
Me And My Beautiful Sword Spirits

Caught in the crossfire is a short, skinny, ordinary young man (CHARACTER PROGRESSION INCOMING) who nearly met his end. Fleeing for his life, his terrible sense of direction leads him to a room cloaked in demonic flesh. A soft voice echoes in his mind, guiding him through the shadows toward a mysterious sword. Compelled by desperation, the young man draws the ominous blade, unraveling its arcane secrets. To his surprise, the sword speaks, addressing him as its master and offering a chilling proposition. ....................................... In Modern World New Chapter Every Day + One Extra For Every 10 Power Stones

FatFrog · Fantasie
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23 Chs

A Domain

"It's been exactly three weeks from the start of my training."

Said Aiden in his mind as he was running extremely fast in the underground stadium.

'In those three weeks, I only trained my stamina.'

'With the help of Snugglebug who was delivering me with mana I was able to better my mana control and my speed while still training only for stamina.'

'Snugglebug was of great help, but even so. . . I WILL KILL HIM. I just need a better moment.'

Said Aiden in his mind. The only reason Aiden was still doing this hellish training was for Aria to trust him enough to leave him alone with Snugglebug and somehow make it look like an accident.

"Well, my stamina and speed weren't the only things that changed in me,"

Aiden thought to himself as he halted his running and donned a small, arrogant smile.

"With the diet Aria made me go through, I developed an unimaginable amount of muscle..."


Aiden exclaimed in frustration, tugging at the sleeves of his white sweatpants and unveiling his rock-hard calves.

Aiden had solely focused on training his legs through relentless running, fueled by high amounts of protein and mana for muscle recovery. As a result, his leg muscles resembled boulders, while his upper body remained as wimpy as ever.

"F$ck I look like that mother f^cker from Beauty and the Beast."


Said Aiden with tears in his eyes.


Aria called out to Aiden as she approached him.

"You are ready."

Said Aria.

Aiden widened his eyes from the anticipation.

'Thats right, today is the day I will enter my domain.'

Said Aiden in his mind.

"Get into position."

Aiden did just as Aria told him.

He clenched his fists as he got into a horse stance.

He exhaled.

"]Fake State: Channeling["

Aiden's countenance morphed into one of anger as he channeled Cynical Energy around him.

The mana enveloping him transformed into black electricity.

Channeling is the most basic state. It transformed mana into a Cynical Energy that restlessly went into circles around the user. 

It serves as an excellent exercise for learning battle magic and is the sole method for forcibly entering a Domain.

Aria introduced this exercise to Aiden midway through their training, but the longer he maintained it, the more challenging it became to sustain the state.

So, Aiden had to train restlessly to hold that state as long as possible.

'Cynical Energy. . . this is how Named Techniques are created.'



Named Technique: A Technique given to the user by its alter ego or a lineage ability awakened at some point in someone's life.

Unnamed Technique: A Technique created by using mana manipulation or by combining or developing a Named Technique.

Fake State: Concept of mana manipulation [Example: Mana Infused Blade, Mana Strengthening, Mana Sense]

State: An evolution of an element given to the user by the Alter ego [Example: Fire> Azure Fire]


'The alter ego uses Cynical Energy to translate normal mana into the concept of a new State.'

Said Aria in her mind.

'And this is exactly how we will forcibly enter Aiden's domain.'

Aria stealthily approached Aiden, who remained entirely engrossed in maintaining the state, oblivious to his surroundings. Placing her hand on Aiden's, a sudden shift occurred.


The surroundings transformed dramatically.

Darkness enveloped everything, leaving only Aiden and Aria visible in that mysterious space.

"Where are we?"

Aiden spoke, his eyes fixed on the abyss of space surrounding them.

"This is your mind, a manifestation of your spirit in your brain. But right now, we are not in your domain,"

Explained Aria, her expression troubled.

"Then how do I enter my Domain?"

Aiden questioned.

"You have to figure it out,"

Aria replied, clenching her fist and bowing her head.


"I am sorry, master. I don't know... The privilege of owning an alter ego is only exclusive to humans. My knowledge of alter egos and domains comes from books and fellow sorcerers... Here I am, useless,"

Aria admitted, troubled by her uselessness.

". . ."

Aiden paused for a second.

'We are in my mind. . . "



"Can you imagine what this weirdo looked like?"

Said Aiden to the before fat and ugly Torao as the class was still going.

"How can someone even do such a thing to a child?"

Said Aiden as he was referencing a recently discovered case of an elementary school teacher having intercourse with one of his students.

"Damn, she must've had potential."

Said Torao.

Aiden paused for a second while trying to process the information his friend had given him.


Aiden was cut off.


Screamed the old Teacher with a bald head, glasses, and a goatee beard.

"Sorry, Mister White."

Apologized Aiden.

Mr White continued with the class.

"The human brain houses a complex network of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that facilitate communication between nerve cells. Emotions, in turn, are intricately tied to the balance and function of these neurotransmitters."

Said Mr White.

Aiden now started to pay more attention.

