

Bo Young has finally returned to South Korea. Her dream is what is keeping her going and not give up. To make it come true she joins her dream school. The people she encounter and memories she create are so much. Things are not going really normal. She doesnt and cannot open up about her past to people. But slowly things are starting to change. Is it changing her future or is it things from her past?? Read to find out! I also upload in wattpad! You all can check it out :]

Black_Wolf_3 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
42 Chs



She thought: "This is definitely going in a wrong way. She might look in this direction any time....what should I do, what should I do?.."

She looked around trying to get some ideas. Then she got one. "Oh! The restroom symbol is in the opposite direction of where he is standing. Let's just go there."

"U-unnie, I want to go to the restroom."

"It's to your left side."

"I don't want to go alone."

"Are you a kid?"

"Unnie, I'm new here, I might get lost. Come with me."

"Sigh, fine.."

She successfully distracted her and went to the restroom. She kept looking at Jin Seok. And as they went halfway, Jin Seok also left the subway. Bo Young kept glancing over him to check if he left. As soon as he left she sighed. She thought : "He's gone finally. Let's try not to get Hee unnie distracted."

"Go inside alone, I can't come there too. Sigh, do you think you're still a kid? You're a high school student."

"Fine, fine, here after I won't ask." She smiled and went inside.

They then came back from the restroom to the place where they had to get the T-money.

They bought it and was going back to the parked area. But Bo Young was still bothered by Jin Seok.

"You have some time left. We will go to a nearby café and then drop you in the convenience store. Okay?"

Bo Young was dazed.

"Bo Young?"

"Are we here?" Bo Young asked snapping out of the thoughts.

"Hmm?" Seul Hee asked.

"What are you thinking about? You were blank."

"Oh..nothing..what were you talking about?  Sorry, I didn't listen properly."

"I said that you have some time left, so let's stop by a café nearby and then drop you at the store."

"Ohh, fine."

"Is something troubling you?"

"No, nothing. Just that I have exams starting tomorrow."

"YOU are feeling nervous? The girl who was in the top of the school and classes is nervous? You will do well, don't worry."

Bo Young thought: "I'm definitely not worrying about that. Sigh, I'll try not to show that in my face now. Damn, I really can't control my expressions." She looked out the window trying to putting a normal face.

"I've never been out like this y'know?" Seul Hee said.

"Like what...?"

"Relaxed, without any stress and with someone really precious to me.." she smiled.

"Hehe, me too. It's been a long time since I went out."

"We're here! Let's go." They got out the car and entered the café.

They ordered their drinks and went back to a table.

"This café is so good." Bo Young said.

"I know right! I always buy from here."

"Ahh right, the hospital is not far away from here."

"It is not far away but I can't come here every time to get mine, so I definitely order online."

It was their call to get their drinks.

"I will go get it unnie, wait here." Bo Young said and went and stood in the line.

She got a call. It was an unknown number. She definitely hesitated.

She thought: "I definitely blocked that number. Should I take this...? I blocked it so it might be someone else." She took a deep breath and attended the call.


"Ahh, it's been a long time since I called you right? Not long time, but one day. You remember me right? Obviously you should, because I created a deep impression on you. You are still unbothered by me right, you Wench?!" It was the threat-caller. She got startled and looked around.

She went to Seul Hee and gave the token.

"Unnie, I have to take this call, can you get the order, please?"


She then went outside the café.

"Won't you answer?!"

"Please stop calling me, I beg you, it's bothering me so much..."

"Scoff, now you're-"

"Do you think I will tell that? Do you think that I'm a girl who cries for these calls?"


"Do you think I'm pathetic like the others?! I've overcome so many things, so stop wasting your time and my time too, you son of a female dog!"

"Did you just curse-"

She hung up the call before he could speak.

She blocked this number too. She thought : "This guy's going to go to hell for sure." She then went back inside. Seul Hee already sat down with the drinks on the table.

"You're back. Who was that? You looked troubled."

"No, it was just someone. *takes a sip of her drink* Wow, this tastes sooo good."

"Told ya! How's school going?"

"Hmm...it's just going as usual? We have exams this week, but I'm here spending time with you instead of revising. But it's definitely worth it!" She said.

"Am I supposed to be happy or guilty?"

"You're supposed to be happy! I ditched my studies for you, books are not even 1% worth than spending time with you unnie. Ugh, did I just tell these cheesy lines by myself??"

"Hehe, you're so cute. You'll do well obviously, you're the topper of *name of her middle school in Miami* middle school! Whatever, good luck!"

"Oh and unnie, my homeroom teacher told me to help the guy who gets on my nerves the most. Can you believe it?"

