
First Class

To sum it up, Diana and Yuri decided to share a bunk bed and left a king-sized bed all to Tanya.

"Geez… You two are so anxious over nothing." Tanya rolled to her side and faced the bunk, shrouded by the darkness of night.

"Are you worried that I will bite?" Tanya giggled.

Yuri faced away from Tanya and tried to hide her flustered expression under her thick white blanket, pretending with all of her effort to be asleep. Something about Tanya made her heart flutter more than the envisioned Prince Charming of her dreams.

If she blinked, she saw Tanya. A Black lace dress hung around a spotlight within her imagination. Slowly, she saw more colours pop up and take over the empty space as it took form and became the figure of a perfectly proportioned woman wearing the beautiful black lace.

Vermillion hair like a wildfire instantly filled her imagination, exploding with vibrancy and allure. It lit a fire so bright that she could feel blind even if she did not use her eyes. And from this figure, came two simple words that continued to echo and echo until she finally fell asleep; "Take responsibility."

'But I can't.'

"Tanya, do not try anything funny on me." Diana faced Tanya and showed her face full of artificial disdain.

"Sure, sure." Tanya smugly grinned before immediately falling into a gentle rest.

Next morning:

Tanya, Yuri, and Diana woke up early in the morning. The sun had barely begun moving upwards and the morning mist was still as apparent as the tension in the room.

Yuri and Diana wasted no time in entering the bathroom and washing themselves for the beginning of their academy life. Tanya also entered to take a shower, appearing to be somewhat excited in a passive way.

'Stripping is an art.'

Tanya slowly began to unbutton her top with her smooth and slender fingers, loosening each button with her beautifully shaped fingernails before eventually undoing them. Slowly, Tanya's collar bone became visible to Yuri and Diana.

If a man's chest muscles could make a woman's heart throb, then Tanya's collarbone could make a woman's heart break.


Yuri and Diana both felt it. A pumping sensation that did not stop.

"Ungh~" Tanya finished unbuttoning her top, revealing a large portion of her uncovered torso. From her perfectly sculpted slim abdominal muscles to her not so humble chest, everything seemed like a treat.

Tanya then bent her back as she faced away from the pair and unbuttoned her pants, giving them an unparalleled view of her from behind.

To say the least, the two could not say that they did not enjoy the view. That would be a lie so shameless that the heavens would crumble. Only by admitting to themselves that they secretly enjoyed it, could they sleep peacefully.

'Why do I feel this way…?" Yuri placed her hand on her chest and noticed her hands being bumped by the beating of her own heart.

'How can I enjoy this…? This is disgusting. I cannot be so vulgar.' Diana bit her fingernail before leaving with her uniform on.

Altogether, it took Tanya a mere minute to complete her morning routine. This of course included her hair, skin treatment, clothes, and teeth. Afterwards, she left with the other two for class.

A sense of excitement could be easily discovered when looking upon Tanya. She had already picked the subjects which most appealed to her and gave the most credits. She could not wait to begin, it was as if she was waiting for her birthday presents.

Such thrills came not too often and gave people excitement beyond words. Tanya May not have been excited for the learning, however, she was indeed ready for the credits. All she needed was more credits than anyone else this entire year and then she would become overall valedictorian.

Upon achieving this, she would become a self-made noble, her first step to becoming a duchess… and eventually an Empress.

When the time eventually came, Tanya and her roommates were seated in a lecture hall not so different from a modern university's, featuring a whiteboard at the back and a marble podium in front of it. The children were then seated in a circular fashion, all towards the podium.

Class had not even started yet and students had already begun forming cliques just like that. The noise of chatter echoed ever so loudly as everyone got to know each other; men and women, women and women, man and man. Friends and love interests.

It was like the opening scene to a romantic school drama.


A young blonde haired man walked up to Yuri's desk and leaned his elbows onto the table, sliding himself into a more intimate distance to the distracted Yuri.

"Hey, you are so beautiful that I forgot why I am here. Care to tell me your name?" The boy smiled before handing Yuri a beautiful crimson rose.

"As perfect as you." He continued with a flirtatious grin.

"Uh… sorry sir, I am not interested in this sort of-"

"Come on… I won't bite. You just so happened to have stolen my heart and now I want it back." The young man used the 'steal my heart line', however, to Yuri, it did not seem nearly as heart-stopping as Tanya's. When compared to Tanya's attempt, this one felt more like a desperate pervert's pleas. It did not even make her heart beat faster, instead making it beat slower somehow.

"I said no." Yuri looked away and began organising her notebooks.

"Whatever, sl*t." The boy pretended as if nothing had happened and walked away with a carefree grin.

Yuri gave a shocked glance before the effect of the words hit her.

Little did he know, a dark and merciless pair of daggers were aimed at his soul. No matter how hard he would ever try to gain forgiveness, only pain awaited him. He had made a mistake that no sane mortal could ever spear in the face of the emperor.

Public confrontation? No. Some matters should be dealt with privately and quietly.

The lecture began, Tanya had not even started.

How will Tanya deal with the people she hates? Find out more later~

Oscillating_Sinecreators' thoughts