
Ch. 122 - The Parents

"I'm gonna be honest with you, but I'm not interested in meeting them." Doflamingo said bluntly.

"Oh, no hesitation, huh?" Tony was taken aback when Doflamingo answered. Perhaps it is because of the fact that Tony would like to meet his parents once again and seeing that Doflamingo has the chance but didn't take it, he was speechless.

"I see. I'm already expecting this answer. Anyways, I'll just leave their location in this folder, just in case you are interested." Nick said as he placed a folder on the table in front of him before standing up.

"That's all gentlemen, I'll have to take my leave first. Thank you for your time." Nick Fury said with a nod before leaving the room.

After seeing Fury leave, Doflamingo then turned his attention to Tony.

"So, what are you here for?" Doflamingo asked.

"Oh, I'm just here for....you know..." Tony started scratching his head while speaking, as if he doesn't want anyone to hear what he has to say.

"What? Are you here to buy drugs or something?" Doflamingo got annoyed by the unnecessary acts, instead of just getting direct to the point.

"O-oh. Matilda didn't tell you?" Tony stuttered, further confusing Doflamingo.

"What is she supposed to tell me?" Doflamingo raised his eyebrows and stared directly into Tony's eyes, making him gulp his saliva in fear.

"W-we have decided to further our relationship. Like, more than just friends. If you know what I'm talking about." Tony shyly said.

"I don't remember you being this shy Tony when it comes to this kind of talk. If you both want each other then go for it. Why would you need my permission?" Doflamingo expressed his confusion.

"What? But it was Matilda's idea to get your permission first before I could take her on a date." Tony also got confused.

"She's probably just nervous and decided to use me as an excuse to extend the time before you both get together." Doflamingo already knew Matilda's mentality. That girl is a monster when it comes to her interests such as technologies and stuff but when it comes to romance, she's like a high school teenage girl that's fawning over her crush.

"That sounds like her." Tony chuckled.

As the awkward atmosphere started settling in, Doflamingo remembered that he had something to ask Tony.

"Tell me, Tony."

"Hm? What is it?" Tony was a bit startled by the sudden start of conversation.

"Are you interested in recreating Captain America?"

"Capta- you mean his serum? I think it's possible but I don't think Captain would agree to have his blood taken and experimented o-."

"You don't have to worry about the Serum. My team of scientists have succeeded in replicating the serum. Now, all it needs right now is a machine to insert the Serum inside the body and to implement it without any backslash." Doflamingo cuts him off and says, making Tony wide-eyed.

"Y-you managed to replicate the Serum? How?" Tony questioned in surprise.

"It's actually your father who invented it. You could say that he left it to my 'care' since he thought that it is dangerous for the other people to know about it." Doflamingo didn't hesitate to lie through his teeth.

"Dad..." At the mention of his father, Tony was saddened but soon recovered.

"As expected of him. He's my dad, after all." Keeping up a positive vibe, Tony praised his father, Howard.

"So, you in?" Doflamingo asked as he stared at Tony's eyes.

"A Stark never backed down a challenge." With a smirk, Tony answered with a confident tone in his voice.

"I'll do it tomorrow, let me just prepare my tools." Tony said while starting to stand up.

"Is there anything else you need a Stark for?" Tony turned around and asked.

".....Interested in a space ship?" Doflamingo contemplated for a few seconds before ultimately revealing.

"You...have a space ship? Hmm, I don't think I'm interested, after all, I already got the Leviathan Chitauri from Nick to study." Although shocked at first, Tony deliberately recovered and shrugged his shoulders.

"This isn't just any space ship. You know the Chitauri that we fought are nothing compared to the space ship that I have. After all, it used to be owned by a high level General from one of the biggest empires in space." Doflamingo dropped the bomb, making Tony stop in his tracks.

"Count me in." Without hesitation, Tony immediately agreed. A spaceship that used to be owned by a General in some galactic empire in space? There's gotta be something in that ship that would benefit him greatly.

"After the machine for the Serum, then I'll give you permission to study it to your heart's content, as long as you also give me a report about your finds in the ship." Doflamingo proposed a deal.

