
Mass Effect:Inception

In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest discovery in human history. The civilizations of the galaxy call it... MASS EFFECT. A Teen seemingly around the age of 19-20 woke in a room that was unknown to him. Suddenly Memories washed into his mind. Knowledge that wasn't his own Unbeknownst, A small camera in the corner of the darkroom was silently looking down at him. as if it was silently observing his every movement "Finally....A working test subject...." (I Clearly do not own Mass Effect.If this pic is yours and want it down then don't hesitate to ask)

Overload_man32 · Video Games
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10 Chs


[Soul Transfer Complete]

[Initiating The Mass Effect System]

[Establishing Secure Connection…]


[Secure Connection confirmed]

[Name: N/A]

[Title: Subject 1183]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: N/A]

[Origins: Clone Subject]

[Profile Reconstruction Incomplete]

[Please Select Initial Training]

[Choosing a Training will determine the initial abilities You will be starting with and skills will be already available to you]

[As you continue to level up and as skills are unlocked, the creation of combinations of skills called load-outs can be used during combat].

Then out front of Subject 1183 eyes, a massive list of options appeared in front of him. He was pretty sure that he was the only one that could see it so he wasn't worried about anyone else finding out. He figured out that he could use his mind as a scroller and so he went up and down looking at his options. It seemed these pieces of training came directly from Mass Effect Andromeda. Even Though he hadn't replayed the original trilogy and the sequel in a long time, he still had flashes of info from the times he played it so he wasn't lost in the dark.

[Please choose a training profile]


[During your Alliance military service, you focused on learning everything you could about weapons and tactics]

[Starting Skill: Concussive Shot]

[Unlocked Skills]

[Turbocharge, Combat Fitness]


[You were effectively 'designated biotic' during your Alliance military tenure, assisting your cohorts with your ability to control mass effect fields]

[Starting Skill: Throw]

[Unlocked Skills]

[Singularity, Barrier]


[As a technician in the Systems Alliance military, you learned to operate drones and hack enemy systems]

[Starting Skill: Overload]

[Unlocked Skills]

[Invasion, Team Support]


[You were a team player and a natural leader in the Alliance military, working closely with your cohorts for their safety and the safety of others]

[Starting Skill: Energy Drain]

[Unlocked Skills]

[Annihilation, Team Support]


[When a fight broke out, you were always the first soldier in the thick of it - mostly according to Alliance military protocol and occasionally not]

[Starting Skill: Charge]

[Unlocked Skills]

[Combat Fitness, Charge]


[In the Alliance Military, you studied covert operations and the tech used by special forces - knowledge you rarely found a use for until the Andromeda Initiative]

[Starting Skill: Tactical Cloak]

[Unlocked Skills]

[Combat Fitness, Tactical Cloak]

"I am not part of the Alliance Military but ok. So many good options yet I can only choose one " The boy muttered inside of his head as he looked over the many options in front of him. If he remembered correctly, the last time he had this opportunity he chose Scrapper. He was a Vanguard main for life so when saw Charge as a starting skill, he didn't hesitate to pick it as his starting skill.

But it wasn't a game anymore, it was real life for him. If he didn't pick the right skills from the get-go, he would be in some serious trouble. More trouble than he already is in. If he had to choose any one of these options then it had to be Biotic. Just from the skills alone would be worth it. There are Biotic powers that are better than Throw, but for right now it's a great skill since it detonates combo primers and pushes people away.

Singularity is good as it levitates unshielded and unarmored enemies. Meaning if he just puts one point into singularity and nothing else he would already have a way to deal good damage with its combo and crowd control. And the barrier all around is amazing in itself since it increases his overall maximum shield strength.

There was clearly no better option for him right now. Besides, if he wanted to go vanguard later on, which he was highly considering, it wasn't too late for him to do so.

"I love you Charge but right now you're useless to me."

"System I pick Biotic."

[User has chosen the Biotic training background]

[Are you sure this is your chosen specialization?]



[User has confirmed the Biotic training Background]

Then a flood of knowledge once again flooded inside of Subject 1183's mind. He instantly knew the application on how to manipulate Mass Effects Fields to hurl a target away from him with damaging force and rendering them helpless.

[User has learned the ability "Throw"]


[Hurls a gravity field projectile to throw unshielded and unarmored targets away and detonate combo primers. Combine with the Pull power to hurl held targets]

[Force: 850]

[Damage on World Collision: 225]

[Recharge Time (s): 10]

[Profile Reconstruction Complete]

[Now loading Mission Computer]


[Mission Computer]

[Name: N/A]

[Title: Subject 1183]

[Origins: Clone Subject]

[Training Background: Biotic]


[Squad: Level Up not Available]




"A Map!?" Subject 1183's eyes were filled with surprise and delight as he looked over the circle wheel in front of him that resembled that of the familiar main menu used during the trilogy and sequel. He counted himself lucky for having such a basic option. He hoped the map contained the layout to the entire facility as he clicked on the map option.

