
Mass Effect:Inception

In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest discovery in human history. The civilizations of the galaxy call it... MASS EFFECT. A Teen seemingly around the age of 19-20 woke in a room that was unknown to him. Suddenly Memories washed into his mind. Knowledge that wasn't his own Unbeknownst, A small camera in the corner of the darkroom was silently looking down at him. as if it was silently observing his every movement "Finally....A working test subject...." (I Clearly do not own Mass Effect.If this pic is yours and want it down then don't hesitate to ask)

Overload_man32 · Videospiele
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10 Chs


"Seems we have made it to our destination" The director commented as he typed in a code on the padlock on the wall. The sound of hydraulics could be heard as the door slowly opened to reveal a large room filled with only darkness.

"It's time for your physical examination Subject 1138." The Director smiled. Even though he was quite disappointed in 1183's point of view, he could work on that later. But for now, he was quite intrigued to see what types of results 1138 would display during its evaluation.

1183 just looked at the director with a look of suspension in his eyes "Again? Didn't I undertake another evaluation before my imprisonment? What mad tests are you forcing me this time?"

"Now now, don't be like that 83. Surely this won't pose any issue compared to all that virtual training you underwent. You were able to take on a platoon commander in single combat within a week. You have VR to thank for that. "

Even though 1183 hasn't received any form of advanced training, he had shown remarkable progress through the use of VR(Virtual Reality) Missions. A term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds

He had gained extensive training, the kind that's indistinguishable from the real thing. Even though there is no way to be harmed through virtual reality, There's a pain sensation in VR and even a sense of reality and urgency. Allowing them to experience the true pain of being shot, stabbed, blood loss, and even the feeling of death. The only difference is that it isn't actually really happening. freeing the fear that goes with real-life battle situations. Turning them all into emotionless super-soldiers.

War as a video game -- what better way to raise the ultimate soldier?

But that still doesn't compare to the experience that is actual warfare. Compared to VR, Knowing that a bullet to the head will kill you instantly, can never compare to that.

1183 looked on inside of the dark expanse with a look of curiosity. The danger that was radiating inside of the room gave it a sense of foreboding.

In his previous lifetime, he wasn't much of a fighter. You could even call him kinda pathetic when it came to anything that required anything physical. Luckily enough he inherited the body and the memory of his templates schooling. Through the use of VR, he had gained the experience of a veteran soldier who had served for years within a span of months. Through this, he gained the capabilities to use Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Taijutsu, Taekwondo, Aikido, Karate, Kali, Muay Thai, Thai boxing, and even the ability to use the sword and knowing how to use improvised weapons. Giving him the skill and edge against anybody who tries to engage in close combat with him.

Through all of these skills given to him, he was able to combine and enhance these skill sets into one highly effective and dangerous form of personal hand-to-hand combat.


Close Quarters Combat (CQC) was a system of combined combat techniques that allowed rapid alternation between armed and hand-to-hand combat while engaging enemy personnel. The style also incorporated various grabs, chokeholds, strikes, and throws to disarm and disable opponents. One powerful CQC slam could knock even the strongest opponent unconscious. In addition, CQC, when used by experts, could also be used to field-strip a firearm effortlessly, should the opponent attempt to attack the CQC expert with a firearm, and thus force the opponent to concentrate on repairing their weapon.

"Yet how come with all these skills I had managed to inherit, I'm still not able to shake the fear that inside my body?" 1183 thought to himself as he went through the memory of all the VR missions he had undergone. Sneaking mission 60, Weapons 80, Advanced warfare. Merely a fraction of missions he had experienced under a few multiple months. All missions that were thought to be nearly impossible, he was able to do it. Yet in the end, he still counted himself as just a regular human. It was still hard for him to take everything in. Migrating from one universe to another in such a short amount of time. Yet it seems time wasn't giving him room to adjust.

Unfortunately for him, his prisoners didn't seem to be keen on giving him a weapon to defend himself. CQC would give him a better chance to survive and come back alive from what's inside but depending on what's inside, it would be better to not engage in close combat. So in the end, he decided that the best way to survive this would be to utilize his newfound biotics abilities.

