
Marvel Unveiled: The SCP Foundation

After waking up from a nap, Noah Evans reluctantly assumed the position of the leader of an underworld group and took over the organization. On his first day, the butler introduced Noah to the organization's three core members. "Master, this is Phil Coulson, and these two are Natasha Natalia Romanov, and Melinda May. They are all key members of the organization." Noah Evans: "..." Undercover agents? Fortunately, the system started at a critical moment. As long as he summoned and contained the SCPs, he would receive abundant system rewards. Ding~ Congratulations, host, for successfully containing the Scarlet King and obtaining the power of the highest divinity! The complete power of the Scarlet King. Ding~ Congratulations, host, for successfully containing the Evolution's Child and obtaining the power of fusion, evolution, and transformation! In the end, Noah Evans, possessing countless abilities, became the most mysterious existence in the multiverse! This is a Chinese Translation

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Unveiling Anomalies: Clash of Organizations

May instructed Coulson, who stood beside her, to order the armed special forces team to investigate the hidden contents of the valley. Coulson nodded in response, immediately grasping the magnitude of the secret concealed within.

He discreetly scanned the area, ensuring no one noticed him, and then covertly contacted the armed special forces team trailing behind.

"Hey! What are you all waiting for? The commander ordered you to move quickly and follow," a gruff voice suddenly bellowed from the base entrance. 6547, appearing displeased, addressed the three individuals deliberately lagging behind.

"We're coming!" Coulson swiftly put on a friendly smile and sheepishly caught up with the group.

Together, they boarded an elevator that led to an underground base. As they reached the elevator entrance, an elderly man in a white coat awaited Noah's arrival.

"Sir, A167 welcomes you!" Dr. A167, a high-ranking research personnel with an A-level designation, greeted Noah.

Within the Foundation, individuals were typically referred to by codenames rather than their actual names.

"Hello, Doctor. What is the current situation on-site?" Noah nodded and inquired.

"The situation is far from optimistic! Please follow me, Sir," Dr. A167 replied with a worried expression, leading the way.

Soon, they arrived at a command room, a simple space furnished with several control stations and numerous screens. The screens displayed surveillance footage of a pale purple landscape—the view of the valley.

"The growth rate of SCP-307 is incredibly rapid. Despite our deliberate removal of all warm-blooded animals in the vicinity, it continues its savage expansion. Its vines have already spread throughout the entire valley. If we don't contain it soon, SCP-307 might spiral into complete chaos," Dr. A167 explained, wearing a troubled expression.


The removal of warm-blooded animals?

Vines spreading throughout the valley?

While listening to the doctor's report, the SHIELD trio accompanying them felt perplexed, lacking a clear understanding of what SCP-307 entailed.

Although the trio didn't fully grasp the doctor's explanation, one thing became certain to them: a significant secret lay within that valley.

Curiosity piqued, Coulson stepped forward, eager to gather more information. He asked, "Um... Can you provide further clarification on what this SCP-307 is?"

The doctor frowned disapprovingly upon hearing Coulson's question.

With a stern demeanor, the doctor scolded, "Which department are you from? Why are you behaving so unprofessionally? State your designation, and I will report your unprofessional conduct to your superior!"

Within the Foundation, subordinates were prohibited from questioning their superiors' orders. The containment of SCPs often required unimaginable actions, and even the slightest delay because of questioning could lead to a breach.

Over time, the Foundation established a rule that subordinates couldn't question their superiors' orders. Of course, the main reason for this was that C-class combat personnel and staff had no rights, being clones derived from specific anomalies.

Observing the imposing doctor, Coulson cast a pleading glance at Noah

Noah didn't make things difficult for Coulson and explained with a smile, "He is a new recruit of mine, and for now, let's assign them the temporary designation of B-level operatives."

"B-level operatives?"

The doctor regarded the trio skeptically.

The doctor, who possessed a cold yet passionate demeanor, expressed concern over granting such high levels of authority to the new recruits. He remarked, "Sir, while I don't doubt your judgment, are you certain about designating these three newcomers as B-level operatives? You should understand that in our Foundation, the higher the level of authority, the less assurance there is for one's survival."

