
Ch. 70 - Hydra's plan

After leaving the scene, under Ross's confused eyes, Doflamingo went back to his secret base, which he named as Sanctuary.

On the outside, it looks like a normal warehouse that is not maintained for years, but if you go through the metallic doors, you'd see a cozy bar house with stools and a bar counter, full of expensive wines and alcohols.

Because of how big the warehouse is, Doflamingo added some few things inside like an arcade machine and such.

On the second floor is where the family member's bedrooms are. Obviously, Doflamingo's room isn't on the second floor.

Of course, the secret base of Doflamingo is under the warehouse, encased in durable metals like Tungsten, Steel and such.

It is also where Richard's laboratory resides, which is on the first floor.

On the second floor is the training grounds, where Doflamingo could train his fruit powers and Haki. There are also cold and hot weapons like a spear or a sword.

On the third floor is Doflamingo's room or you could say, Doflamingo's home because there are also gaming rooms, kitchen, living room and many more aside from his bedroom.

On the fourth floor is the prison, honestly this isn't used that much except for now as Blonsky is currently imprisoned there, alongside the Winter Soldier who is encased inside some kind of refrigerator.

The fifth floor is Matilda's Hacker's Room. It is almost littered with nothing but advanced computers and servers. It is also Matilda's room, as you can see that there's a bed beside all those litters.

And finally, the last floor, which is the treasury room, a room where everything that Doflamingo, or his other persona Robin Hood has stolen over the years like Jewelries and cold cash. There are also the confidential information about the American Governments that if Doflamingo has released, would cause chaos throughout the entire world.

Fortunately, Doflamingo isn't planning on releasing them yet. Perhaps after he's recognized by the citizens and regarded as a hero to many, only then he would release it. It's like saving a damsel from distress when the chaos ensues but this time, it is saving the country from distress.


"How are you liking your new room?" Doflamingo stared through the glass wall where Blonsky who has turned into the Abomination, is punching the glass with all of his might.

"Release me and fight me like a man!" The Abomination taunted as he continued punching and kicking the glass.

"Unfortunately, I cannot do that. Didn't you see this clothes? I just recently made them and I cannot have it dirtied by your disgusting filth." Doflamingo flexed his suit and tie while staring disgustingly at the Abomination, especially towards the weird liquids that can be found almost everywhere on his body.

"Don't worry though, someone would come here to help you." Doflamingo said and just in time, the metallic door opened as a female voice rang across the room.

[Richard Parker Access granted.]

"What is it? You said it was an emergency so I abandoned what I was doing and immediately rushed he-." Richard came running in as he was speaking, but when he laid his eyes on the Abomination, he stopped in his tracks and stared at him in shock.

"Is that the monster that wrecked havoc in Harlem City? I think I saw him in the news and was said to be stolen by a terrorist. I didn't expect that 'terrorist' to be you." Richard said with a disgust, but this disgust isn't directed towards Doflamingo but towards the Government as he knew that only the Government has the capability to manipulate the news that brainwashes the people.

"Yes, it was me." Doflamingo said as if he's a great villain.

"Where's the other one? The green monster." Richard asked.

"It's a bit rude to call him a monster, let's prefer him as BFGG." Doflamingo pointed out.


"It is the short term for Big Friendly Green Guy." Doflamingo smiled and said.

"Friendly? Really? After causing so much chaos in Harlem City you call him friendly?" Richard deadpanned stared at him.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. You just don't know him. But if you do get to know him, trust me, you both would really get along." Doflamingo confidentally said, after all both Richard and Bruce are scientists, then they both should get along just fine.

"Well, if you said that, then I'm looking forward on meeting the BFGG." Richard shrugged his shoulders before walking past Doflamingo.

"What a fascinating beast. Tell me, how can you achieve this form?" Richard studied the Abomination meticulously as he asked.

"I got it from no one! I am God, I deserve this power! Now, release me or else you'll regret keeping me here!" The Abomination arrogantly said before continuing punching the glass wall.

"Looks like, communication is not an option." Richard muttered before turning around and asked Doflamingo.

