
Chapter 63


"Laura isn't home"

"I guess you must be Bruce Laura told me about you"

"Well thanks I guess"

"I need to see your sister it's of great importance to me child I have no time to rattle on and about with you"

"First you wouldn't call me child as you are a total stranger to me and second I see no reason to lie she had left home for weeks now and I have not heard anything from her not even a phone call"

"She.. I … she came here yesterday according to a friend of mine and I see no reason for that friend of mine to tell lies to me"

"She did, why would she …. Yesterday was Laura's birthday she may have dropped by but I was out"

"You mean you didn't get to see her yesterday?"

"No I didn't I guess she dropped by to check on is big I had gone along with mum for her test at the hospital and believe me I was dragged along if I had known I would have stayed home"

"Thanks Bruce"

"What's your name by the way and any means to reach you?"