
Mated to the Devil

"Careful," the man whispered that sent shiver down her spine. He is positioned behind her and no matter how hard she uses her strength and try to break free from his grasp-- the man's hand were chained to her neck stopping her to move away from him. "I can feel nothing but the desire to kill me," he muttered. "You are not going to succeed." Her heart hammered inside her chest when she felt a pair of sharp fangs in her neck. "You crossed the line and now you are mine, woman." *** An order to kill a man named Valerian Fenrir was pointed upon the she-wolf Natasha by her father alpha Acanthus ever since she was little. When it is finally the time for her to go to the city to fulfill the wishes of her father- she thought it was going to be easy, little did she know, a couple of surprises awaits her.

DaoistZFglkD · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: Lovebug

Natasha's POV

"Oh My Gosh!" Elyse's eyes widened the moment I opened the bathroom door and revealed myself.

She held both my arms and twirled me around while looking at me intently.

"You are stunning," she mutters. "You are so beautiful."

I can't help but smile genuinely at her words.

It's just so overwhelming, and she makes me feel so beautiful.

I really didn't put much attention to how I looked in the past years because I was too busy obeying the orders of my father and trying to make him proud. I really didn't have much time for myself.

And right now, doing things that a woman my age should do is overwhelming.

I didn't realize how boring my life was in cargo pants and a shirt; busy training all day and doing work.

It's nice that I get to experience things like this right now and all things to Elyse, Valerian Fenrir's sister.

The bright side of all this that is happening to me-- everything with Valerian-- is that I get to have a person like Elyse in my life even though I know it's just temporary.

I will always be thankful for the experience and all.

"Hey, you okay?" Elyse snapped her fingers in front of me snapping me back to reality. "What's the matter? You don't like the dress? Your makeup? The way you look?"

Gosh, I didn't know I already spaced out in front of her.

I cleared my throat and quickly shook my head. "No, no, it's fine. I like it. I just have to make myself get used to wearing something this revealing though," I said as I let out a low chuckle.

"It's not that revealing and I swear it's really good on you. Seems like you do work out a lot because you have a body of a goddess."

I was so flattered by what she said but it's not because of work out though because I don't work out. It's because of all the training.

The physical training every day for years shaped my body.

It's crazy how I only appreciate my body just these times, especially my waist and hips. I didn't know I have that in me.

"It's not that revealing, Natasha. So don't worry. The dress perfectly hugged your body. Gosh, your curves are killer. You look so hot." Elyse giggled.

I chuckled. "Really?"

"Really! I really don't understand why you hide it. If you have it, flaunt it!"

Elyse and I both laughed at what she said.

This girl is really crazy and I can't deny that she makes my stay here a little tolerable.

"Hey, where are we going?!" I asked when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me.

"Somewhere-- oh I forgot." She halted. "What am I thinking, you don't have shoes!"

Elyse went to the corner again and dig through all the paper bags looking for shoes.

She pulled out a color red ankle strap heels.

Oh thank goodness, I always wear boots with heels before. I surely can walk in them.

I don't want Elyse to think of me as a complete weirdo if learns that I can't even walk in heels. I know she's already weirded out by my styles. But, honestly, I'm not even offended or anything. Elyse is such a fashionable woman and it's like, that is her personality already and I get it. Really. We live in a world and generation where people set so many standards to women even in their clothing and she's trying to fit it-- and she really fitted in.

So I get it.

"Here, take this." She ran back at me and handed me the heels and I accepted them.

Elyse just watched me as I wear it.

"OMG, it's perfect," she commented with a proud smile plastered on her face.

Looking at the shoes-- they really suit the dress. Elyse is the one who picked the choice back in the mall and it's like she really meant to get this one to partner the dress.

Her style is immaculate.

"Okay, we can go now." Elyse grabbed me by the wrist again but I stopped her.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Duh! I already told you, if you have it, flaunt it. And we're going to flaunt what you have. We didn't exert effort for this look just for you to stay here inside your room and miserable."