"No need to worry! They have faced battles and encountered intense situations while under my father's guidance in the past. Their capabilities make them more than capable of serving as B-level members," Noah reassured them with a smile.

As time passed Coulson's complexion turned paler. Requesting the armed special forces to investigate the valley had been his order, and he couldn't bear to witness his colleagues and companions perish in a nuclear explosion.

Coulson quickly stepped forward to interject, saying, "Sir, shouldn't we confirm it first? What if these people are on our side? What would we do then?"

Noah nearly burst out laughing at his remarks.

Who do they think they are, claiming to be one of us? They're merely tools for me to score points.

Maintaining an expressionless face, Noah said, "One of us? If they truly were, it would be more appropriate to eliminate these undisciplined subordinates."

Noah's coldness and ruthlessness left the SHIELD trio shocked and disheartened.

If Noah insisted on pursuing his own course, it seemed they had no choice but to watch their companions perish in a nuclear explosion.

Is this truly the same affluent individual who, according to intelligence reports, had never engaged in any criminal activities?


"Sir, it's too late. SCP-307 has begun its feeding," Dr. A167 lamented, gazing at the screen.

On the footage, the once benign purple vines started growing rapidly, detecting the presence of warm-blooded animals. Relentlessly, they spread towards the armed special forces team depicted on the video.

"What in the world is this? A man-eating plant?"

"No, these vines are alive."

"Molotov cocktail! Throw a Molotov cocktail!"


"Help me!"

The chaotic voices faded quickly.

Everyone in the command room fell into a stunned silence as they witnessed the tragedy unfold on the screen.

The members of the containment team had previously encountered the horrors of SCP-307, making them psychologically prepared and experienced enough to handle it. They showed little emotional fluctuation, even more so than Coulson, a top-level agent.

However, the SHIELD trio's reactions differed.

They witnessed SCP-307's leaves effortlessly slicing through the body armor of their agents, followed by the sturdy armed special forces falling into a deep slumber, as if sedated, lying on the ground like helpless lambs.

Once the armed special forces succumbed to sleep, SCP-307 revealed its true nature. Its vines entwined the slumbering soldiers, initiating digestion and absorption.

This gruesome process took less than 10 minutes.

Helplessly, they watched as their colleagues transformed into a thick liquid on the screen, being absorbed and digested by the monstrous creature.

The most nauseating aspect was that what liquefied wasn't their external appearance, but their internal organs. The image of yellow pus oozing from the seven orifices resembled a haunting nightmare, etching itself into the trio's memories.

"Do you see now? In the brief time you obstructed me, SCP-307 absorbed enough nourishment. Its root system has extended throughout the gorge. SCP-307 is now completely uncontrollable," Noah stated with profound eyes, addressing the SHIELD trio.

Coulson, the team leader, hesitated to speak before sighing in resignation. Coulson, who had dealt with numerous supernatural events, was now face-to-face with such a terrifying plant.

"What in the world is this SCP-307? It actually consumes people?" Coulson asked, his tone filled with bitterness.

At this point, the situation had escalated, leaving them no choice but to gather as much information as possible about SCP-307.

As for the plan to capture Noah?

Coulson had long abandoned that idea.

"Proceed with the deployment of nuclear warheads to suppress the growth of SCP-307," Noah commanded.

The nuclear warhead was launched successfully.

A small mushroom cloud slowly ascended in the distance.

The SHIELD trio stood in awe, deeply shocked by the close-range view of the nuclear explosion.

This was a nuclear bomb.

The pinnacle of human weaponry.

Dr. A167, filled with pride, exclaimed, "Isn't it impressive? This is us, the SCP Foundation. We Secure, Contain, Protect!"

Coulson nodded, still trying to process the information.

Natasha, quick-witted as always, sensed a clue in Dr. A167's words and took the opportunity to ask, "Has the Foundation dealt with other anomalies?"

"Of course!" Dr. A167 proudly nodded, oblivious to the potential leak of Foundation intelligence.

"Just the number 307 alone should tell you that we have handled numerous anomalies before SCP-307," he stated.

The SHIELD trio was overwhelmed with shock upon hearing the number 307.

