
Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained

Due to an accident done by a new intern in Heaven, an average Joe dies and is stuck inside the void while slowly starting to lose his mind. Then, he is suddenly sitting in a chair with a faceless being of light in a classy velvet suit sitting in front of him. As a recompense for the slight mishap, our MC is given a new try at life but with a bit of a helping hand to ensure he is not too quickly terminated wherever he goes. The world chosen is: Mato Seihei no Slave!

John_Doe_777 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter IV: Slave

Kyouka POV:

Kyouka moved away from him and watched as spectral chains manifested in the air. Then, the chains began darkening until they began pitch black.

Following that, the chains, as if possessing minds of their own, began latching around Akuma's body. One for each of his limbs and finally one for his neck.

When the final chain attached itself, bright light erupted from Akuma's body and turned into a pillar of light that stretched into the heavens.

An earth shattering roar erupted from inside the light. The air around her and the earth beneath her feet shook from the intensity. Even, the Shuuki didn't approach them due to the their instincts telling them to keep away from the source of that roar.

Kyouka watched with a shocked expression as the pillar of light vanished and the figure within it came into view.

Eternal Chains, "Slave"

She saw a hulking chalk-white male figure that was at least 8 feet tall and was jam packed with rock hard muscles all over. Wierd black markings covered the entirety of his bare upper chest while his lower body was covered by a tattered piece of black cloth in addition to black worn pant-like article of clothing.

His arms and legs were both bare and just as muscular as his upper body with each of them having a black metallic manacle with a broken chain attached to them.

Moreover, she could see a long, thick, spiked tail swish too and fro from behind the figure.

Finally, the figure still had Akuma's eye-catching crimson hair but it was much longer. Also, there were two sharp, white horns that emerged that mass of red akin to a bull's horn but longer and more streamlined (A.N: think of the horns Ichigo has in bleach whenever he becomes a hollow). Meanwhile, around his neck was a black, metallic, spiked choker that also had a broken chain attached to it from behind like some sort of harness.

His face was still humanoid for the most part while retaining his scary natual expression and his shark-like teeth. The only things that changed from before were the strange markings that covered his face along with the sclera of his eyes turning black in color. Paired with the eerie color of his irises, it gave off a very haunting appearance.

However, the most important thing among all of those was the immense feeling of power that radiated from Akuma's new slave form.

It left her speechless. She could hardly contain the smile that threatened to appear on her face.

'This strength-' her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the barrier around them thanks to the continuous assault of the Shuuki.

With fast and precise movements, Kyouka mounted onto Akuma's broad back and took hold of the chain attached to his choker.

"Alright, make use of your new power, Akuma!"

Obeying his new master's command, Akuma brought his arm back and punched at the Shuuki charging at them. The force of the simple punch obliterated the target and the residual force killed several of the other Shuuki behind it.

"Amazing," muttered Kyouka with barely contained glee before her features suddenly sharped.

"Jump to the right!" she ordered and in the next millisecond, Akuma moved or rather flashed to the right side to avoid a sneak attack from the Shuuki on his left and reflexively retaliated with a round house kick that erased half of the attacker's body.

'Perfect reactions and good instincts,' appraised the seventh unit chief approvingly. 

Suddenly, the horde of Shuuki stopped charging at them and began congregating together and fusing. Within seconds, the hundred or so Shuuki fused together and formed a giant one that was about twenty feet tall.


Kyouka looked at the massive Shuuki though no fear appeared in her eyes, the only emotion that could be seen in them was her confidence in their assured victory.

"Charge in, Akuma!" she commanded. "Throw all you have at him."

Akuma looked at the massive monster before him before letting out a prideful huff.

The nails on his fingers and toes elpongated into wicked claws as he charged at the X-large Shuuki and began ripping it apart as if it were made of wet tissues.

Within seconds, all that was left of the giant Shuuki were its shreds which were starting to disintegrate into the ground.


Akuma's POV:

With the giant Shuuki dealt with, Akuma felt a sudden snapping sensation and his body returned to his original form.

The only problem was that it occured while they were in midair, causing him to promptly fall on his back like a sack of bricks.

