
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filme
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793 Chs

Chapter 565: School starts again! (Edited)

Hermione and Luna's argument didn't last long, after all, Fish was still watching.

"No more arguments nya?"


Fish looked with some regret at the two who had calmed down, then pulled two drinks out of his pocket and handed them to them.

"Here's something to drink nya."

A calmer Hermione took a small sip of the drink Fish offered her, trying to use the body of the bottle to cover her slightly hot face.

Luna, for her part, thanked Fish, put the drink in her hand, and then continued to read "The Quibbler" in her hand.

There was another awkward silence.

"By the way," Harry asked, trying to lighten the mood, "Have you seen this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher after patrolling the train?"

"No nya."


Fish shook his head and said regretfully, "I was hoping to see if the new teacher was any good."

The compartment fell silent again.

"I think," Luna said, putting down her book, "That not many teachers can beat you now, Fish. After all, you even beat You-Know-Who."

"That's right nya..." Fish laughed out loud with his arms crossed, "Nyajajajajaja! Fish is really powerful!"


After laughing for a while, he explained in a serious manner, "Fish didn't say he was going to fight the new teacher nya, he just wanted to see if he was any good."

But Fish's words were not believed.

When the train had been running for a while, Hermione looked at the clock and said, "We'd better change, the train won't be long."

It was now completely dark and although it had stopped raining, the moon was nowhere to be seen and only a few stars peeked through the cracks in the clouds.

Everyone gathered their things and put on their robes, Hermione even went over to help Fish put on his Prefect badge.

"Let's go."

The train slowly came to a stop, and Hermione pulled Fish out in front of her, as Prefects they had to keep an eye on everything.

"Don't make a mess, line up for Fish! Don't bunch up. Let the first years through first."


Fish stood by the door of one of the carriages, shouting, as Hermione signaled the upperclassmen to make way for the new students.

When the carriage was empty, Fish and Hermione followed them off the train.

"First years, form a line here! All first years follow me!"

A female voice was heard a short distance away.

"Huh? It's Wilhelmina nya."


Fish and Hermione looked over and saw that it was Professor Grubbly-Plank, who had taken Hagrid's place last year.

It had only been a few days, but Fish had gotten to know her quite well, so he ran over to greet her.

"Wilhelmina, you're the one picking up the new students this year!".


"Fish, it's been a long time." Professor Grubbly-Plank smiled and nodded to Fish. "Professor Dumbledore had other things he needed Hagrid to do, so he asked me to fill in for him for a while."

"Oh, see you nya, Fish is going to take the carriage." Fish waved her off, then looked at the newly gathered students, "Behave yourselves, and be good boys like Fish."

Fish shouted shamelessly.

The non-first years and Professor Grubbly-Plank, who had heard Fish's words, fell silent.

The first-years, who didn't know what was going on, looked at Fish in admiration and responded in unison, "Don't worry, Fish! We won't cause any trouble."

"Wow, that's very Fish!".


Only then did Fish nod with satisfaction and then strut back to Hermione's side.

The two then made their way to the carriage pulled by the Thestrals, Fish waved to each of them and followed Hermione to the carriage Harry was in, along with Ron, Ginny and Luna, while Neville was off somewhere....

Of course, Fish knew, he smelled Neville in a carriage not far away, and he was with Seamus and Dean.

"Fish, do you know where Hagrid's gone?"

Harry asked impatiently as soon as the two got into the carriage.

"Wilhelmina says Hagrid's been sent by Albus on another matter."

Harry was slightly relieved by Fish's answer, he had thought something was wrong with Hagrid, but he was still secretly worried about Hagrid's whereabouts.

The carriages began to move, creaking and rattling down the road.

Harry poked his head out of the small carriage window as they passed through the gate that led to the school grounds.

"Hagrid doesn't seem to be in his cabin either."

Said Harry to the others as he pulled out.

"That's good," Luna said bluntly, "He's not exactly a good teacher, is he?".

"No, he's a good teacher!" replied Harry, Ron and Ginny angrily.

Harry looked disgustedly at Fish and Hermione who said nothing.

"Well... yes... he's very good." Hermione echoed uncharacteristically.

However, Fish cocked his head to one side and said sincerely, "Fish thinks others like Wilhelmina nya better."


"Yes, all of us Ravenclaw students think Hagrid's class is ridiculous." Luna nodded, confirming Fish's statement.

Harry and the others were angry, but they couldn't blame Fish, because Fish was telling the truth, and they couldn't argue with Luna's comments about Hagrid.

But Fish was quick to continue, "But Fish does like Hagrid, and so does Shadow and the others."

"Hagrid is a good man," agreed Luna, before emphasizing her point once again, "But, he's not a good teacher."

Harry and the others couldn't argue with that, because deep down they agreed that Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class was full of problems...especially with last year's group of Blast Tailed Squirrels, and Harry didn't want to see them in this year's Care of Magical Creatures class again.

The carriage stopped by the stone steps leading up to the oak door, and they all got out, joined the crowd and hurried up the stone steps and into the castle.

"Hagrid isn't here, and neither is Minerva... I think that chubby aunt is this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher..."


After sitting with Hermione at the long Gryffindor table, Fish glanced around the teachers' table and finally noticed the unfamiliar witch next to Dumbledore.

The witch had a pale, square face like a toad and a pair of droopy, bulging eyes, and she was short and plump, apparently elderly.

But she wore a very girlish, fuzzy pink outfit over her tunic, and a ridiculously large pink bow on her short, curly, grayish-brown hair, which looked out of place.

But Fish liked the shaggy look.

"That's her!"

Harry also glanced at the staff table and, after some disappointment at not seeing Hagrid, looked at the person Fish was referring to and recognized her immediately.

"Who is she?" asked Ron curiously, and all the students nearby looked at Harry.

"All I know is that her name is Umbridge, she was at my interrogation, she's on Fudge's side!". Harry replied.

The story that Harry had been attacked by a Dementor during the summer vacations and taken to the Ministry for interrogation had spread through Neville's mouth to Gryffindor and even the other houses, so no one was surprised at his words.

"What a cute cardigan!" said Ron with a fake smile.

"That bow tie, I probably would have loved it when I was five." Said a sarcastic and grumpy Alicia Spinnett, the Quidditch team's Huntress.

A roar of laughter erupted from the long Gryffindor table.

The Gryffindors, who had always trusted Fish and Harry, had instantly fallen out of favor with the witch named Umbridge after learning that she belonged to the Ministry of Magic.

"You shouldn't go picking a fight with her." Hermione wasn't laughing, she was seriously admonishing Fish. "The Ministry is trying to meddle in the running of Hogwarts, you can't let them find an excuse."

"Don't worry, Hermione." Fish patted his chest, "Minerva said something like that to Fish a long time ago, Fish won't make trouble nya!".


And if he did, it would be in secret, so he wouldn't get caught!

Added the experienced Fish in his mind.