"Certain drugs, particularly psychoactive substances, interact with these neurotransmitters, affecting their release, reuptake, or reception. By altering the levels of neurotransmitters, these drugs can modulate emotional states. It's crucial to note that emotions aren't stored in a specific physical location in the brain. Instead, they emerge from the intricate interplay of neural circuits and chemical signaling. Emotions arise from the dynamic activity of neurotransmitters and their interactions within various brain regions, rather than being confined to a specific "storage" site."

Said Mr White.


In Aiden's mind.

'That's right, the brain is an interconnected organ with different regions responsible for various aspects of emotional processing...'

'If an alter ego is the evolved version of an emotion, then it will be impossible for my domain to be in a specific point of my brain.'

Aiden contemplated, piecing together the understanding of his own mental landscape. He refocused his concentration, shutting his eyes in deep thought.

After a moment of profound silence, a subtle yet distinct sound of something cracking reverberated in the internal realm of Aiden's consciousness.


The once impenetrable darkness surrounding them shattered, akin to the fracture of a mirrored surface.

Light spilled through the ruptured space, revealing a new, enigmatic landscape within Aiden's mind.

The landscape unfolded as a vast, mythical realm, with soaring mountains reaching towards an endless sky.

Adorned with an awe-inspiring display, a shrine was covered with hundreds of weapons, each symbolizing a unique aspect of valor and strength.

Swords of various shapes and sizes, gleaming with mythical enchantment, hung alongside majestic bows and arrows that hinted at unparalleled precision. Axes, shields, and staffs, each crafted with masterful artistry, adorned the shrine, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of weaponry.

The floor beneath was a tranquil expanse of water, its surface mirroring the array of weaponry and the sacred aura of the shrine.

The ambient glow within the shrine reflected off the polished surfaces of the weapons, casting an otherworldly radiance that illuminated the surrounding space. The collective energy of these symbolic armaments resonated with the alter egos' nature, emphasizing the diverse facets of heroism encapsulated within Aiden's subconscious.


Above, the skies were a canvas of swirling energies embodying the harmonious relationship between courage and the mythical allure of these creatures.

As Aiden traversed this mental space, quiet anticipation lingered in the air, suggesting that the domain held secrets yet to be unveiled.

'He succeed?'

Said Aria, shockingly in her mind, followed by a rapid series of thoughts racing through her mind.

"Where are they?"

Asked Aria with sweat on her face as she was confused as to where the alter ego was.

"Did you finally decide to search for us, child?"

The words resonated with a majestic and manly voice, echoing through the unseen corridors of Aiden's consciousness. The timbre carried an air of authority and wisdom.

In the next second. 


Suddenly, within the sacred shrine adorned with hundreds of weapons, two colossal tornadoes of energy materialized out of nowhere. The tempestuous forces swirled and twirled around the shrine, distorting the ambient glow and casting an otherworldly light upon the countless weapons.

The tornadoes, pulsating with raw, untamed power, seemed to signify a convergence of formidable energies within Aiden's subconscious. The air crackled with the intensity of this unexpected occurrence, as if the alter egos were making their presence felt through the dynamic and chaotic display.

"Two egos?"


In the midst of the arcane dialogue, Aria bowed respectfully before the ancient sorcerer, seeking answers that echoed through the corridors of time.

"Two alter egos? That's impossible. An alter ego is an individual essence crafted for only one person. It's true that one can evolve an alter ego to contain two emotions, but two distinct alter egos existing together..."

Said the sorcerer as he stroked an imaginary beard.

The sorcerer's voice trailed off, emphasizing the profound rarity and potential impossibility of such an occurrence. Aria absorbed the weight of his words, contemplating the complexities of alter ego evolution.

"Evolving an alter ego to embody two emotions... Is that the limit of what can be achieved?"

Said Aria, intrigued.

"What do you mean?"

Asked the sorcerer.

"There is no mention of the idea against it. Why couldn't a soul harbor the essence of two egos?"

Said Aria.

"The evolution of an alter ego to embrace dual emotions is a formidable feat, young one. The balance required is delicate, and achieving harmony between conflicting sentiments within a single alter ego is a challenge in itself. The prospect of awakening two separate alter egos simultaneously is a realm shrouded in uncertainty. . ."

Said the sorcerer as his heart started to beat faster.

"But there are whispers, a legend woven in shadows. Of a person that really did possess such a power. . ."

Said the sorcerer.

"Who is he?"

Asked Aria.

"The First Lich. . ."

Said the sorcerer with fear in his eyes.

Aria's eyes widened, and a subtle tremor ran down her spine. The fear of The First Lich's name had already woven itself into the tapestry of sorcerer lore.

Even Aria, with her knowledge and prowess, couldn't escape the unease that accompanied the recognition of such a formidable and malevolent force.

The First Lich's legacy loomed large, casting a shadow that extended far beyond the boundaries of conventional fear. The mere mention of "The First Lich" sends shivers through the very fabric of sorcery.

"If it is true. . . then it would probably bring another permanent calamity to the world. The best course of action in that situation would be . . . execution."

Said The Sorcerer with a terrifying expression.


'This sword. . . really knows how to chose people. . .'