He coughed due some of the dust entering his throat when he fell.

Opposite to him, Kyouka had managed to do a perfect landing much like a trained gymnast.

"You surprised me," he heard her say, and he could tell that she was pretty happy, "I expected you to have decent strength based on your physique but the raw power you show blew all my expectations out of the water. I can't even tell how high the cieling to your power is."

"Well, I'm glad your majesty is satisfied," he replied half-mockingly as he sat down and closed his eyes, metally drained from the whole ordeal, "I'll gladly take a cheque as pay-"

Before he could finish, he felt a soft sensation on his lips and the taste of strawberries in his mouth.

When he opened his eyes in panic, he was met with the pink irises of Kyouka Uzen, the chief of the seventh MDF unit, who was kissing him on the lips while sitting in his lap - if that was not already evident.

Short to say, his brain short-circuited.

"So that's your deal, you horny mutt," she said in a tone that Akuma couldn't identify.

"That's the compensation for my ability," she began explaining while still sitting in his lap, "once a mission is over, I, as the master, have a duty to give my slave a reward fitting for their work."

The words work, kiss, and reward floated around Akuma's fried brain before the silver haired girl's next words forced his brain to reboot.

"You worked far better than I hoped," she continued, her expression hidden by her military hat. "Will you have another reward?"

With his brain rebooted, Akuma came to his bearings. As hot as this situation was, he wasn't entirely sure hat it was wise to do something like this with a chief officer of the MDF. One word from them and his life would be ruined for good.

"N-No! I-It's alright! We both worked in equal measure so you don't have to give all the credit to me," he stammered as he tried to get himself out of the quagmire he was in. He could still taste strawberries in his mouth. It was the first time had ever kissed someone or was even this close to a girl in his entire life. Thus, he was understandably out of his depth here.

Suddenly, a stiff wind came and caused the chief's hat to be blown away revealing her expression to him. Her face was scarlet red from blushing and she seemed to be in some sort of pain as if trying to hold back something.


Noticing his gaze, she let out a rueful smile, "Even I... didn't expect this."

Her hands began moving all over his uniform as if exploring a new toy, "Just giving the Shuuki some pork when I made them slaves was enough."

The poor (lucky) teenage boy was rooted in his place from the strangeness of the whole situation, "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, he felt his face being held by her hands in a vice grip.

"My body moves on its own, regardless of my will," she said as her face drew closer to his, "this is the price for my power."

What she said at the end resonated deeply within Akuma's heart for he too knew of the massive price that came with great power.

"I thought I did not mind it..."

Now, their faces were so close that Akuma could count the her eyelashes. The next thing he knew, he could taste her again in his mouth, but this time it was more intense as her tongue explored the insides of his oral cavity.

As if driven by pure instincts, his own tongue met with the unexpected guest in its domain and soon a sloppy, saliva filled dance ensued between the two muscular appendages. Every few seconds, the stage of the dance would shift from his mouth to hers. She tasted him and he tasted her in an open buffet opened by unforseen circumstances.

Meanwhile, his hands move instinctually as if a part of his mind knew what exactly to do in this situation to satisfy his partner.

His left hand trailed down Kyouka's slender back causing her to shiver on top of him while his right hand moved lower and kneeded the soft dough that was her ass cheeks.

He could hear her moaning into his mouth from his ministrations.

Seconds stretched into minutes as they continued this sensual exchange until Kyouka suddenly pushed him away and got up from on top of him faster than a cat in a bathtub. With her back facing him, she moved towards where the corpses of the Shuuki were gathered.

Akuma took a second to re-orient himself before standing up and dusting himself off. He scratched the back of his head, 'So that's how I had my first kiss huh? Never imagined it would be in Mato.'

Shaking off the useless thoughts, he moved besides Kyouka and stared at the mutitude of Shuuki corpses that littered the barren environment.

After a moment of silence, she spoke in a grim, "These Shuuki, if even one were to leak to our world, dozens of casualities happen."

"Mato Disasters, eh?" commented he. "Never thought I would be mixed up in this mess. I mean, you always see it from time to time happen all around on the news but to be the one to whom it happens to feels different."

