
Memoir of the Dead

Austin Markiv quite enjoyed his life when one day it was suddenly brought to an end due to human greed. But what seemed like the end was just a new beginning for Austin. One filled with struggles and hardships. Follow Austin in his journey of getting back what he had lost.

Redoak · Fantasie
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9 Chs

The Way Forward

The library wasn't that far from Ron's tavern. It felt like a fifteen minute walk from the tavern.

The library was massive showing how much knowledge it had stored and the deep history associated with it.

The library resembled a castle in its structure with a dome on its top giving a vibe like someone had made a child between a castle and a cathedral which pleased everyone's eyes.

Don't get me wrong.

My description even though rather crude who was I to care. I was no architecture so I didn't bother with all the details but if this was built on earth it would one of the best tourist attraction that I was sure of.

Before the entrance of library a flight of stairs was present. It really annoyed me. Imran don't they know that people can also enter through the ground floor. Why bother building such a huge flight of stairs which would make any person weary and tired.

But who was I to complain.

Even though I had said it already and was repeating this one again the library was truly big.

The library had dedicated a floor to a particular section.

I headed to first floor which housed books regarding combat abilities.

On the first floor what I had done first was find a librarian who could recommend a book to me.

I didn't need a lot of info I just needed the basics about the various paths available to increase my strength.

What I didn't expect was a book titled, 'A beginners guide to the combat paths' I mean where was the authors creativity.

But I didn't bother with the name that much. If it helped me gain knowledge then I would accept a book with any name.

The first few pages I read them without any trouble but that was my limit. I felt bored after some time.

But I sat through it because there was no other option. I wanted to gain an unbiased perspective.

I could have asked Ron but I felt like his answer would be biased so I came to library.

The number of paths available to anyone were

Weapon Holder who fought with with weapon of their choosing and employed aura to strengthen themselves. The blue coating that I saw on the silent monk was an example of aura.

Weapon users often supplement themselves with the help of natural elements like fire, earth, water, wind.

Mages who employ elements as well but unlike weapon users they only focused on mastering their control over elements they were chosen by. Yup we didn't get to choose elements rather they choose us like they were some kind of sentient being.

Beast Tamers who enslaved creatures that were present in Vespera.

There was a last path called Manipulators. They used illusion magic to slowly wear off their opponents minds. It required one to posses a strong mind otherwise a person could get lost in his own illusions and forget the difference between illusions and reality. But the book said that the fear of losing ones mind for those who had progressed a lot on that path.

It was baffling as to how could someone lose their mind to a simple things as illusions.

These were the primary path.

Now that I had a brief overview of the paths available it was truly a dilemma for me.

I wasn't going to choose beast tamer. I didn't like beast tamer as a path because it required me to enslave creatures. I just didn't like the thought of that.

I hadn't ever wielded a weapon in my entire life. So I needed to train a lot with weapons.

But a mage also wasn't an easy path. I had to first test whether any elements had chosen me. If none did being a mage was out of question.

I could try to become manipulator but the risk of losing my mind was holding me back.

I didn't know which path was most optimal for me.

But if were to choose a path I would be more biased toward manipulator.

The reason was simple other than the side effect of losing the mind this path simply felt more efficient in a fight.

I could fight against a single opponent as well as multiple opponents and once they were trapped in the illusion I could simply finish them off while they were trapped in their mind.

But I thought it was better to get someones advice now that I had a opinion of my own.

I headed towards Ron's tavern to discuss a few things.

I didn't know how much time I had spent in the library but when I came out the sky was slowly turning blue signifying night time.

At night the tavern was especially loud. People needed a place to let out their emotions, their frustrations and the tavern served as such place.

People were drowning themselves in liquor just to forget their worries.

I could relate with them.

After the death of my wife I used alcohol to wash my worries away but I also got a important lesson because of this.

Alcohol was a temporary solution we couldn't run away from our problem forever.

At some point we had to face them.

But enough of that.

I was here to have a talk with Ron but the crowd present was making even walking around the tavern difficult.

After a bit of struggle I was able to get hold of Ron.

"Ron I am here to continue our talk about the offer you had presented me with." Ron was surprised for a moment not expecting me to come with an answer so early.

