
marvel with experience card

my patreon and paypal : belamy20 give donation if you want help me "here is……" "New York War?" "I crossed into the Marvel universe?" Next second. The voice of the system emerged in Louis's mind. "Congratulations to the host, for getting the Edward Newgate ability experience card from Pirate World!"

kikicrmkia · Filme
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S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Nick Fury stared at Louis: "What you said is true?"

"Otherwise you think I guessed this randomly?"

Louis smiled and said, "When the funding results come out, you will know that there is no error in my judgment. These information and clues have been fully demonstrated!"

"My judgment will not go wrong!"

Hear the words.

Nick Fury still couldn't calm down, his eyes looked out the translucent window.


In the air, the atmosphere was depressed.

If it is true as Louis's judgment!

Then this matter is by no means a trivial matter.

very serious!

ten minutes later.

Tony Stark, Captain Rogers and others successfully returned to the base hall.

Seeing Louis's leisurely appearance, they were speechless.


They work so hard, why don't the clues that the other party easily obtain is the key?

"What's the key clue?"

Captain Rogers is straight to the point.

"Follow me!"

Louis stood up and glanced at Nick Fury.

A group of people passed the route of the base smoothly and arrived at the cold storage room.

Open the door.

A cold breath spread across the body.


Louis directly pulled the two bodies out and presented them in front of everyone.

Two corpses, one lacks arms, one lacks thighs!

"this is..."

Tony couldn't comprehend, "Is this the key clue you said? How are the two corpses related to Natasha?"

"Can you really think of it?"

Louis laughed and said nothing.


Everyone was lost in thought.

Looking at the death of the two bodies, they really couldn't see any key clues!

The corpse is soaked in water for a long time before edema will appear.

But what does this have to do with the tasks they are facing now?

Can't understand!

Patton stared at the side, his entire head in chaos.

Where are all this?

"The two bodies..."

Captain Rogers thought for a while, his brows still furrowed, and he said tentatively, "Lack of arms and thighs, this is the same as the information we have seen before, those two..."

is it possible? !


Rogers rejected this speculation and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

This is obviously!

It's two human corpses!

"The captain is right."

Louie said with blinking eyes.

The words fall.

Rogers' eyes widened, and then he lost his voice: "How is this possible? There is no connection between the two human corpses and the remains of the monsters in the photo!"

"On the surface, it doesn't seem to exist, but in fact, it has a great connection."

"If it weren't for me to find some similar skin and flesh remains from their mouths, I still can't be sure. Now, I can basically judge with certainty!"

The corners of Louis's mouth moved slightly, looking at everyone present, "The two human corpses, in fact, are the original owners of one arm and one thigh in the photo!"


Everyone was shocked.

This news really made them dare not imagine!

However, how can human corpses be connected with the remains of monsters?

"I judged before that the monster that left the arms and thighs may not have been killed by others."

"Instead, died of internal fighting between them!"

"It is conceivable that there was not only one monster at the time, but two monsters. They both left their own arms and thighs!"

"Just like the two corpses we saw before our eyes, they were incomplete, and their missing parts were completely in line with the remains we kept!"

Louis explained, "Furthermore, the wounds of the two corpses are obviously traces of being bitten off by some extremely fierce beast. I found the fleshy remains from their mouths again!"

"From this, you can basically judge!"

"The two of them are because of cannibalism. Everyone has the other side's flesh and blood in their mouths. Therefore, their hands and feet are broken as if they were bitten by a beast."

"that's because..."

"They were beasts at the time!"

The words fall.

Everyone in the audience felt shocked!

In fact, is it true?

The monster that left its arms and wreckage was really transformed from a human being?

This is crazy!

Even Tony Stark felt horrified!

What a crazy behavior.

Can you turn people into such a monster? !

If it is as Louis said!

Then this kind of monster doesn't have any wisdom, and even kills each other. What else is it that they dare not do?

By the time!

I'm afraid it's a waste of life!

"In fact, I didn't expect it either."

"The many evidences before us all show that someone, a certain technology, is studying these dangerous things and experimenting with the human body!"

"These monsters are the products of the flaws revealed in their experiments!"

Louis said.

This reminded him of a movie in his head.


at the moment.

These monsters are very similar to aliens!

But aliens cannot infect others and become aliens, which is also essentially different.

"If we don't believe it, we can wait for the research results later."

"I have sent people to study how the broken hand and broken leg correspond to the two corpses!"

"Soon, there will be an answer."

Louis sat directly in the chair and waited quietly.

Three minutes later.

The result came!

no doubt!

As Louis said, these severed hands and legs are almost completely consistent with the many characteristics of the two corpses!


It's already obvious!

Louis's guess is correct!

Those broken hands and broken legs actually survived after the two corpses transformed into monsters and killed each other.

As for the end!

Why did the two corpses re-transform into a human appearance, but the broken hand and broken leg did not change back to the human appearance.

This, Louis did not know.

If you say, who knows this better in the world today!

Then there are only those, the culprits who created this monster!