That meant the Foundation had dealt with 307 anomalous incidents in secret.

What was even more terrifying was that their own organization, SHIELD, had no knowledge of this powerful organization or the multitude of supernatural events occurring in the world.

Realizing that they had inadvertently stumbled upon a major discovery, Coulson discreetly pressed the emergency button hidden on his belt.

As an experienced agent, Coulson knew that it was best to gather more information and proceed cautiously rather than recklessly revealing their hand.

He had the intention to expose the powerful SCP Foundation to the world.

In Coulson's mind, SHIELD was the one and only organization capable of saving the world, and any others fell short in comparison.

Furthermore, based on their brief encounter, the SCP Foundation seemed cold-hearted to the extreme—a characteristic born out of the arrogance of those who believed they were ahead of the world.

In contrast to Coulson's unconscious arrogance, Natasha had more nuanced thoughts.

As a former undercover operative who joined SHIELD later in her career, Natasha didn't hold SHIELD in high regard. In her eyes, SHIELD was a morally ambiguous organization, even if they claimed to fight for justice.

But the Foundation was different.

From what she could gather, the Foundation operated covertly, having little impact on the ordinary world. They silently safeguarded humanity by containing and protecting anomalies that could pose a threat to safety.

While some may view the Foundation as cold-hearted, Natasha believed they were not entirely without compassion.

On the other hand, SHIELD's involvement in researching and dealing with supernatural events while being entangled with the government set them apart. Compared to organizations like the FBI, SHIELD had a broader scope, more authority, and greater power.

May's perspective combined elements of both Coulson's and Natasha's views. She neither saw SHIELD as more righteous than the Foundation nor considered it as inherently evil. She believed that with time, everything would become clear, enabling her to make a more informed judgment.

After the nuclear explosion subsided, Noah issued a command, "Deploy remote-controlled robots to search for the core of SCP-307 and contain it."

Dr. A167 nodded and accessed the control panel.

Soon, three humanoid robots were air-dropped into the valley from an aircraft.

Each robot had a humanoid form but possessed distinct features. One had scissor-shaped arms on the left and regular arms on the right. Another had a hoe-shaped left arm and a drill-shaped right arm. The third one closely resembled a human but carried a box on its back, measuring about 30 centimeters, while appearing otherwise indistinguishable.

Observing the robots on the screen, Coulson couldn't help but exclaim, 'These robots are incredibly agile and can be remotely controlled wirelessly. The technology they possess... it surpasses even that of SHIELD!'

Simultaneously, his assessment of the Foundation's danger level was elevated.

The SHIELD trio shared the sentiment that the Foundation was a formidable organization, possessing highly advanced and deeply concealed technology.

After more than half an hour of searching, Dr. A167 reluctantly reported, "Director, SCP-307 seems to have completely lost control. Our investigation suggests that it has escaped this valley and most likely entered another valley behind the two mountains, formed naturally by tectonic movements."

Coulson, always grounded in science, questioned, "Hold on a moment! SCP-307 is supposed to be an evergreen vine. How could it escape? Is it growing legs or something?"

Coulson believed that the Foundation's equipment must have been inadequate, preventing them from detecting SCP-307's presence hidden in the valley.

In response to Coulson's skepticism, Dr. A167 cast him an appreciative glance.

"It appears you have some talent. Your sarcastic remark was actually correct. The roots of SCP-307 do possess a function similar to human legs, allowing it to move independently without relying on soil for survival, unlike ordinary plants."

Coulson sighed inwardly, frustrated that his sarcasm was taken seriously.

Meanwhile, Noah listened to their conversation, nodding thoughtfully.

Although SCP-307's escape seemed alarming, it actually pleased Noah to some extent. The more people became aware of SCP-307, the more SPs he would accumulate. In a way, it was a positive development for him.

As for the potential harm to innocent civilians caused by SCP-307's escape, it wasn't currently within Noah's scope of consideration. After all, SCP-307's threat level was relatively low, especially in the Middle Eastern region where the valleys were predominantly occupied by terrorist organizations. It was an isolated area with minimal risk to the general population.