"Lets go outside we will be able to have a chat properly there." Saying this Ron headed out and I followed suit.

Once outside Ron simply cut to the chase. "So what is your answer?"

"My answer is yes but before that I want to ask you about the paths and which path you would personally recommend?"

"Well paths are a tricky topics. Many a times people feel that the path they had chosen doesn't suit them as much as they hoped but this realisation comes later on in the life. So I wouldn't interfere in the path that you wanted to choose but since you asked for my advice here is the answer."

"I would personally recommend the path of weapon holder. It is imply because it is rather common path and thus getting training is rather easy as well. Advancing in the initial journey is quite simple as well and if you ever feel like you have reached a plateau you can simply ask anyone wielding the sam weapon as you for some advice for a certain renumeration."

Ron's perspective was something I didn't expect to get. He sounded like someone with prior experience.

I wondered what he did in the past.

But his choice of path was different than the path I wished to traverse.

"What do you think about manipulators? I personally liked this path but hearing your advice I am now conflicted so if you could tell me about manipulators in more detail it would help me in making a sound decision." I had thus thrown the ball back in his court waiting for his response.

Unlike before he didn't gave me an immediate response. He pondered for a few moments before giving a response.


"Manipulators well how should I put this. It is the only path that isn't understood perfectly till date. It is a double edged sword. There are people who became top champions while traversing this path but after a certain point they all went insane so."

There are those who are some of the strongest champions to this date but they have reached a point of stagnation. They have stopped advancing. I wouldn't personally recommend this path."

"But looking at you it seems like you have made your choice." With that Ron stopped.

His words made me little bit hesitant about this path. What if I somehow lost myself.

Then what death would then be a rather sweet ending for me. But did I have another choice.

I was in a hurry. Nobody knew how much time till I could get answers to my question.

In the end I chose manipulators as the way forward. Hoping that I won't go mad until I get the answers to my questions.

"I have made my choice. I will choose manipulators as my path. I know this isn't something you wanted to hear but I have my circumstances."

"Well I did try to change your mind but guess I was unable to make you change your mind. I won't make you reconsider your choice but as a friend all I would like to say is be careful."

"Now that you have made your choice let's get your training started. But let me tell you something it wont be pretty."

Was he trying to scare me with those words. Just how hard could it be. Those were my thoughts at that moments which I would come to regret.

Ron further continued, "I will tell you once I have found a suitable trainer for you. In the meantime why don't you help me in the tavern. It will make it easy to contact you and you will also get a place to stay and foods on the house."

Who could say no to such an offer. I accepted it instantly.

My routine for the next few days consisted of helping Ron in the tavern as a waiter until one day when he came to talk to me .

"So I guess you come bearing some good news?" I couldn't help but ask.

To which he turned his head sideways making me feel slightly disappointed.


His laughter rang out as soon as I turned around.

"Why are you sad I come bearing some great news."

As soon as I heard this I turned around and hugged him.

I just couldn't put the what I was feeling into words.

Even though I knew nothing about what future had in store for me, nothing of that really mattered to me. I was glad that I could at least take the first step towards my goal.

"Aw did I make you cry." Ron was still in the mood to joke.

"The instructor will arrive within next few days so till that time why don't you keep helping me in the tavern."

"Sure. And Ron can you lend me some money. I want to visit that tailor you recommended to me on the day we met. I would like to get into some medieval clothing as well."

"Maaaan do you even have to ask, I haven't paid you for the all the help you have provided to me in the tavern. Don't bother paying back." Ron said with an exasperated sigh.

He truly was a great friend.

It took a few days for the tailor to get the clothes ready but it was money spent well.

I was currently wearing a maroon coloured short sleeved tunic. It was somewhat similar to a blazer but with more freedom of movement. The black coloured pants that the tailor made went really went with the tunic.

Similar to Ron I was wearing a white undershirt. Albeit it wasn't blown like balloon near my forearms.

And the boots that I was wearing complemented my overall look.

But I was happy for another reason as well. It was because the instructor had arrived and today was supposed to be my first lesson.

Unknown to me it was actually the start of my sufferings until I was ready to fight my first battle in the colosseum.