Then in front of his eyes, a 3d layout of the facility appeared right in front of him. The facility is divided into sections. A hangar bay for ships to dock, a med bay, a comm relay for external communication, a station artificial intelligence referred to as UDI (Ultra Defence Intelligence), and finally the X1 and the Colosseum. It didn't say what was stored inside of it but he didn't want to find out.

Unfortionally for him, Subject 1183 was currently located right at the bottom of the facility in the experimentation bay which was alongside the medical bay. He needed to find a way out of the experimentation bay and work his way through the medical bay. Find an elevator up to the X1 wing and make his way to the hanger bay. Which was near the top of the facility. Just beneath the comm relay at the top.

"Why can't anything be easy?" The clone sighed as he fell back back-first into the wall and layed on it. Maybe escaping was going to be more difficult than he thought.

"Clank, Clank, Clank"

Multiple footsteps could suddenly be heard getting closer as subject 1183 heard the door leading to his containment cell open out of nowhere. He looked up to see three individuals staring down right at him. Two of which were Cerberus Assault Troopers. Outfitted with custom-designed armor and were equipped and armed with an M-96 Mattock and an M-25 Hornet submachine guns, as well as electrified batons for any close quarter situations they come across. But the one in the middle carried a sinister aura that outmatched the two heavily armed guards right next to him.

Even without wearing heavily armed equipment, just a simple scientist robe with a yellow diamond insignia on it, his robotic, lifeless eyes gave him an aura of danger. He continued to smile down right at subject 1183, as he was looking at a lab rat "You're alive"

Subject 1183, landed forward from the wall and got on his knees, and looked at him eye to eye. Even with the memories of his template, He had little to no information regarding the scientist in front of him. He only knew that everybody called him The Director 'How long this time?"

"576 hours. 24 days in isolation to be exact. Impressive to say the least"

The director looked at the guard to his right "Realise him. Let's give it some room to move around in."

The guard nodded in response and lifted his right arm as an Omni-tool appeared. A multipurpose diagnostic and manufacturing tools as well as computers used for a variety of civilian and battlefield tasks. He pushed in some buttons as the bars of the isolation slowly opened up.

Soon the platform that Subject 1183 was laying down on started rising up from the pit until it reached the peak of its elevation. Stoping when it reached the top.

The Director then looked to the guard over to his left "Now remove the restraints."

"But sir what he tri.."

"Than you'll just have to shoot him won't you? That's the reason you're here, to begin with. Now release the restraints before something unfortunate happens."

Without further order, the guard reached behind his back and pulled out a key, and started removing the restraints on subject 1183. He knew first hand what would happen If you'd disobeyed the Director's orders. He wouldn't suffer the same fate.

Thuds could be heard as the restraints fell off from Subjects 1183 hands and legs onto the floor. He soothed his wrist as it had been a while since he had freedom of movement. He paid no attention to the tip of the barrel he felt on the back of his head.

The director innocently smiled. Happy to see no insubordination within his project " Now Subject 1183, would you kindly follow me?" He then turned around and walked back into the bright hallway.

albeit unwillingly, 1183 took its first step into the new world as he placed his right foot forward into the hallway. All the while ignoring the feeling of guns pointing right behind him.


"Pop quiz 1138! Tell me, do you remember what we were discussing before you were put in confinement?" The director said as he tilted his around.

They were currently walking down a bright hallway as they were talking 1138 into an unknown part of the facility. He could hear the echoing screaming of patients crying out for help as they were dissected and experimented on.

Subject 1138, who was looking out the window towards the unknown space which contained countless of bright stars, titled his head back towards his creator "If I remember correctly, you were informing me about the rise of the Systems Alliance and our relations with the other races. You left on about the skyllian blitz"

The director seemed pleased "Good. it seems that 23 days in isolation didn't affect your motor functions. Give me a recap of what you remember."

1138 nodded his head and voiced out what he knew without issue "The Skyllian Blitz was a major assault on the human colony of Elysium in the year of 2176 CE. A huge band of pirates, slavers, and Batarian warlords, partly funded by Batarian financiers, launched an attack into the Skyllian Verge, intending to destroy Elysium. The attack was partly a Batarian reprisal for humanity's expansion in the Verge, and partly the result of tensions from the Alliance's pirate suppression campaigns."