Coulson contemplated their next course of action, wondering if another nuclear strike was necessary.

Dr. A167 couldn't help but chuckle at Coulson's suggestion, recognizing that he had adopted the Foundation's mindset of using a nuclear bomb as a solution.

"No, we won't be resorting to a nuclear bomb this time," Noah calmly intervened. "We need to approach this situation differently. Our priority now is to gather more information about the valley and determine SCP-307's whereabouts. Once we have a clear plan, we can proceed accordingly."

Coulson nodded, realizing that a nuclear solution wasn't the answer in this case. There were other factors and variables to consider beyond the immediate threat.

Understanding and deciphering the true nature of SCP-307, and neutralizing the threat it posed without resorting to extreme measures were key objectives.

The SHIELD trio acknowledged the vast amount of knowledge they had yet to acquire about the world of SCPs and the organizations that dealt with them, particularly the SCP Foundation.

This encounter had exposed them to the hidden dangers and complexities that existed beyond their previous understanding. They were determined to navigate this uncharted territory and protect the world to the best of their abilities.

Coulson, however, couldn't help but wonder about the odd looks he was receiving from Dr. A167.

'What's with this doctor? Why is he giving me such strange looks?' Coulson thought to himself, feeling a tinge of fear that Dr. A167 might have some unusual inclinations. Being an undercover agent involved many sacrifices, but it certainly didn't include his "rosebud"

Noah smiled and said, "There's no need to rush with a nuclear bomb. I recall our Foundation has been facing some financial difficulties recently, right? This presents a perfect opportunity to address both issues."

Upon learning that the valley was occupied by the Ten Rings, Noah realized an opportunity for profit had presented itself. As a transmigrator, he knew the fame and fortune associated with Tony Stark, the Iron Man, in the Marvel Universe. In various fan fiction scenarios, Tony Stark was often depicted as a source of wealth that every main character sought to exploit. As a main character himself, Noah couldn't pass up the chance to take advantage of Tony Stark's resources.

"Let 6547 lead a team to the valley, and while you're at it, rescue Tony Stark. His genius is a treasure for all of humanity, and it would be a shame for him to perish in such a desolate place," Noah suggested.

In essence, the Foundation needed individuals like Tony Stark with extraordinary abilities. To Noah, any exceptional power could be utilized as a valuable tool. After all, he couldn't guarantee that the next time he encountered an SCP, he wouldn't require Tony's unparalleled human intelligence to assist him.

The suggestion hung in the air, and the SHIELD trio exchanged glances, each processing the implications of Noah's proposal in their own way.

Coulson, still harboring some skepticism towards the Foundation, saw it as an opportunity to expose their motives and operations. Rescuing Tony Stark and potentially gaining insight into the Foundation's activities would be a step towards unraveling the organization's secrets.

Natasha, on the other hand, viewed the idea from a pragmatic standpoint. If the Foundation truly held advanced technology and knowledge that surpassed SHIELD, having Tony Stark's genius on their side could potentially benefit humanity in understanding and combating anomalies.

May, as the mediator between Coulson's skepticism and Natasha's pragmatism, took a more cautious approach. She recognized the need for more information about the Foundation, but also understood the value of Tony Stark's intellect. However, she remained mindful of the potential risks involved in trusting an organization they had only recently encountered.

Back at the Foundation's base, Natasha and Noah had returned to the command room, where they could monitor the progress of the mission through their communication devices. Noah hoped that by witnessing the operation firsthand, Natasha would gain a better understanding of the Foundation and the challenges they faced.

In the valley where the Ten Rings is located:

"Do you hear that sound?"

A terrorist standing guard under a cliff asked.

Another terrorist holding an AK47 nervously replied, "I heard it too. Sounds like the slithering of a snake! It wouldn't be on the wall behind us, would it?"

"Why don't you turn around and check?"

"Why not you? Don't think I don't know that venomous snakes attack the person who acts first."


"What are you doing?"

The terrorist mournfully said, "I feel... something crawling on my feet, and..."

Ahmad, holding an AK47, was horrified to see his companion suddenly fall to the ground.

"Is there really a venomous snake?"

