
MCU Shang-chi SI

Just a usual SI, you know how that goes. At least there aren't too many curveballs.... right?

AlanPokhrel22 · Filme
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2 Chs


A/n: Hey everyone! I've always had a love for fanfics since time immemorial (go grammarly, you rock) and I've been lurking in this site and a number of others for years. I've probably read thousands of fanfics, some good, some bad, some probably(definitely) illegal. Recently MCU has been really sucky for a while with only a few good plot to 'balance' it out(get it). Among them, Shang-chi definitely has the best story(suck it spidey) while also coming as a surprise. For a while, I've been looking for a good Shang-chi fanfic but reality has been really disappointing(gotta stop with these puns) so I decided to do it myself(seriously?) and here it is. Please note that this is just a draft and may be tossed down a cliff(why) for a better deal. Osiris out!(no Moon Knight didn't inspire me, my ID is way older)




You know, I've read a gazillion stories about how this goes but trust me, nothing can really prepare you for it. One moment I was having a crisis about what to do with my life next since all my plans of the future had gone down the drain, the next moment I was cradling a stillwarm but very dead body in my arms. A dead Asian woman, that I didn't know but for some reason I just couldn't stop my tears. Some part of my brain was telling me that I somehow knew more than I did before, that all this was very wrong but my mind simply couldn't focus on it over the soul crushing despair, guilt and rage of seeing the woman dead in my arms.

I also became vaguely aware of a 5 year old girl crying next to me. I turned towards her and it broke my heart seeing an innocent child bawling in despair making the entire situation even more sadder. The only thing I could do was just hold the little girl closer and just keep crying along with her while a part of my mind was all but screaming at me that it had an idea about what was happening but I just didn't care anymore, too lost in grief and the sounds of crying.

The moment was broken when I vaguely heard the sound of something soft hitting the floor. As I looked up, both parts of my mind immediately froze. There was an Asian man just standing there frozen with a grocery bag now on the ground, with a look on his face that said that he simply couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then as he began walking towards us, his face slowly changed from disbelief to fear then rage finally settling on absolute despair. He just sat down next to the woman and slowly took her in his arms with vacant eyes and a look of a man that had just lost everything.

And at this moment I was still frozen in shock not because of the look on his face but because of his face itself. By this time, my brain had finally finished sorting through everything. Let me tell you the fanfics had it completely wrong, there was no fusing of two minds, no it was something more like compartmentalization. Getting back to the reason I froze, it was because both parts of my mind recognized him immediately. I let the new child part of my brain take over that recognized him as his father and the dead woman as my mother which just made me cry more while the old me was eerily quiet at this moment. I got close to hug him and he returned the hug while still not moving his eyes from her face.

The adult part of me was quiet because it recognized him too, not as a father but as an actor. An actor that I knew of, an actor named Tony Leung. So, in the quiet of my mind, the old me had only one thing to say in this situation,

"I'm fucked!"