

Bo Young has finally returned to South Korea. Her dream is what is keeping her going and not give up. To make it come true she joins her dream school. The people she encounter and memories she create are so much. Things are not going really normal. She doesnt and cannot open up about her past to people. But slowly things are starting to change. Is it changing her future or is it things from her past?? Read to find out! I also upload in wattpad! You all can check it out :]

Black_Wolf_3 · Teen
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42 Chs


She thought: "He is starting already...I don't know what's gonna happen hereafter.."

She went and sat in the chair which was opposite to him. "What are you looking at? Study." She said as she took out the book Ji Ae gave. "I will...but I don't know anything.." He murmured.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing.." He said.

She started studying and as usual forgot about her surroundings.

A few minutes later..

"Hey." He called.

He kept calling but she didn't hear. He then tapped the table. She looked at him being startled.

"What are you doing? Keep it low." She said. 

"Give me a book."


"I left my book in my home. Give me yours."

"I can't-*ting*" She got a notification.

"Bo Young, come to the teacher's office now. That boy might've left his book in his home." The message read. It was from Soo Hee. Reading that Bo Young stood up and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Ms.Han's calling me, will be back."

She said and left to the staff room. 

She went to the staff room and met Soo Hee.

"Oh, you're here."

"Hello Ms.Han. Why did you call me?"

"What is Ha Sang doing?"

"Ahh..that..he said he left his book at his home."

"And then he asked for yours right?"

"Oh! Yeah, he did. How did you know?"

"I knew it...he is always like that. Alright, give these papers to him." Soo Hee said and handed over two papers to her.

"What are these Ms.Han?"

"These are model test papers. Test him with these, and it might be easier for you to also help him with the questions in which he has no clue, other than not knowing where to start with helping him. And with these, he will get better scores than before too. That's it, you can leave now. Take it easy."

"Okay Ms.Han, I will leave now."

She left the staff room.

On her way, she was going through the model test papers.

"There are so many questions, will he able to complete this? If he can't do these, it's gonna be tiring for me." She said as she was looking at these papers while going inside the library.

She went to their desk and placed the paper in front of him.

"What are these?" He asked.

"These are model test papers, try these and when you have no clue about things, ask me." She said.

"These much?"

"Don't ask me. It was prepared by Ms.Han. Start, I don't know when you will be able to complete these." She said.

He then started doing it. She went back into studying.

He kept sighing and scratching his head.

"What's this?... Is this there in our syllabus?...What kind of nonsense is this?!" He kept telling these.

"ARE THEY SERIOUS?!" He yelled.

She got startled and the other students in the library were shocked and angry.

"Sorry, sorry." They apologised.

"Are you crazy? Why would you yell here?"

"Fine, I apologised."

"But for what were you yelling for like an idiot?"

"Idiot? Who are you calling an idiot?"

"Okay, why were you yelling?"

"These questions don't make any sense. Are you sure these are in the syllabus?"

She got the papers from him and read through the questions.

"Just be honest and tell that you don't remember and know anything. These are simple."

He was sitting there speechless.

"This means that I have to teach all of these questions. Argh, frustrating."

"What? If it's frustrating, you won't do it?"

"I never told that."

"You indirectly meant that. You are the class president, you should help your classmates. Tsk tsk, if you keep going like this, you will be a bad class president." He ignored her presence and kept blabbering.

"Shut it." She said. He stopped talking.

"I'll teach every concepts and, the questions here are related to that so you can try answering them. No irrelevant questions in the middle." She said and started teaching him.

She thought every concepts in the first hour.

"Sigh, that's it. Now you can try answering them. If you have any doubts, ask me."

He yawned. She yawned after looking at him.

She stretched and started learning for herself too.

He had some doubts in the middle and she clarified them without any hesitation.

"Oh, were you really hanging out or had a date?"

"What?! Why are you asking that?! It was a hang out. A LITERAL HANG OUT. And I told you to not ask any questions which are irrelevant. Focus!" She said.


She thought: "Why is HE asking that? He isn't even related to that."

School ended.

"It's time, you haven't completed these either." She said as she packed her backpack.

"I know a way." He said as he got up.


"Aren't you leaving?"

"I am!" She said and walked away.

They both left the library. They reached the entrance.

"Bo Young!" Ji Ae smiled and waved. Bo Young paced towards her. They looked at the three guys who started talking.  Everyone were there. Yu Ah, Yeon Joon, Seong Seop, Dong Hoon and Hyun Wook.

"Why is he so slow?" Seong Seop asked as he saw Ha Sang walking slowly.

"Look at him yawning. I bet he took a nap again during the two hours." Yeon Joon said.

Bo Young shook her head.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ha Sang asked as he came to them.

"We are talking about whether you slept during the help sessions or actually you guys were serious while studying." Seong Seop said.

"You won't believe but I actually studied." He said.

"Yeah, we don't believe you." Seong seop said.

