expressions transitioning from confusion to curiosity.

With an air of quiet authority, the figure spoke, "My apologies for the dramatic entrance. I am Eldwin, and I serve as the proctor who oversaw your written exam." As he pulled back his hood, revealing a face everyone recognized, the cadets exchanged surprised glances.

"Now that I have your attention," Eldwin continued, "I will be your dorm overseer during your time here at the academy. My role is to ensure discipline and order within the dormitories. It seems we have early risers amongst you," he added with a hint of amusement, his gaze directed at no one in particular. A few cadets chuckled nervously.

Eldwin's demeanor was firm but not unkind. "You have thirty minutes sharp to eat. Afterward, you will be assigned to your respective classes. Discipline, punctuality, and dedication are values we hold dear here at the academy. Remember that."

As the initial shock of the situation wore off, the cadets began to disperse, making their way to the dining hall, their chatter filling the courtyard once more. Eldwin remained in the center, watching over the young adventurers with a vigilant eye.

Jonas and I exchanged glances before nodding and heading towards the dining hall ourselves.


"Do you think he knows we snuck out?" whispered Jonas as we sat at a table in the bustling dorm dining hall, trays of food in front of us.

I glanced around the room, my eyes scanning the sea of cadets who were energetically discussing the day ahead. Eldwin's mysterious appearance earlier still weighed on my mind, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had been alerted to our early morning meeting.

"I don't know," I replied quietly. "But we were pretty discreet, right?"

Jonas shrugged, spearing a piece of fruit with his fork. "I guess so. I just hope we don't get into any trouble. We haven't even started our classes yet."

As we continued our hushed conversation, I took a moment to survey the dining hall itself. The cafeteria was a spacious area with high ceilings and large windows that let in ample natural light. The walls were adorned with murals depicting scenes of legendary adventurers and their daring exploits.

The food selection was diverse, with a range of dishes catering to various tastes and preferences. There were steaming bowls of hearty stew, platters of grilled meats, fresh salads, and an assortment of desserts. I grabbed a plate filled with some of my favorite breakfast items and noticed that Jonas had done the same.

As we dug into our meals, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the day ahead. The academy was proving to be everything I had imagined it to be, and more.

Just as we were discussing our class assignments, a friendly voice chimed in from behind. "Mind if I join you guys?"

I turned to see Caspian standing there, a tray of food in hand, a cheerful grin on his face. "Hey, Caspian," I said, gesturing to the empty seats across from us. "Of course, pull up a chair."

Caspian settled into the seat with a casual ease that matched his friendly demeanor. "Thanks," he replied. "So, what's the plan for today, lads?"

"We're just chilling and eating for now," I laughed. "Worried about class placements."

With a pause, I continued, "By the way, this is Jonas! He's a friend from beyond the Academy."

Caspian turned to Jonas, extending a hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Jonas. I hope we can get along."

Jonas shook Caspian's hand with a friendly smile. "Thanks, Caspian. I'm glad to meet you too."

Looking around, I spotted Rowan in the distance, sitting alone at a table. He was picking at his food, his expression distant. Wanting to include him, I stood up and gestured in Rowan's direction.

As I called out to him and motioned for him to join us, Rowan looked in our direction but made no move to approach.

"Rowan's a bit of a lone wolf," Caspian explained in a hushed tone. "He's not one for big groups or too much chatter. I met him during the running exam. He was ahead of me, but for a little while, we were going at the same pace. I tried to start a conversation; he ignored me."

I nodded in understanding, though I couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for our roommate. If he ever decided to join us, I wanted him to know that he was welcome.


Me, Jonas, and Caspian quickly rushed to the courtyard, where all the cadets had gathered. Eldwin stood at the center, clipboard in hand. The tension in the air was palpable as we awaited our class assignments.

Eldwin cleared his throat and began to speak. "I hope you've all enjoyed your breakfast. Now, it's time to determine your class placements based on your performance in the entrance exams."

The courtyard was silent as Eldwin started reading out names and their respective classes. The cadets who had been our competitors during the written exam were now our potential classmates.

"Class A," Eldwin announced, "consists of the top ten performers in the exams. They will be given special classes; they are the cream of the crop. These cadets have demonstrated exceptional skill and knowledge."

As he listed names, I realized that Eliza, Jonas, and I hadn't made it into the top class. My heart sank a little. Looking around, I realized that Rowan, my roommate, was among the names called for Class A. He gave me a nod before making his way to join his new classmates.

Eldwin continued, his voice echoing through the courtyard, "Class B is for those who showed proficiency in the exams but fell short of the top ten. You will receive a well-rounded education and opportunities to excel."

As Eldwin began calling out names for Class B, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment every time my name wasn't called out. Jonas and Eliza shared the sentiment, their expressions mirroring my own.

The proctor continued reading the names, and each announcement sent a wave of emotions rippling through the crowd. Some cadets celebrated their placement in Class B, while others shared our subdued disappointment.

Then came the moment of truth for me, Jonas, and Eliza. Eldwin's gaze scanned the clipboard, and for a moment, time seemed to slow. The courtyard held its collective breath as we waited to hear our names.

"Class C," he announced, "is for the remaining cadets who have shown potential but may need additional guidance to reach their full capabilities."

I exchanged glances with Jonas and Eliza. We had all ended up in the same class, and the disappointment was evident in their eyes.

We had all expected this outcome, considering our lackluster performance in the running exam, but it didn't make the reality any easier to swallow.

Eldwin's voice continued, reading out the names of the remaining cadets who would be joining us in Class C. As the list grew, it quickly became clear that the majority of students were in Class C.

Finally finished reading names, Eldwin continued, "Keep in mind that your placement is not set in stone. If you excel and demonstrate extraordinary skill, you may have the opportunity to move up to a higher class. Conversely, if you do not meet the expectations of your class, you may move down."

The proctor's words gave us a glimmer of hope. Our futures as adventurers were still in our hands.

"Your class level will also impact your starting rank as adventurers upon graduation," Eldwin added. "Class A cadets will start with a higher rank than Class B, and Class B will start higher than Class C. This will be an incentive for you to work hard and progress."

As Eldwin concluded his speech, I felt a renewed determination. Whether it was Class A, B, or C, I was on the path to becoming an adventurer.

I was going to make the most of it.