
Chapter 39

Celeste felt like she could breathe a little better once the other left. She didn't know what to do though. She covered her face with her hands as she tried to let everything sink and figure out what her best option was.

Did she think that Bane, Divo or whoever was going to hurt? If she based it off of the way that he had interacted around her, her first response would've been no. That didn't mean though that things would stay that way if she ended up upsetting him or saying the wrong thing and that was what concerned her.

The only thing that she could accept for likely being the truth was the fact that he wasn't fully human. She had never seen him transform or anything of the sort however which created a touch of doubt at the back of her mind.

The whole mate thing and becoming whatever he was.. that was taking things too far for her. She hadn't even rightly sorted her feelings out about him yet and he was trying to impose his own expectations on the situation onto.

At the current moment in time, she wasn't even certain that she felt safe in her own apartment knowing that he and that crazy woman knew where she lived. What if he didn't want to leave her alone and kept coming by to try and bother her after this? She would have to find somewhere else to live. She didn't have that money for that though and she knew that her adoptive parents weren't likely to help her.

Even if she tried to explain the situation to them, she doubted that they would believe her. They'd probably think that it was just something that she made up as an excuse to move back home.

Did she tell Jen? What would her friend be able to do though? She didn't think that there was anything wrong with the crazy rich person liking her. Bane hadn't done anything to her yet either so it wasn't like she could use the influence of her friend's father to do anything. She would need something tangible before he'd do anything to help her.

Even if she did have something, Bane probably had enough influence and power on his own to get any kind of charges she wanted to weigh against him removed. What exactly was she supposed to do now?

Getting up she peeked out the peep hole on her door to see that Bane had seemed like he had completely left or at least she couldn't see him from where her door was located. This only made her feel slightly better.

She didn't really feel comfortable spending the night at her apartment, but she didn't have anyone's house that she could crash at. Unlike her, most of her friends worked rather late at night and by the time they got off, it would be unfair of her to either ask them to come over or see if she could crash at their place.

She bit her bottom lip as she thought about this. There was one friend she might be able to contact. She didn't know if he would be willing to come and get her if he was at work. But if she put it in as a work request.. he might not deny here.

It was going to be one of her best bets if she wanted to not be stuck staying at her apartment on her own all night. At the current moment with all of the adrenaline running through her system, she didn't think that she would be able to get much sleep.

As she tried her best to formulate a plan, she felt the urge to cry slowly decreasing despite the fact that she still felt on edge. If her plan worked, at least she wouldn't have to be stuck at her apartment.

She just needed to get her phone and find the number that she was looking for. She could pay when she got there if the answer was yes. She didn't like the idea of giving her credit card information over the phone. She didn't have enough money to risk losing it if she ended up dialing the wrong number.

"You have reached the number for the Devine Pleasure. Please tell me how I might be of service for you today." The male voice practically purred on the other end of the phone. It was obviously a conditioned reply that had probably been rehearsed a number of times in order to make sure it was spot on each time.

"Liam." Celeste replied, her voice was slightly out of breath due to how worried she was that the other wasn't going to pick up when she called.

"Oh what is this? We have an interesting kitten calling tonight." The male's voice hid his surprise by a tone of amusement.

"How might I be of service to you little? You're not like the usual ones we get calls from around here." Celeste didn't think that she had ever called on the other before when he was at work. Nor had she seen him all that much since he had started at his new job though she had been invited over before.

"Can you come and pick me up if I give you an address?" She asked in a soft tone of voice. Hearing the other's voice, a small voice at the back of her head told her maybe was she was overreacting.

"Pick you up how? I'm currently on work hours right now." She knew what he was hinting at and already knew what kind of reply she was going to give.

"As a customer. Tip for the extra service." She responded knowing that this was the only answer that he would need to be willing to go and pick her up.

If he wasn't working, he'd have had no problem stopping by, but on work hours he couldn't do as he pleased without risking getting trouble.

"Very well then my fairly lady. You can expect to see me shortly." Liam replied on the other end of the phone ending the call.

Celeste silently thanked her friend for being able to do this favor for her even if he didn't happen to know why she was suddenly calling him. She would have to give him a larger tip for this.

She knew that it would take him around forty-five minutes to reach her which would give her the time she needed to change into something more appropriate for where she was going.