"No problem. Isn't that what a scientist as great as myself is supposed to do?" Tony said with a confident smirk.

"Then, I'll see you around. Don't forget tomorrow, okay?" Doflamingo said. Taking this as a signal to leave, Tony walked towards the front door and left.

Finally alone in his office, Doflamingo's eyes darted on the file on the table.

After a few minutes of thinking, Doflamingo finally cannot resist and picked up the file and read it.

While opening the folder, Doflamingo started reading it. And as he did, his eyes hovered towards a few words that managed to catch his attention.

"Ulysses Klaue? Don't tell me he's my father?" Doflamingo's mouth twitched when he thought of this, so he started reading it for real.

Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case. His parents actually used to work with Ulysses Klaue or more specifically, his mother's father used to work with Ulysses Klaue.

His mother's name is Miranda. Actually, she knows about his father's work with Ulysses Klaue, which consisted of stealing Vibranium from Wakanda.

Miranda's father is the one that actually gives Ulysses Klaue a form of transportation, giving him the ability to sell Vibranium to overseas without any tracks as that is Miranda's father's job in the first place.

Meanwhile, his father Thomas, was one of Ulysses's henchmen. It was during when Ulysses had a meeting with Miranda's father that made the both of them meet.

It's a typical love story where they both fell in love but due to certain circumstances, they shouldn't fall in love with each other. However, with the power of love, they both escaped from Miranda's father and Ulysses's clutches. Hiding in New York, hoping to start a new life.

It wasn't until Miranda got pregnant and his father somehow discovered their location. Forcing them to go into hiding as she knew that Thomas would be killed by her father if they were both caught.

So, in order to make sure that their child survives, they decide to drop him off of the orphanage and try to lay low for a while.

Which they succeeded but only for a few years as they were caught by Miranda's father just a few months ago and now they're being shipped to Africa, where Miranda's father's base is supposed to be.

While breathing heavily, Doflamingo dropped the folder down on the table and started pondering to himself.

"Now, should I save them or nah?" It only took him a few seconds before making a decision.

"Sigh, whether I want it or not, they're still my parents so the least I can do is to give them a better life without having to hide from scums." Doflamingo sighed to himself before standing up.

"Their location is around the Atlantic Ocean." Doflamingo said to himself as he decided to ask someone for help.

"Alice, locate their location. I know you know what I'm talking about."

[No problem, Master. In fact, I've already located their location. It's on Cape Verde Basin, near the lands of Africa. I've already sent their exact location on your phone.]

"Thank you, Alice."

[It is my duty to serve you, Master Doflamingo.]


At night, inside a brightly lit small yacht, some armed men were strolling around while they seemed to be guarding something on the inside.

"It's fine. I'll try to see if I can convince my father to spare you." Inside one of the rooms, Miranda and Thomas were tied up while Thomas's face was full of bruises and injuries, indicating that he was beaten up before this.

"Don't worry, love. I'm 100% sure your father won't do anything to me, since he doesn't know about him." Thomas said, referring to their son, Doflamingo.

"I wonder how he has been? I hope he's eating enough food. It's been quite a few years so he should be in College by now." Miranda started tearing up with a smile while Thomas wished he could escape the rope tying them just so he could comfort his wife, Miranda.

"Father has been trying to marry me off to that bastard, Ulysses. If push comes to shove, I'll have to marry him if in exchange, he could spare you." Miranda looked over to Thomas with a smile on her face.

"N-." Thomas was about to refuse Miranda's claim when gunfire suddenly fired outside their room.

*Bang!* x10

"What's going on?" Miranda wondered in surprise.

The gunshots continued for a few more minutes before silence prevailed.

"Did someone discover us?" Thomas questioned. The silence has been eeri to him, so he's quite afraid by now. But in order to show up as a brave man to his wife, he puts up a front that he's not afraid.

*Clang!* The metallic door in front of them was suddenly pierced by something.

"Is that a hand?" While squinting his eyes, Thomas was shocked to see a hand gas pierced on such a metallic door.

"Johnny's here!"


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