
Mediocre God’s Champion

Kenneth Fox a 13 year old boy is killed by a bird with three buff arms instead of wings and sent to a blank space where a god is awaiting his arrival. "Wait are you a god" "Uh yes" "FINALLY MY SYSTEM IS HERE" "No can do"……. "wat"-Summary by Kenneth Fox you're welcome (None of the given art is mine.) Update schedule is weird, but I am gonna try Wednesday and Friday. (Although I’m usually too busy.)

crimson_killer · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs


Looking out the batmobile's window is much crazier than I thought it would be.

"Look Richard listen while we are on the street I am Batman not Bruce, so I won't be as kind as I am at home. This is a very serious situation and we believe there's a new criminal on the loose. Or maybe a new murder style from an old one."

"How did the person die?" I tilt my head waiting for an answer and he just shook his head and said "His family has to have a closed casket funeral."

"…Let's make sure we get that bastard." It's funny I don't know the killer and yet I already hate him. That seems to be the end of our conversation as the rest of the car ride was in silence.

-15 minutes later-

The door flys up and I step out the car still with conviction to find this killer and put him in prison forever.

We walked into the apartment with police men and women all around questioning the neighbors. The police all began looking at Batman and more specifically me.

When we reached the door Jim Gordon was standing outside the door checking up with another officer.

He slowly turned to us scoffing "You sure are late to the party. Who's the…kid?" Yeah right you know why I'm here look at the suit.

"Nightwing at your service Commissioner Gordon nice to meet you." He just stared blankly looking at Batman.

"What the hell Batman you brought a kid?! Do you know how dangerous and scarring this could be to him!" Technically he's not wrong this was a terrible thing to do I'm lucky Bruce is insane.

"He's much more mature than you think and he's seen something much more scarring than what this could be." He sounded so sure of himself that even I believed I'm really mature.

"Goddammit fine, but don't let him get in the way okay." Wow talking like I'm not right here. I am alive you know just tell me.

"I'm hurt commissioner trust me I'm good for it." I grinned and he shrugged it off reluctantly opening the door.

"What we know so far is that his face was ripped off using some razor sharp blades, but specifically they look to be claws so it's likely a quirk."

…of course the one thing you can recognize on his face is his fear and terror. I might throw up if I'm in here too long with the windows closed.

Me and Bruce approached the body although I was noticeably slower than he was.

There was a splatter of blood on the back of his living room chair, so the killer prolly went after him while he was watching tel- fuck it smells so bad and his face is just… I don't think I can do this I feel my eyes watering.

"Yeah, I know it's terrible we found his child in their room crying to himself. Now he won't open the door and is afraid we'll kill him like his father."

there's a child…?

"Is he still in his room?"

"Yes, his name is Randy. We're afraid breaking the door down will make it worse." Not even bothering to listen to the last words I walked to their door and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Randy I wanna talk with you." After a long time his voice trembled from behind the door "Go away…please."

"I'm a superhero and I just wanted to talk with you about what's happening." I heard sniffling from beyond the door before he said "…you're lying if you are a superhero w-what's your name?"

With a slightly cheerful energy I quipped "I'm Nightwing, because for civilians I'm gonna be the one to pick them up off their feet in the dangers of the night."

Still untrusting he replied "Then why haven't I heard of you if you're a hero?" At least being able to get him speaking is something of a miracle.

"Because I'm just starting out, but one day I'm gonna help everyone and make sure no one has to worry about whether they're safe to go outside or take a trip to the store." I spoke with determination resonating through the apartment.

"How old are you Randy? What's your favorite tv show?" I could hear him scooting closer to the door before saying

"I'm 9 and I-I like the Superman show." I began to smile getting closer to the door.

"He's great isn't he such a nice guy. Do you wanna be a hero like him?" Surprising he still likes heroes after they weren't here for his father. Obviously that's not fair, but he's even younger than me.

"I don't know if I can…" hmmm? That's kinda weird I'm gonna motion towards it a bit.

"Why not?" He whimpered "Because he said he'd come back if I became a hero." What…is this some kind of Stain stan.

"Don't you worry about him I'll protect you from him. Also since you like Superman do you maybe wanna see my cape? It's not the same, but it's cool." I heard a small gasp before he spoke up in a small somber voice.

"capes are cool…" Great I'm glad this worked. Unzipping my hood/cape Bruce came up and grabbed my hand saying "You need that for back and head protection." I just countered him "Someone needs it more." He let go of my wrist and I put it under the door for him to take.

After a few second of silence I heard a zipping noise and what sounded like a voice of glee for a small moment where he could forget


I chuckled "Keep it until we find this guy and put him behind bars. It's a gift from me to you." At this point I could tell his face was against the door "You promise?"

"I promise."

"Okay, Nightwing I trust you."


When Richard stood up I saw something on his face I haven't seem yet. Hatred pure unbridled hatred. He's always been kind and joking, but seems like this is something that takes more than he can give which is expected.

"Batman. What did you see so far?" Looks like he's back into the case.

"So far not much all the blood is around the room randomly and only thing concrete is the claw marks."

"If bloods around the room how isn't there any shoe prints?" At first I wondered that too, however…

"There's a spot with no blood on it randomly and it's extremely close to the blast range."

"So somehow that's the likely position of the murderer?"

"Exactly." He's surprisingly analytical, but his emotions don't seem to be lacking much if not they carry him more than logic.

"I'm gonna step outside to check around the building and talk to people after all people have always been my specialty." He walked out and despite his hood being gone I couldn't see any feature on his upper face, but his eyes.

"Got it, but take this tracker so I know where you are. If you need me or find something signal me immediately."

"I hope I have the control to signal you 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 I catch him." And with that declaration he left.