
MCU: The Spectacular Spider-Man

A New and Improved Peter Parker takes on the Universe of the MCU as Spider-Man. With New powers. Plenty of Classic Villians and New Relationships. Can our New Peter become the Hero we all want him to be....Let’s find out, Shall we? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starts just after Iron Man 1. I'm gonna try to avoid major cliches like learning magic. I also don’t own anything other then my MC. I don’t own the MCU or any Photos used in the making of this fanfic.

The_Crimson_Writer · Filme
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29 Chs

Chapter 22 - Tinkerers Repulsion Gun



~3rd Person POV~

"Spider-man~ Spider-man~ does what ever a spider can~" Peter sings to himself as he swings around New York. "I should grab a couple pics for the gram Ned has been getting onto me about not posting enough"

Peter lands on one of the many skyscrapers in New York snaps a couple of pics of himself in his Spider-Man suit before leaping off in and entering a swan dive like motion.

"Woohooo" He yells out at the top of his lungs as he swings from another building.

{Peter there's a robbery ongoing a block away from your current position}

"Pull it up" Spider-Man responds as a small map appears on his heads up display.

{It's also been report that the criminals are using some sort of repulsion tech}

(A/N: This is how ^^ Sarah, Peters AI will be shown from now on, just in case you didn't know)

"Like the Tinkerers grenade and bomb?" Spider-Man asks.

{I believe so. The police are 5 minutes out}

"I'll get there first" Spider-Man says as he closes in on the jewellery store that's currently being robbed.

Spider-Man lands in front of the store, it's a decently sized building with glass windows and a glass door. Taking a peak inside Peter can see a pair of masked people stuffing all the valuables into bags.

"Knock knock anyone home" Spider-Man says knocking on the glass door.

One of the masked man immediately turns towards the door and fires his gun that Spider-Man didn't see before hand. But it's not a bullet that was fired, no it was more like a wave of pure force that crash's into Peter.

With no time to dodge Spider-Man is sent flying and crash's into the wall of the building opposite of the street.

"We need to move the wall crawler is here!" The masked man that fired the repulsion guns shouts.

"Argh I deserve that, got a little to cocky there" Spider-Man murmurs as he stretches out his back. "But jeez that gun would definitely kill a man or atleast launch a car"

Without wasting anymore time Spider-Man slingshots himself towards the jewellery store and smash's right through the glass window. He lands right next to one of the masked individuals, with giving them time to fire their gun at him. Spider-Man delivers a fast and solid punch to the head of the nearest mask criminal.

But unfortunately as Spider-Man lands his punch the other masked man fires his gun at Spider-Man paying to attention to his comrade who will get catch in the crossfire. Without missing at beat Spider-Man pulls the unconscious man to him as Spider-Man tanks the full blow of the repulsion blast.

As the repulsion blast send Both Spider-Man and The unconscious masked man flying, Spider-Man wraps himself around the unconscious man to protect him from the damage that he would receive if allowed to fly at the wall.

Spider-Man let's out a loud grunt as the slams into the wall while still protecting the unconscious man. Dazed and dizzy Spider-Man hears the distinct sound of police sirens pulling up at the jewellery store.

Getting up he puts down the masked man and webs his hands and feet for good measure, before shaking his head a couple times to get himself out of his daze state. Just in time to hear gun shots and repulsion gun go off.

Darting out side the store, Spider-Man glances around quickly to take in the entire situation. The police man are diving out of the way of a car that's been launched by the masked mans gun who is also lining up another shot.

Reacting quickly Spider-Man shots a web at the repulsion gun and flicks it upwards allowing the shot to go off but harming no one, Spider-Man then quick as lightning shots a pair of webs at the still flying car and pulls it towards himself and out of the way so no one is harmed when it lands.

Then finally before the Maskes man can line up and fire another shot. Spider-Man shots a web at his head and flicks in downwards taking the masked man off his feet as his face hits the ground leaving him dazed.

Quickly webbing his hands and feet, Spider-Man nods to himself see that all the criminals are not taking care off. After double checking that the police men weren't harmed and have apprehended the criminals Spider-Man leaves. But he leaves with anger burning inside him at the thought of the Tinkerer just handing out weapons of near mass destruction to your every day criminal.

~Scene Change~

"Still in a bad mood?" Ned questions lightly glance towards his friend who seems to be brooding in the corner of his room.

"I am" Peter responds shortly.

"Because of the Tinkerer?" Ned follows up.

"Yes" Peter says quietly

"Really? Or is it that you can't find The Tinkerer" Ned points out.

"Both" Peter says remaining quiet for a few seconds before he burst into a rant.

"I mean come on I've not next to nothing to go on. Every lead has lead to nothing not their potential education or job, I've got no age range either. I don't even know where this guy gets his equipment from. Also all the criminals that have his equipment haven't even met the damn guy!"

"You fell better?" Ned questions with an arched eyebrow.

"I do actually" Peter says

"Then you should probably answer that" Ned points to Peter Spidey phone that Peter now only notices is going off.

Grabbing the phone and answering the call he's greeted by a familiar voice. "Spider-Man?" The voice of detective Yuri asks.

"Ah my favourite partner, how goes you detective?" Peter says a smirk now on his face.

"Hey so listen you remember that burglar that was hitting a few of the rich people in New York are couple months or so back?" Yuri asks.

"Oh yeah the platinum haired girl with that rather tight black suit" Peter says in conformation.

"We call her Black Cat now" Yuri tells him.

"Sweet name, is she back in town?" Peter questions.

"We believe so, there been three robbery's so far that follow her MO. But we believe we've found a pattern so we are setting up a trap for her" Yuri tells Peter.

"Not too worry Partner Spider-Cop will be there" Spider-Coo answer her in his natural deep and grizzled voice.

"Actually you no what, it's probably nothing so why don't you take the night of or better yet go on vacation" Yuri backtracks immediately after head Spider-Cops masculine voice.

"It's too late partner, Spider-Cop doesn't go back on his word" Spider-Cop tells his faithful partner.

Yuri releases a deep and audible sigh at Spider-Cops antics. "I'll text you the details when everything's confirmed"

"I'll be waiting eagerly by my phone, partner" Spider-Cop says before Yuri hangs up.

As Yuri hangs up Spider-Cop stares off into the distance as he painfully remembers how the Black Cat his greatest nemesis escaped his Clutch's of Justice.

"Peter, Peter, PETER!" Ned shouts snapping Peter out of his trance.

"Yeah?" Peter says.

"You good? you were staring off into to the distance again" asks worry seeping into his voice.

"Ah sorry about that, you know I can't control Spider-Cop" Peter shrugs with a smirk.

"URGGHH, I rue the day you came up with that alter ego of yours" Ned groans out.

"Hey! You love Spider-Cop" Peter exclaims in betrayal.

"Loved, you pull him out all the time. For example last week you lost your phone and you pulled him out to find it only to discover you left it in the toilet" Ned complains.

"Hey I can't help it, when there's a mystery to be solved Spider-Cop can't help himself it's in his nature. So I won't apologise for the guy who's just being himself" Peter justifies.

"God I hate you" Ned says lightly.

"No you don't" Peter reply's giving Ned as grin.

"I might" Ned says as he turns around to begin working again.

~End of Chapter~