Soon, Ahmad realized he was mistaken.

The thing attacking his companion was not a venomous snake, but a purple vine.

Damn it!

Where did this vegetation come from in this godforsaken place?

Ahmad cursed as he looked at his unconscious companion.

For a moment, Ahmad couldn't confirm whether it was the snake or the vine in front of him that caused his companion to lose consciousness.

Just as Ahmad was about to approach and investigate, a vine crawled along the wall and silently approached him from behind.

The purple vine instantly elongated, coiling around Ahmad's neck. Panicked, hedropped his AK47 and desperately grabbed the vine around his neck, attempting to break free.

A small wound appeared on Ahmad's hand, and as he exerted force, the leaves of the purple vine gently cut through his skin.

Upon seeing the blood, hedidn't struggle or utter any screams. He peacefully lay on the ground, still breathing, proving that he was alive.

SCP-307, which had just escaped from the nuclear explosion site, resumed its feeding process.

A silent and gradual hunt spread through the valley. Due to the energy consumed during its escape, SCP-307's hunting this time was slow and cautious.

When the members of the Ten Rings noticed something was amiss, SCP-307 had silently devoured over a dozen people.

"Boss, at the location where Ahmad and the others disappeared, we only found their clothes and equipment. No signs of their bodies."

A terrorist reported to the bald leader.

The bald leader's face darkened as he asked, "Have you identified the killer?"

"No, boss. Do you think it could be the dogs from America? They're operating so cautiously just to save that playboy?"

The bald leader's eyes lit up upon hearing this and found his subordinate's reasoning reasonable.

"Give the order! Gather all and guard the entrance to that playboy's hideout. Don't give the enemy a chance to pick us off one by one."

After the bald leader finished speaking, he and his group surrounded Stark's hideout.


Two hours ago...

After boarding, Coulson immediately contacted the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

And he bypassed everyone else and directly contacted Director Nick Fury.

After reporting the intelligence to his own director, Coulson also secretly sent the surveillance footage he saw in the base to Fury.

"Director, this is a high-definition video recorded by a hidden camera on the latest glasses developed within the agency. It captured all the scenes of SCP-307 preying."

With May's cover, Coulson perfectly delivered the information.

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters:

Fury frowned as he watched the video on the screen.

It showed a purple plant that looked extremely mysterious. This evergreen ivy seemed harmless, lacking sharp teeth or thorns.

However, Fury soon witnessed the terrifying nature of this plant.

A fully armed special agent team was completely wiped out by this anomalous plant with the codename SCP-307 in less than 10 minutes, including the time it took for the plant to digest the team.

Most unbelievably, this thing wasn't afraid of fire. Although it wasn't completely immune, it was already highly unusual.

From Coulson's report, Fury learned about this mysterious organization called the Foundation, which, like S.H.I.E.L.D., specialized in containing anomalies.

Setting aside whether they were legal, their function alone already clashed with S.H.I.E.L.D.

From both a personal and a director's perspective, Fury couldn't allow such an organization to exist.

Fury, who always wanted to have control over everything, began to contemplate how to deal with the Foundation.

SCP-307, a carnivorous ivy?

Why does it resemble a biological weapon?

Could this be something created by a certain laboratory, and after the Foundation received the information, they deliberately plucked the peach?

This kind of trick was all too familiar to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Whenever they detected a laboratory developing some black technology or researching it, S.H.I.E.L.D. would initially choose to remain inactive.

They would only intervene when things were about to succeed, tying up loose ends and claiming the research data and results for themselves.

The so-called containment by the Foundation was just a copycat of what S.H.I.E.L.D. had been doing.

The only difference was that S.H.I.E.L.D. had more legitimacy.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. could assimilate or even digest it, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have a chance to become a true shield of Earth.

With that in mind, Fury picked up the phone next to him and contacted the S.H.I.E.L.D. sub-base in the Middle East.

As a massive organization with bases spread across countries worldwide, even the most chaotic place, like the Middle East, was not an exception.

Coulson and May's every move did not escape Noah's notice.

From the beginning, Noah wanted Coulson to transmit Tony Stark's message back to S.H.I.E.L.D.