He felt her staring at him as if considering something, "My objective is to become the commander of the Mato Defense Force and bring an end to those Shuuki as soon as possible. The current leader is too lax."

'Is it okay to talk about your superior like that to a random civilian,' Akuma thought, surprised at either the trust she placed in him or her carelessness in speaking of such sensitive matters.

"With you by my side, I can utilize my blessing's power to its fullest and I'll be able to go after the commander's seat," Kyouka then looked at him with the most earnest expression he had ever seen on someone's face.

"Work for me, Akuma."

The sudden proposal brought the red-headed teenager's thoughts to halt. This could be the opportunity he had been waiting for, if he were being honest.

If he were to join the MDF then there was a cushy salary involved that far exceeded whatever he was receiving from cleaning rich people's houses. Plus it was more a more stable income than his previous job.

With that money he needn't worry about paying for his grandmother's medication prices anymore.

Although, he would probably wouldn't have time to look after her. What if something happens to her while he is busy killing Shuuki or whatever his job actually entailed.

"You look conflicted," commented Kyouka in an understanding tone, "if it is about safety hazards for the job, I-"

"No, its not that," he started before letting out a sigh, "its just that I am the only one able to look after my sick grandmother back home and I can't just leave her by herself."

A look of surprise appeared on Kyouka's face before a being replaced by a soft smile.

"I understand," she replied softly, "family comes first."

"I'm sorry Chief Uzen," he bowed in apologetically, "if my circumstances would've allowed it, I would've gladly taken up your offer. However, if I may be frank, from what I saw, you needn't rely on your power to achieve what you want. From what I saw, you have the confidence and ability to achieve what you want. I may be overstepping my boundaries but those are my two yen."

When he rose from his bowing position, he saw that Kyouka's back was facing him. Unbeknownst to him, the tips of Kyouka's ears that were hidden in her hat were blushing up a storm.

"Kyouka," she muttered loudly.


"I said you can call me Kyouka. Now, lets get you out of here," she said before marching forward expecting him to follow.

He was surprised at the sudden friendly gesture but since they fought together, then they can be considered war buddies of some sort.

Not wanting to be left behind, he prompty followed behind the seventh unit chief's back.

They walked through the landscape of Mato in silence only being interrupted by the attacked of the stray Shuuki which were prompty dealt with by Akuma like it was the most normal thing in the world.

After a while, they reached a building that starkly contrasted with the general aesthetic of Mato.

Akuma honestly thought it was an inn before being informed by Kyouka that it was the dorminatory of the seventh MDF unit.

"It looks more normal than I expected, honestly," commented he as he observed the building before him.

Kyouka explained something about using 'Mato Onmyoudou' principles or some shit to build it which flew right over Akuma's head.

It wasn't his problem so he didn't have to waste what precious mental energy he had left to fret over it.

Soon enough, he was led by her to the real world where he was driven back to his grandma's small apartment complex at the outer edges of the city.

When he returned home, it was already 5:30 A.M.

He immediately collapsed on his bed as soon as he entered his room and fell into deep sleep not giving a flying shit that he had school in a few hours.

Strangely enough, he dreamt of strawberries that night.


Kyouka's POV:

Kyouka sat in kounge of the MDF HQ as she gazed at the phone in her hand.

She had helped to hire the taxi that took Akuma away to his home, which was a job reserved for the mutitude of support personnel they had at hand.

However, she had her own reason for doing so.

A few minutes later, her phone buzzed from a message from an unknown number. In the message was the coordinates for a specific location.

She knew that Akuma had his own personal reserves about working under her, but she would be damned if she didn't try her hardest to have him board her ship.

The raw power he demonstrated in his slave form was too much for her to pass it up that easily. With that power, she was certain that commander's position would no longer be an unattainable goal.

'You needn't rely on your power to achieve what you want. From what I saw, you have the confidence and ability to achieve what you want,' Akuma's voice suddenly rang in her ear causing her to shake her head in exasperation at his cheesy words.

If anyone saw her expression, they would be surprised to see her blushing deep red while a shaky smile graced her lips.

Rising from her seat, the chief of the seventh MDF unit exited the buildng she was in and hired a taxi to take her somewhere.