"Really? Is it that Yeon Joon guy who we met earlier? He looks harmless though, I hope you guys get along though. How good, will it be to see both you fall in love and date..." Seul Hee fantasised and rested her head on her hand being really interested.

"Geez, no, that would never happen but it's not him."

"Really? It's not Yeon Joon?"

"Nope, it's the other one, Ha Sang."

Seul Hee's eyes widened and she sat straight.

"Look! You can't believe it either. And she knows that we don't get along with each other. I cant believe she did that." She said.

"Ye-Yeah, why would they do that? Whatever I think we should hurry up. Drink up fast."

"There's a lot of time though."

"Yeah there is but I have to get back to work, there is an emergency case."

"Oh god. Definitely, there is no word called 'day off' in the dictionary of medical employees." She joked.

"Drink up fast."

They finished their drinks and went back to the car. They started leaving.

"I'm going to work really early."

"And how is your leg? You had a mild fracture right?"

"About that, I haven't feeling any pain lately. I should check tomorrow at school."

"Take care of yourself."

"I am taking care of myself. I've been taking care of myself for about 3 years. You can't talk to someone like me."

"Then what about the mild fracture?"

"That was an accident."

"Whatever.." they giggled.

"Yesterday I met someone I knew for a long time. I almost forgot to tell you."

"Who? And you knew someone else too??"

"Yeah. It was my old neighbour. We are pretty close."

"Ahh really?"

"Yeah, when I was an 8 year old girl, he was in high school. Now he is 22. He's a trainee policeman. I could remember who he was but couldn't remember his name. That's so strange.."

"Wha-What are you talking about? But, him being a police trainee is really cool."

"And I have to ask this question. I wouldn't have known it unless he told me."

"What is it?"


"Here we are. It's early but it's okay. And what were you going to ask?"

"Sigh, its nothing. It will take your time. You'll be late. I will ask you later. Bye, take care unnie. See ya later." She said and got down the car.

"Bye, get back home safely!" She said as she opened the window. "You too! Bye. Get going." She said and stepped behind.

"Bye.." Seul Hee left.

She went inside the store.

"Welcome!- Oh, Bo Young? You're here really early. What's the matter?" Shin Na asked

"Just this and that so I had to come early."

"But what will you be doing here till I finish my shift?"

"I'll just chill outside."


"I'll just get a chocolate milk and then go." She said, Shin Na nodded. She went got a chocolate milk box and came back to the counter.

"It's 2,227 won. And you have your exams, right?"


"Aren't you going to study? You don't have any books either."

"I don't have my books and neither do I have the interest now." She paid the money as she said.

"Really...it's alright to give up though. Do well!" She said.

"Thank you..If you need anything call me unnie." She said as she left.

Shin Na nodded.

"I wonder what kinda grades she'll get. I will ask Seong Seop about it later."

Bo Young went outside and sat.

"I couldn't ask her about it either..Forget it, I will ask later."

She said and started drinking her chocolate milk. She plugged in her earphones and started hearing music while reading webtoon. She received a notification. It was from a news app, she always had the app and didn't know why and since when she had it. She thought : "I don't know why I have this yet but it might be useful. Ugh, I don't have any excuse but I don't have that part of myself to come to delete this. Damn, what am I thinking about?" She then opened the app and checked it. The news headlines read: "Doctors of the KJA hospital in Seoul announced that the CEO, Kang Hwa Seop is diagnosed with cancer." "This is getting revealed only now?!" She said scrolled down. The lines read : "CEO of the really known  KJA hospitals, Kang Hwa Seok is diagnosed with stage four bile duct cancer which made the whole hospital employees heartbroken. Dr.Lee, who is treating the CEO notified us about his health condition. He elaborated of how they knew he was suffering from the illness. "He fell sick often and eventually we saw his hair falling whenever he swept his hand through his hair which is his habit. One day, he was admitted in the emergency room, when we asked what happened, his daughter said that he always had pain in the abdomen for a while now and lost so much weight and his eyes turned yellow, which are symptoms of this type of cancer. Noticing about his health deteriorate, we did few scans and tests and the results showed that he is diagnosed with cancer. We then checked if it spread to most of the places and unfortunately we found that it spread too much and confirmed that it was stage four..." The article kept going. Bo Young exited the app and sighed. She thought : "Sigh, now that Ji Ae said that he doesn't have so much time left makes it even more difficult. And now that the article is released everyone might know about it, and the students in the school will also know about it. It's out in the media and everyone will definitely know it. I should take care of Ji Ae tomorrow, she will be surrounded by seagulls asking the same question over and over, it will be too bothersome.. Let's take care-!" "Oh Bo Young! Hola!" Yeon Joon interrupted with Ha Sang beside him. She just looked at them and went back into reading webtoon. "Tsk Tsk, look at you ignoring us. You're really early today, what happened?" Yeon Joon asked. She didn't reply. "Hey, stop ignoring- Ah, so this was the barrier." He said and went to her and pulled out the earphones. "Ouch! That hurts! What the hell?!" She shouted at him. "Woah, woah, woah there. Cool down. You didn't hear what I said so I pulled it out." Yeon Joon said. "I clearly heard what you said, I ignored you on purpose. Go away." Bo Young said.

