
Mediocre God’s Champion

Kenneth Fox a 13 year old boy is killed by a bird with three buff arms instead of wings and sent to a blank space where a god is awaiting his arrival. "Wait are you a god" "Uh yes" "FINALLY MY SYSTEM IS HERE" "No can do"……. "wat"-Summary by Kenneth Fox you're welcome (None of the given art is mine.) Update schedule is weird, but I am gonna try Wednesday and Friday. (Although I’m usually too busy.)

crimson_killer · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

First super suit

-Bruce Wayne POV-

Ever since I got Richard his materials he's been in his room the whole rest of the day. I'm pretty sure Alfred has had to bring his breakfast, lunch, and dinner to his room.

I'm not quite understanding what he's doing, but I assume he didn't quite like the colors. The only way for it to be truly colored blue and black would be to use different color materials though. All he had to do was ask and I could have it done, so I'm not sure how he planned on making it look good.

-Mc POV-

New suit

1x Robin suit

2x bottles of blue ink

2x bottles of black ink

3x Bundle of tri-weave kevlar fiber


Thank Lodune the crafting is infinitely adaptable. Now I don't have to get all these specific materials as long as I use all the suit has. These extra materials do help with the leggings so I have more freedom to things I wanna add.

All I need to decide now is how I want it to look…obviously a Nightwing color scheme, but what kinda suit. Maybe something like the all known tight suit or maybe I could add a cape like Batman's suit.

Wait a minute I know what I wanna do! Super strength isn't something I have, but weighted gloves should help pack a punch if I get strong enough to move normally. Regular humans will be a thing of the past in this championship hell even in this world regular humans are far and few in between.

-1 day later-

"Hey, Mr. Wayne and Alfred good morning." Bruce looked up from his newspaper with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, didn't expect you to crawl out from your cave. What have you been doing in there and good morning to you too." His face donned a smirk letting out his joke and he seemed proud. Who am I to take that away from him by letting him know that his t-shirt was inside out.

"Yeah I was fixing up my suit and seeing how my quirk works." Opening in the air a golden ripple spawned in front of me.

"Speaking of could you also give me some of the materials you use for your batarangs and my staff…please?" I really need this so… I kneeled on the floor and put up my hands like I was praying to some god.

I can't do the puppy dog eye thing, but I can beg normally.

He stood up glaring at me before looking at Alfred waving at him to leave or something and then looking back at me.


"If you can show me you're good for it. Basically all you have to show me what you did with the other materials I gave you. If I think it was a good use of resources then I will continue to give them to you weekly or monthly depending on what the cost of getting them is."

Perfect can do that easily! Rising from the floor I opened a golden ripple right in front of me and grinning at him the whole time I walked through my clothes being taken into GoB while at the same time I am put into my Nightwing suit.

It's a damn good looking suit too. Like a mix of Damian and normal Nightwing it adds a hood that leads into a cape that reaches to my knees. Combat boots, knee pads, a secure belt, and a mask to boot.

Really good for my first super suit if I do say so myself, but I think I did something wrong because his mouth was open and his eyebrows were raised. Oh, nevermind he's just impressed…well, that's good for my ego.

"How did you make this?! The Robin suit used completely different colors and looked completely different!?" Okay nows the most important half the explanation. Most of my time up there was thinking of this.

"Well, when I put things into my gate they go to some other pocket area for me and while in there with enough time and effort I can mix or create items using the materials, however after I do it I become really tired mentally and physically.

This isn't truly a lie except for the physically tired part. My head hurts after since I get the memories of how to really make it and I can actually do the crafting while the materials and such are in GoB.

"Hmmm well, that does sounds like something to invest my money in huh?" A small chuckle left his lips as he smiles to himself pleased at his joke that I totally didn't think he was being serious about.

"Uh yeah heh…so is that gonna work out?" Really don't wanna tell him that jokes about stocks or investing only makes people 50 and up laugh, but I didn't wanna make him think I wasn't interested in what he said.

Is this the trouble of talking to your father? Or maybe it's a full parent thing I'm not sure.

"Yes yes it'll work, but first I have to get those from Alfred." Huh? He pointed towards the camera and they were focused directly onto me.

Ehh…My face just got straight and I squinted as hard as I could. Didn't take long for the worlds greatest detective to realize I'm confused and he said "It's your first super suit and especially since you made it yourself we had to get the moment in 360."

For a good minute and a half I began laughing holding my sides as my eyes start to water.

In correspondence Bruce pats me on the back and says "Well, I need to go get to work now. Come on get into the batmobile and I'll get you the materials you need tomorrow." Time to test run my suit and see if I messed something up or not.

"Also what would you want your codename to be? It'll be easier to call you something you pick yourself so you'll remember it better." Ghost was kinda cool, but too edgy for me I don't wanna do that. Nightwing is good, but I kinda wanna make my own legacy although I am using his symbol and color scheme so maybe I should just double down…

After looking onto my phone for a while "Hmmm you can just call me…Astris.?" That works pretty okay for what I wanna do with it.

"What does that mean though?"

"It has a part of star in Latin and bird also in Latin." People say Batman is the night and I'm like him, but happier and nicer. Wouldn't go as far to say I'm the sun, but the stars definitely.

"Maybe pick something in English for ease and convenience."

"Oh… *sigh* just call me Nightwing." My Oc name dreams have been completely shot down so quickly.