
Marvel: The Silent Mad Dog

English is not my first language, so expect some bad grammar. I own nothing. But let me warn you, there will only be one chapter ahead. ________________________________________________________________ Rain can cause floods which can wash away the entire village. A single bolt of lightning can cause a large forest fire. A slight tremor of the earth can cause a tsunami that can reshape the whole coastline. Cruelty is just another aspect of human beings; using it to cause harm will lead to further cruelty. Human understands what cruelty means, but they also don't. They don't understand it. If they don't understand it, then they will act on it. Born in a world as a mutant, the mad dog will show its teeth and bite down at the cruel world.

Galatea1o1 · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Annihilation: The Prologue (13)




"Are you sure about this, professor? The last time you did this, you lost two valuable members. Doing this again without enough preparation might not be the best of ideas." said a person with blue skin and animal-like features, who is currently piloting the plane right now.

This person has blue fur, simian and feline facial features, pointed ears, fangs, and claws. His name is none other than Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy, AKA Beast.

"I understand your concern Hank, but we must do this; we genuinely don't know what will he do after what happened, not to mention he still is a child, a very misguided child.

He has a very powerful ability; leaving him alone might be too disastrous." Professor X explain

Three days had passed after the encounter and fight between them and Ryu.

Charles has lost two of his students in the process, and right now, Professor X, AKA Charles Xavier, is feeling a massive amount of g now, knowing full well he is the one responsible for Alex Summer death. If he told them to retreat faster, Kurt would not die.

So right now, Charles is feeling a massive amount of guilt and feel responsible for stopping Ryu before he turns into a full fedge villain or maybe turn into someone like Erik, which he honestly doesn't want to happen.

"I understand what you are saying, professor, but that is not what I truly worried about..." Beast said before his look back toward his teammate, three of them.

The first is a woman with short red hair and blue skin, other than Raven Darkhölme, AKA Mystique.

She sits with her head face down with her hands clasped together so that nobody can see her expression like now, but everyone knows that she is feeling a massive amount of guilt.

In the fight between them and Ryu, she felt useless and could not do much in the fight, not only that she was to be able to save Kurt, someone she rescued before and sees him as a little brother that she never has.

Seeing Kurt get eaten alive in front of her with no mercy and brutally, she cannot help but feel a massive amount of guilt and feeling that should be the one that died instead of Kurt, and in those three days, she can still hear Kurt scream and face before he died every time she go asleep.

Till this very moment, Mystique can still hear the sound of Kurt dying faintly in her ears.

But even then, she did not let that hold her down, right now, she only cares about one thing, and that is bringing the murderer of Kurt to justice, even though she is considering killing him the moment she has a chance to.

The following person sitting on the plane right now is a male who is probably in his teen; he has some glasses that look like a visor blocking his eyes, while he has short dark brown hair.

He is none other than Scott Summer, AKA Cyclops, the brother of Alex Summer, who Ryu also brutally killed in the fight.

Scott still remembers why he joins in the first X-men place; it is because of his brother's recommendation, saying how they can help him with his power and help him tey did.

Before, he couldn't even control his power. Still, now, with the help of Professor X and Hank or Beast, they were able to give him the glasses that helped with his uncontrollable power and were able to develop a visor that can help him use his power more effectively.

When his brother Alex got called to help the professor and other X-men in a mission, he could not help but get excited at the prospect of joining the X-men and assisting other people in the mission and rescuing other people.

Scott Summer wants to become a hero that helps other people.

But then it happened, when the X-men team returned from the mission, there was nothing short but tragedy, one of his friends Kurt had been killed, and his brother also had been killed.

What's worst, there is nothing left of them, not even the body, both from his brother and Kurt.

The news undeniably saddened Scott, but at the same time, he felt furious, and he wanted nothing more than to kill the person who killed his brother; that is why he volunteered for this mission in the first place.

Scott's eye drifted toward the last person on the plane, Jean Grey. She seems to be sitting there calmly, but to anyone who knows her, she is outraged and wants nothing more than to kill the thirteen-year-old child named Ryunosuke Akutagawa.

She knows she failed the first time because she had no idea about his power and underestimated him because he was a child, but now, it is different; the moment she saw him, she would immediately go for the killed, no questions asked.

She doesn't care what other people would think; she had failed to protect other people and let people she cared about die in front of her, so now, she only has one resolved, and that is to kill Ryu.

The tension in the place is relatively high, and the stress is ready to be burst any moment.

"Let's just hope that nothing bad gonna happen in this mission." Hank said quietly.

~Back at the castle~

If people would stand near the castle right now, they could hear the sound of a monstrous scream of an unknown being and the sound of flesh being cut apart and blood splatter around the wall.

The fight between the monster and Ryu is still going on. Ryu thought this was going to be a simple fight, but clearly, he was wrong; not only that this monster is strong and fast, but it also has an extreme regeneration power and other variety of powers that help itself from getting killed by Ryu.

Every time Ryu cut some part of its body off, it would simply grow back in a matter of seconds which irritated Ryu to no end.

Right now, they are fighting outside the room, and now, they are fighting along the hallway with Mary watching from afar with pen and paper in her hands, writing down the result of her creation, not caring about the fact that Ryu is fighting it right now.

Well, technically, she still cares about something, and that is...

"Oi, be careful there; with all these blood splatters around, this will be a pain the ass to clean off when it's over, so can you at least have some class and fight more cleanly?" Mary asks while observing the battle while taking note of it.

Which Ryu appropriately responds with...

"Shut the fuck up!! I don't care about your damn castle!!" Ryu snapped, feeling very annoyed with his situation right now.

"Langauge. A brat like should not be swearing like that"

"Fuck off!!"