I could just sigh at what she said.

I know I can't do anything about what she wants anymore. I can't complain or oppose knowing her. And besides, she made sure to not let go of my wrist so I think I can't get away from her.

My gaze fell down on her hand holding my wrist. I saw how she's being careful not to touch my hand-- my palm and I know why.

After she saw that blurry truth when he touched my hand, she never opened the topic anymore.

I'm still curious as to what she saw and I want to ask her so bad about it but when I saw the way she's being careful not to touch my palm again on accident, I don't think I can open up about it.

And besides, maybe she's being so careful because she got scared of what she saw in me. I saw the look on her face that time.

I inwardly sigh.

Elyse dragged me out completely of my room and I just let her.

I just followed her silently but I started to panic when I saw that we were going to Valerian's room.

Shit shit shit.

What should I do?!

I said I don't want to stay inside my room anymore but I also don't want to see Valerian that's why I don't want to go out!

We stopped in front of Valerian's room and Elyse quickly knocked on the door.

"Valerian?" she called.

No one answers.


I hope he won't answer or open the door.

Please please please.

I wish he was not here right now.

I wish he was outside, at work, anywhere, I really don't care! Just please.

I was crossing my fingers hoping for Valerian to not open the door but I almost choked on air when the door suddenly opened.

"Oh hey, I'm stealing your wife again today," Elyse told him.



I can't really see Valerian because I'm behind Elyse and so I can't see the reaction on his face because of what Elyse said.

"Where are you going?" I heard him ask.


Is he not going to say anything about how Elyse referred to me as his wife?

Oh gosh, I just remember and it just sank in that Elyse also refer me as her sister-in-law back in the resto where we had breakfast.

Darn it.

"Outside. We're going to hang out," Elyse answered. "Girls' hangout."

"Where is she?" Valerian asked.

My heart started beating fast inside my chest.

I sucked on my lower up.

What is happening to me?

I was tense before too when I finally met him, but not like this. This is something else and I don't understand it. And I also think it's so overreacting because I'm literally just going to see Valerian and nothing else. Why is my heart beating this fast? Why am I so nervous?

Does it have something to do with the mate's thing with Valerian? The connection?

Fuck it, I really don't know.

The way I'm feeling right now is just so unexplainable.

Or maybe because the reason why I feel like this is the. . . kiss.

That stupid fucking kiss.

Fucking Valerian Fenrir.

"Oh sorry." Elyse chuckled and my heart almost drop to my stomach when she stepped aside revealing me in front of Valerian.

Our eyes met.

The images of him with red eyes suddenly flashed in my mind.

Red eyes.

His hand on my neck.

The kiss.

It all came flooding back to my mind.

Is it possible that the reason why I feel like this is because of his. . . charm? His poisonous charm.

No, it can't be.

I will not be smitten by him.

"So, can we go now?" I heard Elyse speak beside me snapping me out of my reverie.

Valerian just remained silent.

His eyes went from my face to my body.

He scanned me intently with his intense eyes that I could not help but feel conscious all of a sudden.

Something I have never felt before.

I saw how Valerian's jaw tensed. His eyes still never leaving me.

I sucked on my lower lip.

"Valerian," Elyse called.

"No," Valerian quickly answered.

"What? What do you mean no?" Elyse quickly reacted.

"Natasha can't leave the house," he firmly said.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? Why?"

I honestly have the same question as Elyse.

"We have something important to do. You two can go out some other day," Valerian answered.

Elyse groaned. "Oh, come on!"

"Go home, Elyse," Valerian ordered, dropping off the topic.

Elyse rolled her eyes before she looked at me and pouted. "Some other day, then."

"It's okay. We can still go out and do things you want some other day," I said and smiled at her reassuringly.

"Yeah, if only my brother isn't such a jealous man." She smiled at me back, and rolled her eyes at Valerian before turning her back on us.

I could just bit my lower lip at what she said.