
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filme
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793 Chs

Chapter 162: The Burrow (Edited)

After deciding to visit the Weasleys for a few days, Professor McGonagall sent a letter to the Weasleys, responding to their invitation and mentioning in her mind that Fish had recently become obsessed with Chinese food and would be bringing a house elf.

The next day, they received a letter from the Weasleys, welcoming Fish and Comey with great enthusiasm.

"Minerva, this owl is so pitiful..."

Fish poked Errol, the owl who had delivered the letter, who lay half-dead on the table, evidently exhausted.

A gentle reassuring pat on Errol hardly lifted his spirits.... He was just a little old, not quite dead, so the [Stabilization] spell didn't work too well on him.

"Well, when you go with Comey there, we'll take him with us."

Professor McGonagall knew a little about the Weasleys' situation, but she hadn't expected their family to be so poor that they couldn't afford an owl....

Why not wait and let Comey bring more ingredients and condiments? The greedy cat, Fish, usually eats expensive food. Especially after he fell in love with Chinese food, many cooking materials are harder to buy and the price is higher.

With her mind made up, Professor McGonagall said to Fish, who was still tugging Errol, "You can go there now, do you want to use the Flú powder or do you want Comey to take you directly?"

"Well... ". ?ω?

Fish hugged his chest in anguish.

Neither the 'Apparition' nor the Flú Powder turned out to be very pleasant, and Fish didn't like either.


"Can I ride Shadow nya?" (●ΦωΦ●).

"Ride Shadow?"

Professor McGonagall didn't immediately refuse, but she began to hesitate.

Professor McGonagall knew Shadow's name, the Thestral, after all he is the patriarch of the Hogwarts pack of Thestrals, and Fish often spoke of him, so safety was assured.

But the village of Ottery St. Catchpole, in Devon, was not an all-wizarding village like Hogsmeade, and many Muggles and wizards lived there, so there was a risk of Fish being discovered if he flew there in a Thestral.

After a moment's consideration, Professor McGonagall nodded, "Yes, but then I'd have to go with you."

She needed to use the Disillusionment Charm to hide Fish and Shadow, the invisibility of a Thestral was for those who had seen and understood death, so it was possible for a Muggle to see them.

Of course, it would be fine for Comey to cast the illusion spell directly, but Professor McGonagall wanted to stop by to see Molly to talk about Fish's food bills.

"Yes!" (●ΦωΦ●)

Fish cheered, but suddenly thought of something and looked cautiously at Professor McGonagall again.

"Minerva, are you trying to make Fish do homework nya?"

Then she saw Professor McGonagall's eyes turn dangerous.


Fish's tail bristled behind him and he rushed for the door.

"I'm going to the Forbidden Forest to find Shadow nya!"

After watching in disgust as the kitten scurried out of the house, Professor McGonagall got up and went to the kitchen, packed some odd ingredients and condiments and planned to take them straight there.

After a while, Fish flew back riding Shadow, followed by Twilight Sparkle, who had grown considerably.

Then Professor McGonagall sat behind Fish, and Comey climbed on Twilight Sparkle's back, and the two Thestrals, one large and one small, fluttered and flew toward Devon, where the Burrow is located.


"Why hasn't Fish arrived yet?"

The Weasleys had gathered early in front of the fireplace, waiting for Fish's arrival.

"Could it be Errol's problem again?"

Fred grumbled to Percy, "I told you Hermes should have sent the letter."

Hermes was the owl that Arthur and Molly had given Percy when he had become Prefect, but Percy seemed to have been using him to send letters this summer, mysteriously without knowing what he was doing.

"Well, that's because Hermes isn't here...and I said we could wait for him to come back and send a letter to Fish, but you were the ones who sent Errol in such a hurry."

Percy first hesitated for a moment, then replied confidently.

"Quiet, all of you! Wait quietly."

Molly Weasley, who was in charge of the Weasley household, banged on the table and interrupted the bickering between the two brothers.

Then she turned to Ron, "Harry still hasn't written to you?"

Mollie was now more concerned about 'The Boy Who Lived' to her ordeal than she was about the Fish, whom she had never seen.

Ron shrugged and replied helplessly, "No, I was planning to celebrate his birthday with him in a few days, but Harry hasn't written back and I don't know what's wrong with him."

"We also borrowed Hermes from Percy, but he never agreed."

Fred brought up the subject again, but instead of allowing himself to be provoked, Mrs. Weasley shot him an angry look and ordered him to shut up.

Fred, who was forcibly restrained, pouted and quietly communicated with George.

[Look, Mum's always partial to Percy!]

[Who made the model Percy a good boy for his mother?]

The unscrupulous twins laughed viciously and silently after their customary teasing of Percy.

Just then, Ginny, who had not spoken, suddenly pointed out the window and said, "Something just landed in the courtyard."

Immediately after, Fish's loud shout echoed from outside, "Ron! I'm here to play with you, nya!"

The group rushed to the window and peered out to see three figures, one large and two small, standing in their yard.

Mrs. Weasley saw more, next to them were two Thestrals, one large and one small.

"It's been a long time, Molly."

Professor McGonagall greeted Mrs. Weasley with a smile, she and Molly were members of the Order of the Phoenix and knew each other well.

"Professor McGonagall, you're here too" Mrs. Weasley replied with the same smile, "Just a moment, I'll get the door for you now!".

A few moments later, the door to the humble Burrow opened and Molly came out with a group of red-haired children.

"Oh my, you're so cute!".

Mrs. Weasley ran up to Professor McGonagall and, instead of exchanging pleasantries, her eyes flashed as she looked at Fish and opened her arms for a hug.


The experienced Fish jumped backwards to avoid Mrs. Weasley's "attack" and quickly hid behind Professor McGonagall.


"Mum, you scared him."

Fred warned, then shrugged helplessly at George and Ron, sighing, "Surely, with Fish here, our family status will fall again."

Mrs. Weasley looked at him angrily, then smiled at Professor McGonagall a little embarrassed and explained, "Sorry, I seem to have gotten carried away."

Professor McGonagall took it in stride, she was used to the fact that her cat was cute, she just hoped Molly wouldn't have too many headaches over the next few days.

After all, they already had a pair of fidgety twins in the house, and adding Fish... tsk....

Professor McGonagall unconsciously shot a pitying glance at Mrs. Weasley.

Molly: "???"