He looked over to the director. He tried to keep a cool face the best he could in his newfound body "What are you planning?"

The director shook his head towards his creation response " It's all simply an evaluation. Or more specifically, a test. I want to see how well you're able to perform after 575 hours of self-isolation. If you can't survive what's to come then you'll be no further use to us. No matter how excellent your congenital characteristics are."

He took one more good look at his experiment. Years of dedicated research and trials had finally given them a single success. A successful specimen that is capable of human speech, thoughts, and comprehension. Human in every way and something more at the same time. It would be a shame for years of dedication to be wasted.

He placed his hand behind 1183's back and pushed him inside of the dark dented room. But not before saying some parting words " You can't underestimate the power of fear. There is no greater illusion than fear. Being scared is a part of being alive. Accept it. Walkthrough it"

Then the sound of hydraulics could be heard once again as the door slammed down off the ground. separating him from the lights of the hallway and leaving him alone once again in complete darkness.


Nothing could be seen as everything was pitched black and the only thing you would hear was the slow-paced breathing of subject 1183. Even though he couldn't see anything, his eyes wandered the room. Hoping to see any types of movement that was coming his way. But yet no sign of movement could be seen.

Then out of nowhere, a circle of light appeared right in the middle along with the sound of flipping of a switch. Illuminating the darkroom once again.

"What the hell?" 1183 commented to himself as he looked over to the circle of light with a hint of suspicion. He knew that this was part of the "examination" so he got up from the ground and slowly and carefully, walked towards the center of the light circle.

"1183! A pleasure to see you again"

'That Voice…"

Out of nowhere, that's when 1183 heard a disembodied, croaky, voice out of nowhere. Even though this was technically his first time hearing this person, he instantly recognized the voice from the deepest part of his memories.

The voice of his creator

"I heard that voice before. In the tank. You were there. You're the one that created me"

The voice on the other side grunted in confirmation. "I'm surprised you can remember such details from such a long time ago but that's right! The names Dominic Stawarski. But you may have the pleasure have just calling me Dominic.Technically, after all, you're my Son. Don't worry you don't have to call me dad"

"I don't understand. Then why are you? Shouldn't you be off working on some other project?"

"I was asked to oversee your examination. I firstly wanted to refuse but when I thought about it, who would be better to do it than the man who created you?"

"But tell me, before we get on with the agenda you're going to have understand the cloning concept"

"So let's get on with it. Tell 1183, what did they tell you about how you were created?

Even though he didn't know Dominic could see his face, he shook his head "Besides telling the obvious, no. I'm on a need to know basis so they don't tell me anything unless I need to be informed about it"

"That's what I thought. That's one thing I hate about Cerberus. Being so lucrative and crap even among themselves" Domnic sighed from the other side as he began to explain everything 1183 needed to know.

"As you probably know, cloning was the process of creating a genetically identical or purposefully and specifically modified copy of an original organism."

"In order to create a clone, samples of genetic code had to be drawn from a subject's cells, duplicated and implanted into donor cells. These donor cells would then grow, divide and, eventually, gestate in artificial wombs, filled with nutrients and organic catalysts. Altering the nutrients and catalyst solutions that the cells received could influence the physical attributes and maturation rates of the resulting clone."

"Although mass cloning was considered useful because of its military applications,individual clones generally lacked the personality of the original. As such, they often needed to be educated during the process of their development."

"It was possible through many different techniques to create exact physical replicas. This process was not only capable of producing a single copy, but also multiple versions of the original subject. Furthermore, genetic engineering could further modify the clone to augment or subdue specific traits."

"However, The most aggressive mixtures of nutrients and catalyst solutions produced fully formed adult clones in several weeks, but forced growth acceleration often led to mental instability in the clone."

"This is the part where you come in 1183."