"That hurts! You don't have to come out like that. But you know...." He said.

"What?" She asked being annoyed.

"Don't leave me..." He said

Ha Sang and Bo Young looked at him being confused.

"'Don't leave me, I am alone' is written all over your face, then how can I leave?" He said. Ha Sang sighed.

"As if.."

"Shouldn't you be studying by now? And you're here early."

"I had to be here suddenly and you guys should be studying by now too.." She said.

"We can't ditch training to study for this stupid test. And why are you here so early?"

"I can't elaborate on what happened. Just leave already."

"Fine..you're so cold.. Let's go Ha Sang.." Ha Sang just followed him.

They went inside and came back soon. Yeon Joon came back and sat beside her. Bo Young was drinking the last sip of her chocolate milk.

"Here.." Yeon Joon handed another chocolate milk. "What?"

"This is for you. Looks like you finished it..so..have it."

"I don't want it, I don't like drinking too much."

"Fine, have it for later then."

"I don't like drinking it after it cools down to normal temperature."

"God you're so picky...and cold.."

"Give it to him. He likes it too."

"Oh...how did you know that?"

"The day I left the hospital after admitting you're aunt and uncle..Seong Seop bought two chocolate milk and he had one...and Seong Seop had the normal milk..."


"But the truth is.."

"What...?" She asked. Yeon Joon was curious.

"Actually the chocolate milk you had that day was for him and he was going to give you the normal milk as he didn't know what you'd like."

"What?! Are you kidding me? Then why didn't you ask it back?"

"You already took it, we would feel bad if we took it back from you so we didn't ask for it again." He said as he sat along with them.

"Woah, I see a chocolate milk sacrifice here."

"Hey, if it was me I would've gotten it back from them."

"Definitely, you are the ice queen after all." Yeon Joon said. Shin Na ran out of the store to them with a shocked face.

"What's wrong?" Yeon Joon asked.

"Is this true?" Shin Na asked as she showed her phone.

"What..?" Ha Sang asked as they all saw what she showed. It was the news of Ji Ae's dad.

"What?! Is this real?!" Yeon Joon asked.

"This shouldn't be real.." Ha Sang said.

"I know right! How can a healthy man like him would be diagnosed with cancer?!" Shin Na said. They all looked at Bo Young who was used to the news but still felt down about it.

"It's your friend's dad and you're sitting still like that?" Yeon Joon asked.

"I knew about this weeks ago..she told us." Bo Young said.


"Sigh, that kid must've been devastated when she first heard about it." Shin Na said.

"She is already soft hearted." Yeon Joon added.

"Remember the incident that happened in the school garden? It was because of this...When she actually said it she felt so devastated, she couldn't stop crying. Some how she stopped. It's definitely hard to take it. And that day in the garden was never expected,  we didn't know that she would take that decision."

"What decision?" Shin Na asked being clueless.

"Attempting to take her own life."

"No way!"

"Exactly the same thing we thought. You could think that I'm being heartless, but she still has many people around her even if she loses one, I said to her that, some things are meant to happen so we can't change it and if somehow we try to change it might even make the situation even more worse, who wants it to be like that. We should just take what life gives to us. You can think I'm being thoughtless but I'm just telling on how to accept what is meant to be. Anyways, I lost my crap. Don't mind me."

"No, you have a point somehow though. But when the situation gets bad, don't tell this to her, she'll become sensitive." Shin Na said.

"Definitely I wont do it."

"But you know Bo Young..After hearing you talk like this...I notice that..." Yeon Joon said.

She thought : "Did I go overboard and make him notice that? Damn...what is he going to ask?"


"You talk well." He said. Bo Young sighed.

"Sigh, I hope Ji Ae is doing well. I will get inside now. You guys, don't go back late and get shouting's from them."

"Yes.." Yeon Joon said. Ha Sang nodded.

"What are you going to do here now?" Yeon Joon asked.


"You still have a lot of time before your shift starts, what are you going to do? I'll stay here if it's boring."

"The webtoon is more interesting that you being here. So...can you please step out of my time."

"Tsk, Okay ice queen. Ha Sang, why don't you utter a word?"

"Why should I?"

"It's boring. At least start a fight. It's interesting to see you guys -!"

"Oh right! I don't want to see you in my garden next time. This is a warning." Ha Sang ignored Yeon Joon and somehow started an argument.