"You didn't have the book." Yeon Joon said. He then turned to Bo Young. "Don't tell me you guys shared the book..?" Yeon Joon said.

"The hell are you talking about? Knowing that I didn't bring my book Ms.Han gave me model test papers. And I didn't know anything, she taught me and I completed half of them. I still have some questions left." He said confidently.

"Woah, look at the confidence now. You look like you will pass the test this time." Seong Seop said.

He nodded. "You better get good grades, i unwillingly had to tutor you." She said and started leaving. "Tch, I will." He said. Yeon Joon looked a little bit off the track and disturbed and worried. "Yeon Joon, what's wrong?" Seong Seop asked. "Nothing, nothing." Yeon Joon said.

"Bo Young stop." Ji Ae said. She stopped and turned back. "What is it?" She asked.

"We aren't finished yet." Ji Ae said. "Oh yeah!" Yu Ah added.

"About what?" She asked forgetting about it.

"Was it a hangout or a date?" Yu Ah asked, "Wow, how can you forget about this?" Ji Ae said.

"Again? Starting this again?" Bo Young asked.

"I already said that we weren't finished when you left." Ji Ae said.

"As I said already, we were just hanging out like normal friends, no other intention." She said.

"Yeah..I just wanted to hang out with her." Hyun Wook said.

"Ohhh...Wait, you asked her?" Yeon Joon asked.

"Yeah." Hyun Wook asked.

"Why?" Yeon Joon asked.

"Yeah, I've never seen him ask any girl to hang out with him in our grade too." Dong Hoon added. "What? Really?" Yu Ah asked being speechless.  "Yeah, on top of that he doesn't even talk with girls." Dong Hoon said. "That is another level of anti-socialite." Ji Ae said.

"Sunbae, why?" Yeon Joon asked again as they went off topic.

"I wanted to thank her." Hyun Wook said.

"For what?" Ha Sang asked.

"Can we all just leave? This is just wasting time. There's no point in interrogating about this." Bo Young said.

"No!" Ji Ae, Yu Ah, Yeon Joon, Ha Sang said together. Dong Hoon chuckled and Seong seop was startled.

Bo Young sighed.

"Now, did you want to thank her?" Yu Ah asked.

"She helped me in many ways." He said.

"That's the reason?" Yeon Joon asked. He nodded. *ting* notification rung on Bo Young's phone. Reading the text message, she hurried to leave. "Something came up, I will take my leave now." Bo Young said and started walking fast.

"Where are you going? That girl..." Yu Ah said.

"Fine, I'm done. Hereafter, I won't ask about this sunbae. I think we bothered you a lot. Sorry. We will leave now.."Ji Ae said and held Yu Ah's hand. "See y'all later. Oppa! Text me later! Bye!" Yu Ah said as she was being dragged by Ji Ae. Bo Young was a little bit far away from them. "Let's go too. But, sunbae...I will think of it as a hangout like you said. Sorry for bothering you. Let's go." Yeon Joon said and the guys left. Soon, the other two left too.

"Bo Young, let's go together! I won't ask any questions." Ji Ae said.

"You guys better." Bo Young said.

"Yeah we won't." Yu Ah said.

"Why did you leave suddenly?" Ji Ae asked.

"Like I said, something came up." Bo Young said as she was texting. "Fine, It's my call to leave now. See you guys later." Yu Ah said and left.

"Bye!" Ji Ae said. And Bo Young waved.

"And did Ha Sang really study?" Ji Ae asked.

"One second....Ok..What did you ask?" Bo Young said and kept her phone inside her jacket's pocket.

"What is it that you are so busy about?"

"No no, it's nothing. What did you ask?"

"I asked if Ha Sang really did study?"

"Yeah, he did. I don't know how he had no book with him when he has exams tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, he did tell he didn't bring his book. What did he do?"

"He just told everything there, right?"

"Yeah he did, but I wasn't listening to him. Now tell me."

"He asked for my book but at that moment Ms.Han asked me to come to the teacher's office and gave me model test papers and asked him to answer them. And definitely he didn't know anything, and I had to teach him." She said.


"And what?"

"What happened after you taught him?"

"I told him to ask me if he had any doubts and he did. That's it."

They reached the place where Ji Ae had to take a different direction, so they stopped walking.

"So..that's all?" Ji Ae asked.

"Yeah...don't tell me you were thinking of something else."

"You were studying the whole time right?" Ji Ae asked ignoring her question.

"Yeah, what else would I do? Oh right, you're book. I used it well. I don't think I need it now." Bo Young said as she took out her book and returned it back.

"I have another book in my home, you said you don't have the book."

"I studied well and I do remember whatever we learnt previous year. What I have in my mind now is enough for tomorrow's exam I guess. Don't worry about me. If I want I can check from the internet too. Study well! I should leave now." Bo Young said and started leaving.

"Bye! See you tomorrow!"