'You see, utilizing an experimental version of the cloning process, we encountered numerous setbacks as a result of attempting to replicate a perfect template. The initial test subjects were physically deformed and driven insane. I personally figured out that If a clone was grown too quickly, the clone's mind would begin to deteriorate, leading to psychosis. The shortest time to normally grow a clone was one standard year, and between three and five years was considered necessary to prevent the risk."

"The reason for clone madness was a debated issue. Some of the scientists believed that it was because the body had grown too quickly, and the brain being fed information could not handle the amount of data at such a rate."

"I believe given time, we could have reduced the numbers of the aberrant clones down by half or more. With time, We could have produced multiple successes in a single batch. But you know what they say, time is a cruel mistress. Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend and Lost time is something that can never be found again."

"We were rushed with a due date. Pressure on our backs to produce results. All we created is a long line of failures."

"So it's time for you to face the consequences of our actions"



The sound of Hydraulics could be heard as in a circular motion, multiple holes appeared opening from the ground.

As the platform rose up from the ground, all he could see was a figure coming out of the ground. He had paper-thin sleek arms. His head was bald and his skin was pale as white and his eyes were like the color of the night, pitch black and completely devoid of life. There was only madness left. Yet none of this mattered compared to his face.

Because it was his own face staring right back at him. Like looking at yourself in the mirror.

"What the hell…" The only words 1183 could have muttered as he gazed upon his other sibling. He knew he wasn't the only clone created, but seeing a man who looks exactly like himself but was completely deformed was, in other words…unsettling.

He looked around the room to see he wasn't completely alone as he quickly found that was surrounded by his aberrant siblings. 4 of them in total to be specific as he was surrounded by the rejects

"What type of sick joke is this? You think this is some type of game!?"

"Well of course 1183. All of this is for the sake of mankind's betterment. It doesn't matter how illegal or dangerous the experimentation is. It doesn't matter if our methods are brutal, but in the end, history will vindicate them.

"Don't underestimate these rejects, Despite their many genetic flaws, the aberrant clones still possess powerful biotic abilities such as yourself. But due to the psychological damage that they suffered in the cloning process, the clones would never be able to utilize their abilities in a concentrated and focused way of combat."

"I suggest you don't hold back. For both our sakes. It would be a shame to see you turn into a fine bloody past." Then the sound of a mic cutting off could be heard as Dominic, the lead cloning technician, had cut contact.

"Damn bastard! Just you wait until I get out of here!" 1183 cursed out loud as talked back. Not expecting a response. This only reinforced his feelings of getting out of here as fast as he could.

But before he could do anything, he felt something extremely heavy hit his chest as he was sent flying back onto the wall! He clutched his chest in pain as he looked to see one of the clones, whose hand stretched out. He concluded it was the one who attacked him first since its hand was covered in a purplish glow.

[WARNING: User's shield has dropped below the 25% threshold! Advise to seek immediate cover!]

The system yelled in his head as it announced how much damage he had just taken! Seemingly enough to almost one-shot him!

"Jesus Christ that hurt!" 1183 acknowledged the warning as he crawled off the wall and back onto his feet. If he didn't have his shield constantly active, he would have been almost dead in one hit.

"Guess it's time to try out my biotics" His hand was covered in a purplish glow as he channeled as many mass effects fields as he could before firing a Biotic Throw of his own! Right back at the aberrant clone!

[User has used the Biotic Power: Throw!]

The purplish ball made its way towards his target as it hit the target right at the clone's chest! Sending the genetic deformity flying back to the wall the same way 1183 was sent flying! Unlike last time, the force behind the push was much stronger than the previous throw. Much stronger in fact, that it killed the aberrant clone in an instant as it turned into a fine bloody paste!

[An enemy has been killed!]

[User has been awarded: 250 EXP, 500 credits]

He didn't have time to look at his prize as he quickly switched his attention over to another of the aberrant clones and as his hand was covered in a purplish glow once again as he fired another Biotic Throw!

[The Biotic Power: Throw is on cooldown!]

[Cooldown Duration: 10 seconds]

1183 cursed at himself as he had completely forgotten about the 10-second cooldown duration! He had no way to effectively attack without putting himself into harm's way!

He had no choice but to go hand-to-hand!

