
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filme
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793 Chs

Chapter 87: Catch the Snitch! (Edited)

Although he had retracted his cat ears, Fish's hearing was still acute. After plugging his ears for a while, he gradually got used to the noisy environment around him.

It was also thanks to his time at Hogwarts that he was so used to being around a crowd of people that he was able to adapt so quickly.

Previously, Fish had quickly covered his ears the moment the cheers erupted.

When Mrs. Hooch blew her silver whistle vigorously, the game began.

Fifteen flying broomsticks and balls of varying sizes flew through the air as Lee Jordan's rapid-fire, machine gun-like commentary sounded.

Fish was gradually drawn to the competition in the air.

To be precise, he was fascinated by balls flying through the air.

Black pupils filled his turquoise eyes and his tail wagged involuntarily as he watched the balls in the air and instinctively bent his knees and began to charge hard.

But he soon realized... he was too far away to pounce on the balls.

"It's no fun..."

Fish grimaced and straightened up again.

After watching the match for a while, and with what little he knew about Quidditch, Fish finally realized the rules of the game.

The red ball was to be thrown into the hoops on both sides, the black ball was to fight the batters, and the ultimate goal of the game was to catch the Snitch.


Fish blinked and suddenly remembered that he had an identical Snitch.

Then Fish pulled his Snitch out of his pocket and released it.

As soon as it left Fish's hands, it immediately flew into the sky, but Fish was quick enough to grab it again, and then kept releasing it....

Because he wanted to play with the balls in the sky, Fish started playing with his Snitch.

Neville and the others, who were watching Fish's actions, hesitated to say anything, fearing that Fish would accidentally let the Snitch escape, but Fish's ability to control the Snitch was trustworthy, and after finding that the Snitch could not escape from Fish's hands, they were able to relax a little.

Just then, Gryffindor scored a goal and everyone couldn't help but cheer loudly.


Fish looked curiously at the pitch, and even though he missed the Snitch for a moment, he could still catch the Snitch easily.

"Out of the way, out of the way, out of the way, out of the way."

Just then, the huge Hagrid, with a large telescope around his neck, stepped through.

"Big Man~ ?(●ΦωΦ●)?"

Fish greeted him cheerfully, and then....


A golden light flashed past his head and shot into the air with lightning speed.

"This is bad, meow..." muttered Fish as he raised his head.

"Yeah... this is bad..."

Ron and the others raised their heads as well, looking up at the slightly gray sky and muttered.

They had lost sight of the Snitch completely, and even if they had found it, it would have been useless, as there was no way they could fly up into the sky and catch it.

"Sorry, did I come at a bad time?"

Hagrid didn't see the Snitch that Fish had let slip away, and scratched his head in confusion as he looked at the group of youngsters looking up at the sky and muttering, "Oh no."

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" said Hagrid.

"Nothing, meow!"(●?ω?●).

As usual, Fish's first reaction was to deny it.

The kitten's logic was that, if he didn't get caught, he wouldn't be in trouble.

After thinking about it, he didn't feel safe, so Fish decided to run away first....

"This game is no fun, meow, I'm going back to bed!"

With that, and without waiting for the others to react, he jumped off Hagrid's side and ran off the court without looking back.

"... So, what's going on?"

Watching Fish run away, Hagrid was silent for a moment and turned his head to ask once more.

Ron and the others could only laugh bitterly as they told Hagrid what had just happened.

"Ah... that's really bad..."

Hagrid stroked his beard, smacked his lips and couldn't think of any good ideas, because if one of the quidditch players called for the match to be stopped, it would be a direct defeat, and they couldn't tell Lady Hoosh to put the other Snitch away, and even if they did, she probably couldn't get the Snitch back on her own.

"We'll just have to hope that Harry catches it first and the other one doesn't get caught..." said Hagrid to Ron and the others, shrugging after thinking about what to do for a long time.

"I hope so..." Ron rubbed his forehead and sighed helplessly, "I suddenly understand a bit how Mum felt when dealing with George and Fred."

Harry, who was focused on the match, had no idea that another Snitch had snuck onto the pitch, and followed the plan he had laid out with Wood, controlling his beloved Nimbus 2000 as high as he could, flying over the pitch.

While staying out of the way of Slytherin attacks and the Bludger, he used his altitude to his advantage, searching for the Snitch.

Although this might put him at a disadvantage in terms of distance when he spotted the Snitch, Wood felt that the speed of the Nimbus 2000 and Harry's skill would more than make up for the distance.

In the fierce competition below, there was a sudden flash of golden light. Harry was thrilled to see that it was not the reflection of a watch, but the Snitch he had been thinking about.

Harry lowered his body, pressed his body hard against the Nimbus 2000 and controlled it to dart towards the golden flash at the fastest speed.

Slytherin's Seeker, Terence Higgs, was half a step behind, and by the time he chased Harry towards the Snitch, he was several steps behind, and with the speed of the Nimbus 2000, the distance between the two continues to widen.

The Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint, saw that the situation was not good and took control of his broom and rammed it into Harry, who took a hard hit to the face, and when he steadied his body again, the Snitch was gone.

The free kick was awarded by Mrs. Hodge, but Flint's tactic had clearly worked, and he made a threatening gesture at Harry, trying to scare him.

Harry pursed his lips and ignored Flint's threat, controlling his Nimbus 2000 to avoid a Bludger, and was about to climb back up into the heights to continue his search for the Snitch when his broom suddenly gave a terrifying shudder.

Immediately afterwards, Harry's broom went completely out of control and began to shake wildly, soaring higher and higher as if it intended to carry him off the pitch.

Realizing that his Nimbus 2000 had a problem, Harry didn't know what to do, as he could only grab the broom handle with both hands and brace it with his knees to keep from being shaken.

However, the shaking of the Nimbus 2000 became increasingly violent, and eventually it began to roll through the air, and Harry was finally thrown from the broom, holding on with one hand.

The Gryffindors tried to rescue Harry, but were unsuccessful, and were left circling anxiously underneath him in case he fell in time to catch him.

On the Slytherin side, Marcus Flint took the opportunity to catch the Quaffle and keep throwing it at the goal.

While everyone was preoccupied, Harry's broom suddenly came back to life and he jumped back on it, then threw himself to the ground as fast as he could, with one hand over his mouth as if he was going to vomit.

As Harry hit the ground, he coughed and spat a small golden object out of his mouth.

"I've got the Snitch!" shouted Harry, holding the Snitch above his head.

At the same time, over his head, came the same sentence, "I got the Snitch!"

Harry looked up in surprise to see Terence Higgs, the Slytherin Seeker, sitting on his flying broom, holding a Snitch in his raised hand, and looked at Harry with the same surprised look on his face.