Ji Ae thought : "She didn't tell me why she didn't have the book either. She might've thrown it away." She left.

"She should've been here by now." Bo Young said after she checked the time in her phone.

The text message she received was: "Bo Young, sorry for replying late. But I was really busy, and when I came back home I just slept. About the transmit card, you can get it in the Seoul subway stations from line 1 to 4. We will go there together. Your school should've finished, right? And I got a day off so we will hang out somewhere! I'll be at your place in about 10 minutes." Seul Hee replied.

"Yeah school finished, are you coming in a cab?"

"No, I'm coming in my car...where are you now?"

"Coming back from school. Will be there in a few minutes."


~End of chat~

She reached her home. She didn't see any car nor any signs of her being here.

"I guess she didn't come here yet." She said and started leaving.

"Who are you searching for?" Someone asked from behind.

"That startled me! Who-? It's you." She said as she saw Yeon Joon.

"Who were you searching for?" He asked.

"None of your business. I have to leave. Bye."

"Answer me!"

"Why should I answer?"

"That...just answer."

A car stopped by. Seul Hee got down the car.

"Bo Young! I'm here-....Oh who's this one?"

"Unnie, let's go."

"Oh, hello, I'm Han Yeon Joon, Bo Young's friend. You must be her sister." Yeon Joon smiled and greeted her.

"Ohh, hi! I'm Yoon Seul Hee."

"Now that you guys have finished, let's go unnie. Bye." Bo Young said and pulled Seul Hee away.

Yeon Joon waved to Bo Young and bowed to Seul Hee. Bo Young and Seul Hee went back inside.

"Wait...Yoon..Seul Hee...? They have different surnames? I might've heard wrong." He said to himself being confused.

Meanwhile Bo Young and Seul Hee.

"Is he one of that guy you told you are bumping into?"

"Yeah yeah..now let's go."

They went inside the house.

"Do you want anything, unnie?"

"If I want I will get it myself, you should get ready. We never really hung out before." She said as she was looking around the house.

"Yeah, where are we going though?"

"I don't know. But first let's go and get your transmit card."

"Oh right! I have to leave for part time job too." She said as she went to the closet for changing.

"When does it start?"

"By 6."

"That's bad. We have plenty of time though. Do you have any soft drink?"

"Yeah, it's in the refrigerator."


Seul Hee went and took out a soft drink can. She had a sip and chuckled.

"And Bo Young, when you said Transit card, I didn't understand."


"What do you mean why? It isn't called as Transit card here."

"What? Really? Then what is it called?"

"It's called T-money. When you said transit card, I was clueless. And then I thought, 'Ah, it might be an English word' and checked it in the internet."

"This is really embarrassing. I'm ready." She said and came out wearing a peach coloured jacket on top of a white T-shirt and shorts, with her signature lavender cap.

"Woah, Bo Young, you look pretty no matter what you wear, you look like a street model." She praises Bo Young.

"What are you talking about? Let's go."

"I'm serious! And since when do you have this cap?"

"This one? I don't know...but it was there with my belongings when I first went to Miami. I feel like this was given by mom...but I don't remember."

"O-Ohhh, Ok. What are you thinking?"

"I'm trying to remember, but I can't..."

"No no, don't do it."


"Let's go! We don't have time."

They both left the house. They got on the car and started leaving.

"Woah, this car is really comfortable. When did you get this?"

"Two months before you came here."

"Oh...how is your husband treating nowadays?"


"Wh-wa-What?! Unnie, are you in an affair with other person?! What do you mean 'what?', your husband  Mr.Choi Jin Seok."

"Hey, don't misunderstand! I knew you were asking about someone, but didn't know who. Don't jump into conclusions!" She laughed.

"Ohh, ok. How is he treating you?"

"The same as always...he does treat me like trash and he does treat me like a normal wife. Sometimes, I just don't know how I feel like with him."

"Are you sure you guys dated and got married?

"Why?" She chuckled.

"This isn't how he should treat someone he loves. Are you even happy with him?"

"He doesn't spend time with me, he just tells he has work and stuff. And I don't know how I feel either."

"Then, why don't you divorce him?"

"Divorce?! I can never do that, I do love him. Nope, I can't do that."

"Tch, Alright."

She thought : "I don't get any good vibes from him. But Hee unnie doesn't listen to me."

"We are here. Let's go." They got down the car and went to the subway station.

They went inside and started to go to the place where they could get one.

Bo Young was looking around when Seul Hee was doing something.

She thought : "Wa-Wait, isn't that Mr.Jin Seok? No, no I'm looking at someone else." She closed her eyes and again looked at the person. She thought: "This can't be right. It's alright if he was with himself, but he is with another woman, hand in hand."

"Unnie, is your husband at work now? It's late though."

"Yeah, he said he's staying up late."


She thought: "This is definitely going in a wrong way. She might look in this direction anytime....what should I do, what should I do?.."


Chapter 26 end.