In an instant, he dodged as he barreled rolled out of the way multiple Bitotic Throws that were heading towards his way, and in rapid succession, he rushed towards one of the rejects that clearly had itself wide open!

Using a mix of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Taekwondo combined with his beyond human level strength and speed, he kicked the aberrant clone right at its bald head! He then proceeded to grab the thing by its arm and overthrow it to the ground before finishing it off with a stop to the head. Splattering its head across the floor

[An enemy has been killed!]

[User has been awarded: 250 EXP, 500 credits]

"2 down 2 more to go"

1183 committed to himself as he continued on with his assault on the clones. But before he could place one foot down, he felt a crashing, painful wave hit right at his back! Sending him tumbling down, rolling across the floor as pain flooded across his body.

[WARNING!: Users shields have dropped below 0!% Users health has dropped to below 55!% Advise to seek immediate cover!]

Blood was spat out of his mouth as he started coughing. All the while he slowly got up to see both of the clones with both of their hands sticking out with a familiar purplish

Glow. Clearly indicating that they were the ones who attacked him.

That's when he heard something that put a smile on his face.

[Ability: Biotic Throw is now available!]

With as much strength as he could, he ran towards the duo all the while gathering mass effect fields into his hands as he threw his hand outwards, sending a massive purplish ball towards the duo.

The force behind the throw was strong enough to send one of the clones tumbling down to the ground while the other one was sent flying back onto a wall with enough force that it died on impact.

The other aberrant clone, who watched his twin die in front of his eyes, slowly got and looked to the other side. Only to find out subject 1183 was nowhere to be seen. He then felt hands firmly grasp his face. He looked up to see his own face looking down onto his. And in an instant, a snapping sound could be heard as 1183 snapped the neck of his aberrant twin as the body fell onto the floor with a thud.

[Two enemies have been killed!]

[User has been awarded: 500 EXP, 1,000 credits]

[User Is now level 2!]

1183 had no time to celebrate as he felt something rising up from the pit of his stomach, and suddenly, he turned around to throw up. In spite of his success, he remained extremely conflicted over his ordeal with the aberrant clones. Aside from their differences with him and each other, as clones, they all possessed the same attributes as himself. He was struggling with his own guilt for killing the aberrant clones, an action which he considered to be a form of fratricide—even suicide since they were all genetic copies of the same man. Let alone this was the first time he harmed a human being. let alone kill his own kin.

"I'm sorry….I'm sorry"

He wiped the vomit away from his mouth and slowly and surely he walked towards a wall and layed back on it. Just waiting patiently for something to happen. He didn't know it was due to his mind playing tricks on him but he suddenly felt way than he did a few moments before

[Reminder: User's Health and shields are fully recovered. As long the user does not receive severe life-threatening injuries, The User's body will naturally recover to its peak after a short period of time. That includes fatigue, dizziness, sore or aching muscles, and muscle weakness]

"Well, that's broken," 1183 said to himself as got up from the floor. He checked his body all over and to his surprise, All the bruises and injuries he had fully recovered! It was like nothing even happened!

"Well color me impressed! You're still alive!" Out of nowhere, a voice appeared out of nowhere as it echoed throughout the evaluation's walls chamber. It was Dominic!

"I'm honestly surprised you were able to survive all of that especially all 4 of them! Those aberrant clones were able rip apart a platoon of Cerberus field agents with their biotics! This combat data will prove valuable"

"But this is where your usefulness runs to an end for today"


Out of nowhere, the room was suddenly being filled with what appeared to be a greenish type of gas.

"Don't worry this is just knockout gas. You won't even feel a thing"

1183 tried to stay awake the best he could by covering his mount and nose. But unfortunately, some of the gas had managed to escape into his respiratory system. He suddenly felt extremely tired. His vision suddenly getting blurry as his body down to the ground.

Eventually, he couldn't feel his very own body as his vision was getting darker and darker until everything turned into complete darkness.

"Good Night"

Sorry for the late Chapter. School has been a pain

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Overload_man32creators' thoughts