
Memories Beyond Mortality

My eyes shot open. I had escaped death by dying; before me were so many choices, so many potential afterlives. And yet, somehow, they would all lead me to death. Countless deaths. Ah, but between deaths, I lived! I was a king, a killer, and everything in-between; I built empires, forged bonds, and fell in love. I was reborn on countless worlds, learned magic, and became powerful. More powerful than I ever should have been. Then, things changed. I died and found myself in the aether yet again ...and killed an angel. This is my story.

Adrian_Jeremy · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Exploring the Academy

We were in the worst class.

Shock resounded through me - I had hoped we would be top of the academy. Leaders. Trailblazers.

But no, we were starting as the worst.

Numbly, we followed the other cadets as they began to disperse.

Cliches were already forming before us; I watched as classmates began to befriend one another, preparing for the first day of classes. In the distance, Rowan sat, laughing with others from Class A.

Jonas and Eliza, still processing the results, led the way as we navigated through the crowd of students. Caspian walked beside me, a reassuring presence amidst the uncertainty.

"Hey," he said, flashing me a grin. "Don't sweat it, Alex. Class C isn't so bad. We'll make the most of it and work our way up. Honestly, I'm glad to be in a class with all of you guys. I'd much rather be with you than Rowan."

I couldn't help but show a forced smile in response. I responded gently, "You're right, Caspian."

Suddenly, Eliza paused. Looked around. And whispered, "I heard today is our last day without any classes.... Let's make the most of it! Let's explore the academy!"


Our first stop was the library, near the courtyard. The proctor had mentioned that we would be afforded many resources - and this library was one of the best ones. Its towering shelves were filled with ancient tomes, maps, and scrolls, each promising knowledge and stories waiting to be discovered. Jonas, the ever-curious scholar, was especially eager to explore the library's treasures.

As we entered, we were greeted by the scent of old parchment and leather-bound books. A sea of books lay before us.

"Wow," Jonas muttered in awe as he gazed at the vast expanse of books. "This place is massive. I can't believe we have access to all this knowledge. I've never seen something like this in Subterra."

Perusing the shelves, we began pulling out dusty volumes and marveling at the intricate maps and illustrations within them. Eliza, in particular, seemed to be having a lot of fun - she found a picture book of monsters. Her eyes sparkled with wonder as she flipped through its pages, her laughter ringing softly as she found interesting tidbits about each creature.

As I continued to explore, my curiosity led me to a peculiar sight in the library. A significant portion of the space was sealed off by a dark metal gate, its faded gleam hinting at an enduring and unyielding barrier. I approached it, my fingers lightly grazing the cold metal bars.

"Hey, check this out," I called to my friends.

Eliza tore her gaze away from the picture book of monsters and joined me by the gate. Jonas followed suit, setting aside the accounts of adventurers. Caspian also jogged over from his nook.

The locked section held an air of mystery, a promise of hidden knowledge. I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay beyond the gate. It was as if the library itself held its breath, guarding its most precious treasures.

"It's probably restricted access," Jonas commented, his curiosity piqued.

Eliza leaned closer, inspecting the gate with a furrowed brow. "I wonder what's in there. It must be something important. But what kind of books do they need to lock up? And why are there so many of them?"

My thoughts raced with possibilities, and I knew that this locked section was a mystery we would need to solve. Quietly, we made a silent pact to return to the library in order to - one day - uncover the secrets hidden behind that dark metal gate.


After our exploration of the library, we continued our clandestine journey through the academy's winding corridors. We passed by training arenas filled with racks of wooden and metal weapons.

Moving further into the heart of the academy, we finally reached the classroom area. The corridors were lined with wooden doors, each bearing the name of an instructor or a subject. We couldn't resist the temptation to peek inside.

Quietly, we cracked open one of the doors and peeked into an empty classroom. Rows of desks faced a blackboard covered in chalk markings. The room had an air of anticipation, as if it were waiting for students to fill its seats and embark on a new lesson.

Caspian leaned in and whispered, "This is where it all begins, huh? Our first taste of academy life."

I nodded in agreement, my gaze fixed on the rows of empty desks. "It's both exciting and a little intimidating."

Eliza, always eager to get up to no good, ventured further into the room and picked up a piece of chalk. With a mischievous grin, she began sketching something on the blackboard. It was a simple drawing of a globe, its continents and oceans taking shape under her skilled hand.

Jonas chuckled and added, "I guess we can't stop her from getting up to no good."

Then, he turned and whispered to us, "But... we can blame her when they find the drawing."

We shared a quiet laugh before moving on to explore more classrooms. Each one held its own unique atmosphere, reflecting the subjects taught within. From history to magic to combat tactics, the academy's classrooms promised a diverse education.

Our secret expedition continued for hours, and as the day progressed, we grew more familiar with the layout of the academy. We peeked into classrooms, admired the training areas, and even stumbled upon hidden courtyards where cadets could practice their skills in solitude.

As we explored, I looked for the room we had seen in the basalt alcove, that one fateful night. The room that appeared to be connected to the sewers; the room where we had overheard the instructors discussing the opening of the Academy.

However, it was nowhere to be found.

Similarly, an exit to the city was nowhere to be seen. The entrance to the Academy had been barred.

By the time we returned to the courtyard, the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobblestone paths. We exchanged knowing glances, a shared understanding that our time of exploration had come to an end for the day.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this far! I hope you're enjoying the novel so far!

While I was sick, I used up all of my backlogged chapters. As such, I will be only publishing 1 chapter a day until I rebuild about 15 chapters of backlog this time around (instead of 3).

Hopefully, this should give me time to edit chapters better before they're released, overall raising the quality and enjoyability of chapters.

Fortunately, since I'm finally recovered, I've been able to write ~2-4 chapters a day, so theoretically this shouldn't take too long!

I really appreciate any and all feedback, so please feel free to let me know what you think of the story so far - I am open to adjusting the earlier chapters if there are mistakes/spots that need work.

Once again, thank you for your patience,

Adrian_Jeremycreators' thoughts