"Can you sedate him? Or atleast put him in a sleep, so I could study this biological form." Richard asked a question.

"I could put him into sleep, do you want to do it now? Where are your tools?" Doflamingo answered before Richard smiled at him, clearly hinting at something.

"Sigh, I knew it." Doflamingo sighed before wearing his sling ring and opened a portal that leads to Richard's laboratory.

After taking some things out of the laboratory, Richard started gathering the Abomination's flesh and blood, of course after Doflamingo put him into sleep.

"His blood is dark green, huh?" Richard muttered before continuing plucking out some more experimental samples.

"I want to get a report about him by next week, understood?" Doflamingo said.

"Aye Aye, captain." Richard said while focused on carefully cutting the Abomination's flesh.

"His healing capabilities is amazing..."


"Did you find his location?" Inside his office, Doflamingo was talking to Matilda, who was munching on some chips.

"Yup, I found him near the border of Mexico." Matilda said.

"Did you contact him yet?"

"Not yet, well do you want me to?" Matilda answers his question.

"No need, just send me his specific location, I'll go and meet him up."

"Got it." Matilda nodded her head and said.


"What?" Alexander Pierce, the current of the Hydra hidden in Shield was shocked by the revelation that Arnim Zola revealed to him.

"Yes, It was the Joker and some kind of red witch. I don't how they knew of the location but I think I have an assumption. Earlier this month, someone tried to invade my cyberspace, but luckily I'm an A.I managed by thousands of servers, no human could compete with my power over the cyberspace, to it only took me 10 seconds the repel the attacker. I suspect that the attack that day managed to steal a few files under my nose!" A familiar face appeared on the screen of Pierce's computer.

"We need to know which files were stolen." Alexander Pierce was already biting his nails in fear of being discovered, after all, he doesn't want to see his entire work for years crumbling apart in front of him. He needed to make preparations just in case.

"Don't worry, I already analyzed the files that were stolen. Fortunately, the attacked only got some secret bases that we planted in other countries. Aside from that, nothing else was stolen." Arnim said, making Alexander sigh in relief.

"I suggest we don't stay idle. I think this attacker is an ally of the Joker. And the Joker already knew about us. We don't know how he thinks but I already have a plan planned against him." Arnim said, reeking with confidence on his tone.

"What is it?" Alexander got excited. The Joker has been a thorn on his side and as long as he doesn't get rid of him, he'd be a nightmare that would haunt him everyday and every night.

"I already uncovered his identity based on his facial features." Arnim Zola said before disappearing and was replaced with a bunch of words and files on the screen.

"Donquixote Doflamingo, presumed dead when our Hydra Agents chased after him. As of now, he has a net worth of 4 billion USD, thanks to Dressrosa, an Amusement Park that has become famous throughout the world and combined with his shares on Stark Industries, making him a billionaire at such a young age." Arnim Zola stated the information that he got from Doflamingo.

"How can any of this help us?" Alexander confusedly asked.

"Before he was chased by our agents, he was closed with his fellow orphans, and just so you know these orphans are under us as our guinea pigs for experimentations. I think there some that are still alive, so we could use them as a leverage in case the Joker tried anything funny against us." Arnim laughed like a maniac.

"Is that all? We can't just rely on a single plan." Alexander said.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I have a plan B if this doesn't work." Arnim said.

"What is it?"

"His Elementary Teacher and also the mother of Matilda Honey, Doflamingo's closest associate, assistant and his one and only friend." Arnim said, showing a picture of Ms. Honey and Matilda in the screen.

"That's good. When do you think we should do it?"

"Tomorrow, I'll try to make contact with Doflamingo to have a meeting with us. If he doesn't want to, I could use the orphans to force him." Arnim said.

"Make sure that this is a good plan. I have a feeling that something will go wrong." Alexander hesitantly muttered.

"You don't have to worry, I already made countless calculations and by far, this is the best chance we have and we cannot afford to waste it!" The Artificial Intelligence, Arnim Zola said with strong determination in his voice, despite being an A.I


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