
Chapter 62


My reflection seems took me as I look into the mirror I had told Kaitlin everything and promised to ruin the hunters plan but why is she still here with me?, I look to her as she bites down on her toes nails oblivious to all other factors and things,

She doesn't remember right? I ask myself while thinking deep according to Asher hunters are strict and love NY the oaty they take which means their loyalty low with the fanction forever but I am a different case I'm a pawn in their game I took no oaty whatsoever so I'm free from the loyalty and stuff but that doesn't make me innocent I lies to them and played them all along,

I'm sure of one thing if truly Kaitlin remembers I would have to die there is no escaping them I was also one of them I killed ruthlessly without cause or aim it gives me Some kind of pleasure and absolute satisfaction,

"Kaitlin " I call out to her hoping she doesn't remember