"The decision to finally launch the Blitz was instigated by one person, Elanos Haliat. A Turiana pirate and prominent figure in the Terminus Systems. He intended to use the prestige of the Blitz to cement his position as leader of the Terminus Systems' many pirate bands."

"The people of Elysium and the Alliance rallied to defend the colony. Small ground teams made up of Alliance Marines on leave and Elysium's civilians managed to hold off the pirates, while the Alliance Navy, including the SSV Agincourt, engaged their vessels overhead."

"The ground teams had a much harder fight, but still managed to hold out for several hours. Eventually, It was due to the great effort of Commander Shepard. Shepard rallied the colonists against the invaders, and when enemy forces broke through the colony's defenses, Shepard single-handedly held them off and sealed the breach. When reinforcements finally arrived, the enemy turned tail and fled in what vessels they had left. The Commander was rewarded with the Star of Terra and widely regarded throughout the Alliance as a true hero."

"And yet they called us the barbarians. They believe Humanity is nothing but a pompous, arrogant race. Yet they go behind their words and proceed to do the same exact thing they believe we are. They're nothing but hypocrites." The director commented with spite in his voice. You could clearly hear the disdain he has for the other races of the universe.

"Tell me Subject 1138. Even though Your clearly human, you have yet to experience the true world for what it is. Do you believe in humanity? Or do you agree with others that believe that we're nothing more than haughty?" He said with a questioning gaze. He wanted to know the opinion of a tank breed that had only been trained for taking orders for the majority of its short life. Maybe he could provide an unbiased opinion.

1138 stood there for a minute without anything coming out of his mouth. He was thinking very hard on what to say. Even though he understood that he was nothing more than a disposable clone, he had the memories and the soul of a reincarnator. On one hand, even though he didn't like Cerberus as a whole, he did agree with their beliefs that humans deserve a greater role in the galactic community. But not in the way they're proceeding with it. Becoming nothing more than a terrorist organization that is willing to experiment, and kill their own alongside others only proves to counteract everything they strive for. The end doesn't justify the means.

On the other side of the coin, There is clear disdain for the humans. The Turains, Asari, and Salarians in his eyes are nothing more than egotistical morans. If you want a prime example, then there's no better example out there than the Citadel Council.

But he couldn't blame an entire race for somebody's individual actions. Even though there are nasty people that come in different sizes, there are people who aren't like that. People like Garrus, Tali, Liara, and Mordin. He wouldn't judge them because of somebody else.

He looked at his creator eye to eye " One of the historical figures I remember talking about once said to judge a man not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

"Humanity has a history of conflict and conquest. In 2148, human explorers on Mars uncovered a long-ruined Prothean observation post, with a surviving data cache that proved Protheans had studied Cro-Magnon humans millennia ago. Discovering information on a mass relay orbiting Pluto, explorers managed to open the Charon Relay and discovered it led to Arcturus. With the help of the fledgling Systems Alliance, humans expanded to other systems. In just a short few years, we have expanded and captured many planted into our commanded"

"And in 2165, humanity was granted an embassy on the Citadel in recognition of their growing power and influence in the galactic community. The timing of this achievement, less than a decade after first contact, caused some friction with other Citadel races who had waited decades for such recognition."

"I understand why they call us arrogant, deceptive, violent, and selfish when we have a history of proving those claims. But humans are generally seen to be very intelligent, abnormally ambitious, highly adaptable, individualistic, and thus, unpredictable. They have a powerful desire to advance and improve themselves and do so with such assertion that the normally staid Council races have been taken aback by their restlessness and relentless curiosity."

"I believe that it's Humanities job to rise above those claims. to prove that our rise in the galactic scale was not a wrong decision provided by the council. By cooperating with each other we could possibly reach possibilities we could never achieve alone."

"Buts that's simply an opinion of a clone sir. I've yet to gain experience with the world for what it is. Maybe I'm wrong and it might be best to keep to ourselves."

The director didn't say anything as he looked at 1183 showing no visible emoting before continuing to walk down the hallway. The words kept repeating over his mind and even though he tried to keep his emotions in check as he usually able to, He couldn't keep the disgust from showing on his face. Luckily he was faced away so 1183 couldn't see his reaction.

Cooperating with the enemies!? Did the indoctrination process go wrong!? How could he make such opinions when the other races have shown nothing but hostility!? The Earth's economy, while much smaller than any of the Council races, is very powerful relative to their size, and their military prowess is amongst the greatest in the galaxy, despite the fact that only 3% of humans volunteer for the Alliance military! We don't need them! They need us!

Yet he had no more room for thought as they made it to their destination.

The evaluation chamber