"What? 'Your' garden? Do you have your name written on it?"

"I do! I have few papers mentioning that the garden is mine."


"Nonsense?! I can show you the papers tomorrow! Wanna see?"

"Yeah! Sure!" They ended their argument there.

"*sighs refreshingly* That was what I wanted. My day seems to be completed now."

They both glared at him.

"Ah right! I said I wanted to tell you something right! I will tell now!" Yeon Joon said.

"Oh! I have to go now, it's my shift." She just got up and went inside.

"Bye..." Yeon Joon said disappointedly and waved. "She doesn't even wave back." Yeon Joon said. "Let's go back." Ha Sang said. They both left.

"Oh! You're here. It's still early."

"It's alright unnie, you can go take a rest."

"Bo Young, be honest with me, you are avoiding them, right?"

"No, not at all, why would I avoid them?"

"You're a bad liar."

Bo Young sighed.

"Why are you avoiding them? They are really good and friendly." Shin Na said. Bo Young didn't reply. She thought: "I'm not avoiding them because they're annoying..I'm scared. I'm even scared of hanging out with Ji Ae and Yu Ah...the concern is..never explainable."

"No reason. Now, you should go get some rest. I will take care of it now."

Shin Na was forced to leave and Bo Young started working her shift. She sat down on the counter. She received a message from Seul Hee. "I reached the hospital. Will talk to you later after my shift ends." The message read. She smiled and then sighed. "Sigh, I definitely saw him linking hands with another woman, which is definitely not Hee unnie. I'm not seeing this scenario for the first time either, it's more than once. I'll let it slide this time, next time when I see him again, then it's for sure." She said. There was a customer. "Welcome!-...."She said and looked at the customer. It was Jin Seok. "Oh, Hello Bo Young! It's your shift now huh?" Jin Seok asked. "Yes." She said. "Then, I will just buy my stuff and leave." He said. "Okay.." She said. He left to buy stuff. She hurriedly took out her phone and texted Seul Hee: "Unnie! Are you busy now?" Seul Hee replied soon. "I just finished my rounds. What is it?" She asked. "Did your husband's work end?" Bo Young texted. "It ends by 6 but he said he has to work overtime these days. So, now he is in work. Why?" Seul Hee asked. "It's nothing. Alright, continue with your work. Bye!" They ended chatting. She kept her phone back inside and looked out. A woman was sitting outside in the bench. Bo Young noticing that he was coming back, she pretended to arrange things in the rack. "Here." He said and placed his stuff. She said the total and he paid. "How are you doing?" He asked. "I'm not sure, how about you Mr.Jin Seok? You seem happy." She asked. "Yeah I am happy. Then I'll leave now." He said and left. She nodded. He went outside and went sat beside the woman. She thought : "I knew it! That son of a ..." They both left. Bo Young went out to pick up the trash. While she was picking, she got angry and kicked the table but not so hard that it would fall. "No wonder I got bad vibes from him. Argh, I can't stomach that Hee unnie fell for someone like him. She is so much more good for someone trashy like him. That motherf- Sigh, let's just finish up the work soon and go home." She said and picked up the trash and went back inside.

Her shift finally ended. Hyun Wook entered the store. "Welcome!" She said and looked at him. Identifying who it was, she put a slight pouty expression and started packing her belongings. "I will leave now sunbae. Take care. Bye." She said and started leaving being upset. "Are you upset?" He asked. "No! Not at all! Why would I? Why should I be upset when you said what I told you to not say? End of talk! See you later!" She said and stormed out of the place. "Bo Young! Wait!" He couldn't stop her. "I don't know she would get upset over it, well, it's my fault though, she told me to not say that we hung out yesterday but I said it. Let's take care of it tomorrow." He said and continued with his work.

Meanwhile Bo Young,

"I did well, Sigh, he will now repent for what he did. Let's go home and rest for now." She said and headed home. She texted Seul Hee that she went back home and finally went to bed. When she was sleeping, her phone rung. "Tch, who the hell will call me at this hour?" She said being sleepy. It was an unknown number. "Again!? Again an unknown number! This guy must be crazy!" She said being annoyed. She answered the phone, "Stop calling me you son of a bastard!" "Son of a bastard?! HOW CAN YOU ANSWER A PHONE CALL LIKE THAT?!" The person answered. "YOU BOTHER ME A

EVERY TIME! THEN HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALL YOU?!" She said. "WE NEVER TALK MUCH IN SCHOOL AND HOW AM I BOTHERING YOU?!" The person answered. "Wh-What? Sch-school?! Wait, who are you in the first place?" She asked. "Finally you ask who am I. Ha Sang! I'm Yang Ha Sang!".....


