
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filme
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793 Chs

Chapter 143: A white lie? (Edited)

"Meow, it's Fish's voice!". ∑(●ΦДΦ●)

Fish was surprised to hear his own unusually long meow, and his little head was completely confused, "Fish can meow that loud?"


The other Fish's long meow continued, and then the moon suddenly grew brighter in the sky, followed by what Dumbledore called a wonderful, fine rain falling from the sky.

"How nice, meow!" ?(●ΦωΦ●)?

Fish happily raised his hands to catch the white raindrops, but they went through his palms and he couldn't catch them at all.


Fish waved his hands in exasperation, but he couldn't affect the rain at all.

"Didn't I tell you it was Dumbledore's memory? Everything here is what happened last night, and we can't interfere."

Professor McGonagall tapped Fish on the head to calm him.

"It's a pity, Minerva, that you can't feel the serenity of this wonderful shower of light on your body." said Dumbledore with some regret to Professor McGonagall, while the other Dumbledore, floating in the sky, was now looking up with a happy face, letting the shower of light fall on his face.

"Minerva, it's okay, meow," Fish gently tugged on Professor McGonagall's hand, "The mean old man said Fish made this rain, and when I know exactly how to make this rain, I'll make you one."

Fish lifted his little face and assured Professor McGonagall with a straight face.

"Is that so?" Professor McGonagall smiled and patted her head, "Then I thank Fish in advance."

"Hehe~" Fish narrowed his eyes and rubbed his head against Professor McGonagall's palm, "So, can Minerva forgive me, meow?"

"Of course," continued Professor McGonagall with a smile, patting Fish's head, but before Fish could brighten up, she added, "Of course it's okay to forgive Fish, but I'll still punish you."

"Meow, you're such a big liar, Minerva!"∑(●`Д′●●)

While Fish and Professor McGonagall were being polite, the drizzle had put out the forest fire started by the fire in the distance.

They then continued to follow Dumbledore in his robes, watching as he stopped Hagrid and made his way to another location where Fish was.

"Great, Lochlin, everyone's fine, meow."

Fish breathed a long sigh of relief as he looked at the group of friends protecting him.

"Well, it's time for us to go."

As Dumbledore picked up the sleeping Fish, Dumbledore said, he took Fish's hand again and led him and Professor McGonagall upstairs.

Fish saw the landscape fade quickly, and before long it was completely black, but after his previous experience he did not panic, but waited quietly.

Then he felt as if he had taken a turn in slow motion, his feet suddenly landed on the ground and the light returned to his eyes.

They were back in Dumbledore's office.

"So, Fish," Dumbledore asked quietly, turning his head as he put away his Pensieve, "Can you tell us what really happened last night?"

Fish looked cautiously at Professor McGonagall, contemplating whether or not he should hide the truth a little.

Looking into the eyes of the small man in front of him, Dumbledore could guess what Fish was thinking even without Legeremancy. So he said, "You better not lie, I can't stop Minerva from punishing you, but if you did something praiseworthy last night, I'll give you a personal reward, like a dragon egg."

"Fish doesn't lie, meow!". ?(●?﹃?●)?

Hearing that he had a chance to win a dragon egg, Fish immediately put Professor McGonagall's punishment out of his mind.

"Wait!" Professor McGonagall interrupted the conversation, "What's with the dragon egg?"

"It's just that Fish wanted to eat a dragon egg, meow, but the mean old man said they were expensive...so Fish didn't ask Minerva for one, he wanted you to give me one for my birthday, meow."

Fish replied confidently, since Norbert had been sent away anyway, he wasn't at all worried about Professor McGonagall knowing.

And since Hagrid was the one who had hidden the dragon egg, he had no need to feel guilty.

"You're getting too good to eat, you little...!"

Professor McGonagall didn't think much of it and rubbed her forehead in disbelief, puzzled by Fish's outlandish ideas.

"Now, Minerva, the most important thing is to find out what really happened last night."

Interrupted, Dumbledore set the record straight again.

"Well, I got bored running around the castle last night, so I tried to sneak out again to look for Shadow, and this time no mean old man came to stop me, AND I did, meow!" ?(●ΦωΦ●)?

Although he intended to win the dragon egg, Fish concealed the fact that he could sneak out of the castle at will, after all, a dragon egg was nothing compared to sneaking out every night.

A smiling Dumbledore looked at Fish and did not expose his lie.

Fish was relieved that the mean old man didn't disprove his story, but he wasn't entirely lying, the mean old man hadn't stopped him from sneaking out for a long time.

As for whether Professor McGonagall believed him...

Fish had said so anyway, and she had no proof.

Professor McGonagall frowned, she certainly didn't think it was the first time Fish had sneaked out, but considering it was more important to find out what had happened last night, she didn't look into it....

He'd have plenty of time to find out what happened to the kitten anyway.

Proof? What proof does a mother need to teach his child?!

Not knowing what was going through Professor McGonagall's mind, Fish continued, "When I left the castle, Fish went to play with Buckbeak and the others..."

Since he wanted the dragon's egg, Fish told the story in great detail, even to the point of not omitting the confrontation between the Hippogriffs and the Treshtrals.

He then gave a full account of how he met the black-robed man who attacked the unicorns, how he fought him, and how he discovered he was the Stinky Guy.

"... Then Stinky Guy set fire to burn me, and I felt the fire was bad, so I ran away, meow, and then the fire set fire to the tree where Fish had been, and soon it spread to other places.

And Fish was right, the fire not only burned quickly, but it also turned into all sorts of strange animals, meow, including Fawkes and Norber--...oh, the fire dragon, meow."

Fish still accidentally said something he shouldn't have, but Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were looking solemn at the moment, and didn't have time to pay attention to this unimportant trivia.

"And then Fish ran away, and after that I don't remember what happened, meow." ?ω?

After Fish said that, he looked wide-eyed and acted like a good and honest child.

He basically hadn't lied, but he had discreetly hidden his clouded leopard form and the fact that he had seen the man in the black robe before.

The clouded leopard form was going to be used to fight Minerva, and if Minerva knew that he had fought the black-robed man a long time ago without telling her, she would have been angry...

According to the storybook, this would be called ...

A white lie?