
Masked Girl: Lifes Journey

A young girl takes her first steps towards a new world, away from the life she once led in a shelter. Now, she must put on her mask and determine who among the guests in her ball of life is a friend or foe in order to protect the seed that now grows in her.

Queen_Flames · Teenager
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5 Chs

A New Day or just the end

[What the hell is on me?]

My body feels heavy.

I roll over, attempting to free myself from the immense weight and notice that my blanket has wrapped itself around me like a taco wrap.

[ughhh, I guess that's just my way of waking up, where's my damn phone?]

I stretch my arm out from under me and search around my bed for my phone, then reach under my pillow and pull out a silver-white-looking phone and turn it on.

[It's 10:40, and the day hasn't even ended, drat! Let's return to bed.]

I turn off my phone and tuck it under my pillow, tilting my body slightly in an attempt to get comfortable for another nap, but I can't fall asleep. I switch on my phone but have no idea what to do with it, so I go through my apps and open my snap, where I see his nickname and smile.

[I can't text him right now because it's a Sunday night, and he's probably sleeping]

As I close the app and open TikTok, I sigh and wonder if my fyp will adjust to my mood. I watched a few videos, mostly about zodiac signs, but it doesn't help my mood and I'm sure my fyp noticed as I scrolled on to a relationship TikTok and it made me smile a little.

[I wanted something like this, just a cuddle, a snuggle, a hug, gosh!]

My phone vibrates in response to a notification

*Peaches is typing*

[WHAT! why is he awake let's wait a few minutes and reply, fudge that reply now]

I immediately opened the chat to see what he said.


Peaches: Hiii

Are you awake

[ahhhh >v<, what should I say...]

Me: Yea, I can't sleep

wbu, why are you awake?

Peaches: playing some games and watching TikTok

how are you? i missed you

Me: me too I missed you T-T

I'm so tired, today was awful

Peaches: Babe what happened

My ears binged loudly as I typed my story, so loud that I thought they were going to fall off. I let go of my phone and watched it fall off my bed while tossing and turning with my hands over my ears. My heart clenched and all the blood in my body rushes to my head; I can taste blood in my mouth and feel a stream of liquid coming out of my nose; I wipe it off with my hand and it was blood; I burst into tears, wondering if I was dying.

[ I didn't want to die yet; they were people I wanted to laugh with, people I wanted...]

My eyes slowly close, but I push them open, I try to scream for help, but my voice comes out completely silent, I roll down my bed, hitting the floor with a loud thud, but I don't feel the pain of my fall, only the irritating sound in my ear and the tight clench of my heart. I go looking for my phone, which has slid under my bed. I don't have the strength to pick it up because I keep dropping it, expressing my frustration in silence, and more tears roll down my cheeks as I wonder why this is happening to me.

My body eventually loses the strength and will to move, and I stare down at my phone, which was still displaying my chat, hoping that my mind would telepathically send a message asking for help, but all that happened was him responding.

Peaches: Have I ever told you how much I loooove you?

And tears roll down my cheeks, wishing I could tell him I loved him too before my eyes close and I feel the pain fade as I enter a dark, cold void. There was nothing, and it appeared that nothing would happen for a very long time, and it felt comfortable, so I just lay there and drifted off into what seemed to be nothing.